Cheers for the replies guys, its been very much appreciated and a nice insight! I may let myself become varied and wide when the kids are all grown up, but as of yet my wife has not begun the nagging or the bank looking too shabby, kids and family come first etc etc! I have made a decision and decided to keep the 1953-1980 folder as is as I only need one coin to complete the set and will as time goes by upgrade the cupro-nickel coins to EF/Unc, but as the pre 1953 folders is a little slap dash apart from the pennies I will be concentrating on the pennies from 1797 onwards but concentrate on years and major varieties (Heaton/Kings Norton mint and the other few major varieties but not down to the little differences which should help the wallet a little!! I will be trying to buy better grades as I will be concentrating on one denomination which will also help in the grading of coins when looking online! That was another steep learning curve one which stills stumps me on occasion! With the pennies, Third Reich, USA and the case for the randoms with some Roman coins and other randoms I think that should keep me out of trouble and busy enough! Again thanks for the replies and the insight it has been most helpful, now I am currently on a ban for buying (OK maybe not a complete one! ) until I can sell the stuff I am not keeping and finish cataloging everything else! Something else I didnt think was important when I began collecting! ! Regards