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Darth Sith Lord

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About Darth Sith Lord

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  1. Interesting. I appriecate your reply. Just out of interest where did you see the other example?
  2. Hi Gents. Was just if anyone could tell me much about this piece? Anyone know its value? Many thanks!
  3. Thanks for the help! So its seldom seen on the market? Interesting. Its a neat piece. I think I will keep it.
  4. Hi Guys! Recently acquired one of these in a lot and cant find much info about it. From what I can gather from the very limited info I have found its quite rare? I must apologize as I dont have an image avaliable at the moment It is one of these - http://www.omnicoin.com/coin/903123 Anyone know its approximate Value?
  5. Darth Sith Lord

    Ebay advice.

    Hi appreciate the swift reply. Edited the spelling errors. Thats my dyslexia! Pretty much in the right categories too I think
  6. Darth Sith Lord

    Ebay advice.

    Hi Guys. Just wondering if I could ask your advice? Several of my ebay items seem to sell for a £1 recently and the majority to the same person. Have you any tips to help encourage others to bid? http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/gj-coins/m.html?item=201373034902&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Are my listings/descriptions fair? Compared to many of you guys guys I only sell base coins but still many are worth a little more than £1. Looks like a great community here
  7. Darth Sith Lord

    Help/Advice need

    Not sure were you live but might be worth taking to a coin fair and letting a few of the dealers have a look in hand. Very hard to tell from the pictures and i feel it must of been removed ,but would be made up for you if not . Will take it to a local dealer and get his oponion. Fingers crossed. It would be quite a find if it proves to be real!
  8. Darth Sith Lord

    Help/Advice need

    Hi. Thanks for the replies guys. Here is an extreme close up of the date area. Hope this helps confirm wether it really is the genuine article or not Thank you
  9. Hello Gents. Recently acquired this George VI Penny which as you can see appears to be undated. Cant say I have seen anything like this before and it does strike me as a little unusual particularly for this type of penny. Could anyone help shed some light as to is rarity and subsequent value? Thanks in advice
  10. Hi there Guys. Mainly a foreign coin collector but picked up this interesting British Penny recently Anybody seen anything like this before? Cant find any mention on the internet. Gary