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Everything posted by Paddy

  1. Paddy

    2023 ten pence

    I picked up the first 2022 5p I've seen in change today, so maybe some of the post 2020 change is making it out at last.
  2. Paddy


    I wonder why? 😁
  3. Paddy


    Wow, some lovely pieces there! I would love to know more about the badges and medals, particularly the 3 medals, top row, all looking fairly similar and one with the purple ribbon?
  4. Paddy


    I don't know if I speak for others, but I would love to see your medals! Like many others here, I pick them up occasionally when there are no affordable coins I need available and I find their designs and history very interesting,
  5. That is fairly common with the new 50% silver issues. I'm sure someone with more metallurgical knowledge can explain why, but it is not a fake or unusual.
  6. Paddy

    William I Penny, 1074-1077

    Wow, that's brilliant! Thank you. I will make notes on the ticket.
  7. Paddy

    William I Penny, 1074-1077

    Henry II Tealby coins are much more difficult to pick up in decent condition. I have this one, loosely identified as S1341 or S1342, moneyer and mint uncertain. If anyone can enlighten me further it would be much appreciated:
  8. Paddy

    William I Penny, 1074-1077

    Yes, I have quite a decent Henry II Short cross too, and I believe Northampton mint, which makes it a bit more unusual:
  9. Paddy

    William I Penny, 1074-1077

    Well yes, I have this one. Different designs. S1251 "Bonnet type" minted in London, moneyer sadly not visible. Large fragment.
  10. Paddy

    plebis token

    I believe that is an Evasion halfpenny rather than a token, and a pretty scarce one at that! It is listed in the Wither's Token book, Volume One, in the list of Evasions as Number 7 of 450. No die varieties are indicated, but with these unofficial (bordering on illegal) evasion issues, quality control would not have been their first concern and so numerous minor die variations are likely. I hope that helps.
  11. I suspect this is where you got the obverse 3f attribution: https://aboutfarthings.co.uk/catalogue/uk-farthings/victoria-1838-1901/victoria-young-head-1838-1859/1858-farthing/ That is the most comprehensive online resource on farthings that I am aware of. At the bottom of the page you will see he has 17 different combinations of varieties! However they all have a single Peck number. Farthings seem less sought after than Pennies and so the varieties are more of an interest than a serious collecting area for most. Because of this I don't think anyone has the data to assign scarcity measures to each variety. The About Farthings is not currently being maintained and so some pages are disrupted and the whole site may disappear one day.
  12. I saw some concerns about low activity on the forum, so I thought I would post this link to my Hammered collection to give people something to talk about. I have gathered these over the last 25 years, with the original intention of one decent coin for each monarch from the Wessex Saxons to the introduction of milled coins. There are some duplicates and associated material in the folder. Any comments, discussions or corrections are welcome! Hammered Paddy
  13. Paddy


    I am also a social media refusenik, so forums like this are my natural habitat. Although I do collect GB bronze and copper, I also like all the GB silver and some older foreign pieces too. Like @Sylvester I found the bias towards bronze and copper pennies a little disappointing. There are some great experts in all areas on here, but we need to encourage them to continue showing up occasionally or the forum will die. I think also, some posters here are a bit aggressive with their criticism if they disagree with a poster's viewpoint, which simply drives them away. Of course we can disagree, but it needs to be kept non-personal.
  14. This article today from the BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9dyw4g0v1po They describe it as Norman, though nearly half the coins are Harold II. With there being 2500 of them, I think I am glad a museum has bought them to keep together. That lot coming onto the open market would kill the value of Harold II and William I coins!
  15. Paddy

    2023 ten pence

    I suspect most of the circulation coins minted are still sat at the RM awaiting demand.
  16. Paddy

    2023 ten pence

    No, not seen any 2023 ten pence yet. In fact all I have is one 50p and £1. The privy mark appears on the BU and proof coins behind the kings head to distinguish these from circulation coins. Perversely this is making the coins without privy marks much scarcer. I see @Sylvester has beaten me to the response, but I'll post this anyway!
  17. Paddy

    My Halfpenny varieties site

    Arrrgh! That is awful! Any idea of the cause?
  18. Paddy

    I’m new to collecting

    Good advice from @jelida and welcome to the forum. Another source of relatively cheap coins is local auctions. You can often buy box loads for only a few pounds. There probably won't be anything valuable in there, but it willl give you experience in sorting, identifying and grading coins. I find sorting through a large pile of coins strangely rewarding, even if there is little in there of much interest.
  19. Paddy

    eBay’s new “Buyer Protection” 😳

    I gave up selling on Ebay 7 years ago and nothing here encourages me to return! Buying is also a rare occurrence as there is so much fraud and fakery to deal with.
  20. Paddy

    Coppers / misc

    The only thing against it being a shove ha'penny is that usually the reverse was ground off, not the obverse.
  21. Paddy

    Coppers / misc

    Looks to be a halfpenny ground down on one side to play shove ha'penny.
  22. Paddy

    James I beyond North & ‘Spink’?

    I can't help you with the texts beyond those you have mentioned, but just for interest here is my James I sixpence. It holds my space for that monarch as the best bust I have had, even though the edge is rather irregular. I believe S2670, 1623, MM Lis:
  23. Paddy

    Gold Coins...Guinea's & Sovereigns....etc

    I am surprised the 1810 third Guinea has garnered so many likes - it looks too rough for me! I like this Victoria 1872 Sovereign much more. I bought it originally during my dealing days and sold it straight on to a friend. A few years later, he needed cash and offered it back to me at the original price. Gold had gone up substantially in the meantime, so I gave him more but I think it was still a good deal and I have kept it since then.
  24. Paddy

    Gold Coins...Guinea's & Sovereigns....etc

    It would be interesting to see what you have. I don't really collect gold, although I have a few odds and ends. I know from my market days many "guineas" brought to me were actually 19th century gaming tokens in brass, loosely imitating the by then defunct guinea coins. The only pre-sovereign British gold coin I have is this third guinea from 1810:
  25. Paddy

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I would guess AI generated.