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Unidentified Variety
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Certainly looks genuine to me.
  2. Yes, very nasty copy. I also routinely report any fakes, replicas etc. to eBay when spotted as I did with this one.
  3. Hello Chris, The op Half Crown was one of mine that sold on eBay recently and here is the link to the completed listing - hopefully the link works. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1836-William-IIII-Milled-Silver-Half-Crown-EF-/351800123448? Incidentally like yourself, I have dealt with Martin on many occasions over the years without any problems at all. Obviously I can only speak from my own experience but he has always been completely open and honest with me and has always been a pleasure to deal with. Phil
  4. A/UNC from the photo's I would say
  5. Most definitely - one of the most obvious examples I have seen.
  6. G/EF certainly and perhaps A/UNC in my opinion
  7. You are most welcome Mike, no trouble at all. Best wishes, Phil
  8. 1841 in EF/UNC - £5250 / £8750 1840 UNC - £2500 1843 UNC - £4000 1849 small date UNC - £2750 1875 UNC - £1100 1876 UNC - £1150 1879 UNC - £1150 1882 UNC £1150
  9. Personally I don't think its too lenient - of course grading can be very subjective but I think this book does an excellent job overall and is a must have for any new collector. I still refer to in now and then myself and it is the only book on grading I ever recommend to anyone who asks for my advice.
  10. I would have put it at EF myself for the same reasons as ozjohn
  11. That is very sad. It was the Check Your Change books that kindled my interest in coins during the the late 1960's - perhaps like many other collectors of a similar age to myself. It was recommended to my me by my uncle, also a life long collector, and who indeed still is at the age of 92. Sadly I no longer have the books.
  12. Phil

    Help With Shilling

    Hi all, I wondered if anyone can help me identify this Charles 1st shilling - this is outside my normal area so any help much appreciated.
  13. Phil

    Help With Shilling

    Thank you - most helpful
  14. Phil

    Help With Shilling

    Thank you - much appreciated. Would that be Spink 2799? How would you grade this - I thought AVF?
  15. Hi all, This is my first post on here and I would value an opinion on this Young Head Do you think this is a five over three - or some other error? Many thanks in advance
  16. Thanks all for taking the time to have another look and reply. In the cold light of day (and after the initial wishful thinking subsided) but most importantly having read your replies I must agree with you that this is not a 5/3. Possibly as Rob said, it could be a 4 and true, I have come across many unlisted overstrikes through my decades of collecting as I am sure many of us have and I don't try to seek a premium for such examples when I come to sell them on. I think I will sell this one on as an 1845 with the mention of possible unlisted overstrike. Question answered - thanks again for all your input - it is very much appreciated.
  17. Hi Again, Well I have given this a gentle clean with soapy water & soft toothbrush. I think I have managed to remove the crud from around the date. Under various loupes it does look like the remains of an underlying digit but I have also done my best to present a clearer scan this time which I think shows this detail more clearly. I welcome any comments Thanks again
  18. Thanks all, I will give the coin a careful clean as suggested and see if I can get a clearer scan - I will upload when I have done this