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  1. Ok Guys the 1889 straits settlements 50 cent is fake too. After a lot of tralala i got him to refund me my money without sending it back. For some reason though he did not refund me the 1763. I escalated the case to ebay talked with a really nice rep and informed them about everything that has been going on. Man after all this i am having a headache....
  2. Ill help you out nick. This translation literally cracked me up... i had to lough real bad and i woke up my wife.... Imagine that.... she was like... Hun !!! Go to sleep already !!! What i was saying was This butt slapper can roll down my hunchback.... haha I will get in contact with an ebay supervisor in the morning. I have enough evidence to get rid of that guy for good (hopefully) This is unbelievable for years this guy has been ripping off poor collectors for a lot of money. Who knows how many accounts he has.... Very intelligent lad sells here and there periodically on various accounts his fake coins to elegantly get by undetected. looks like he made some mistakes We will see
  3. es ist 4 uhr in der frueh hier und ich bin rasend. Mit der hilfe von ein paar budweiser.... hahah
  4. Ach dieser popo klatscher kann mir doch den buckel runter rutschen. Ich werde sobalt der morgen anbricht mit einem supervisor in kontakt treten. Ich hab genug beweise um den kerl wahrscheinlich von der bildflaeche zu fegen (hoffentlich). Das ist unerhoert seit jahren hat der ahnungslose sammler um einen haufen geld betrogen. Wer weiss wie viele accounts der hat...... Ganz kluger bursche verkauft hier und da periodisch auf verschiedenen accounts seine fakes um elegant nicht endeckt zu werden. Naja schaut so aus als ob er ein paar fehler gemacht hat. Wir werden ja sehen...
  5. although... since the user is registered on ebay canada but his actual physical location is in beijing.... If he has a fake address and the return tracking does not show delivery it could get complicated. I have to clear this up with ebay.....
  6. Send them back Yeah opened a case already actually 30 minutes after i received my package today. I think the seller is going to waste my time and not respond.. so i have to wait for ebay to decide and take action. I am confident about getting my money.... learned a lot today....
  7. I also believe that the ebay user laura_5268 is the same person behind these fakes
  8. Hi everyone. Just wanted to share this Just got a package today. Purchased 2 coins off from ebay a 1763 shilling and a 1889 straits settlements 50 cent I pretty much spend the whole day researching because everything about this is fishy. Here are some high resolution pictures of both specimen. Sorry for them being rotated you have to save them and rotate in the windows image viewer. http://imageshack.us/a/img89/8387/dscf2163lxc.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img705/3880/dscf2160ub.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img341/1037/dscf2165k.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img441/1071/dscf2164k.jpg these coins have been purchased from the user meloyqictp6 registered with an ebay canada account new member as of now and when i came across his 2 listings i thought i will give it a shot. They dont look to bad.... Well when the seller mailed out the items i checked the tracking and the package came from beijing china. Alarm flags rising !!!! I asked him why and his explanation was that his son is there and sells his coins for him. Ok i just got my package today... and it just does not seem right. So i did some research on ebay itself and found 2 other ebay accounts of which i am certain that the same person is behind them One is forsev2009 he sold the 1889 50 cents from straight settlement about one month before i bought it and looking at the sold history this guy sold numerous copies of coins for relative high dollar amount also this person is registered since 2009 which is scary.... due to the fact that he probably ripped of a lot of people. Some negative feedback also indicate counterfeit currency being sold from this account. the other account is keviwlan also registered on ebay canada he sold the 1763 shilling this one ha. ITS THE EXACT SAME COIN IN THE PICTURE THAT I RECEIVED.... and it was sold on Apr 22, 2013 16:28:23 PDT i bought mine on May 09, 2013 07:30:08 PDT I must say these 2 coins are pretty damn good fakes i think they would fool a lot of people. If i had bought these from a ''reputable'' source i probably would not even question at least for a while until its too late... While doing my research i found out that a lot of the coins offered for full retail online also appear to be fakes this is a very worrying fact. Anyway more facts to the coins The weight and size of both coins is right The 1763 has the straight scratch by the lip which is very very faint in this case and hard to notice but if you look closely you will see it. It appears to have been rubbed with something so surface hairlines are evident ( maybe to make it harder to certify because judging by the details if the coin has no surface wear then well its obvious that it is a fake) i also think it has been slightly polished and then artificially retoned. It appears to be made out of silver its color is dull. For the lack of detail on some spots i did not see any rubbing points which normally would be present. The reverse star glow light thing around the cross in the center is weakly struck which is common with the fakes. The edge reeding does not fully connect to each corner side of the rim And the most evident fact about this specimen is that observed under strong light it shows a cartwheel effect which for a milled coin is impossible to have It was obviously DIE STRUCK !!!! Now lets go over to the 1889 50 cents from the straits settlement. THAT is a hard one. I think that if i would mail it in to NGC it might actually pass as genuine i am not sure about PCGS since they are conservative but oh well... Ok same as with the other specimen rubbed with surface hairlines slight luster still present with cartwheel, The edge reeding does not fully connect to each corner side of the rim and is irregular in its spacing. The details on the obverse are pretty good but no rubbing points are present. On the reverse identifying this one as a fake is easier. The beading appears to be too weakly struck. There is this weird tie like shaped ''scratch'' indention on the right side next to the 50 clearly visible Supposedly the CENTS on the reverse should be more to the left. Fakes have the CENTS more to the right On some fakes the 50 is placed higher but in this case matches with the original And that is pretty much it. I would like to hear your opinion on these as well One thing that bothers me are the contact marks on both specimen it actually looks like these where in circulation before or did they even fake this ?? I hope with this post i could help someone when deciding to buy these kind of coins