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Unidentified Variety
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Everything posted by tracyaw

  1. "What, even uglier than post-1937 penny reverses?" I quite like them. In fact the 1937, 38, 39 have the nicest 3 out of all the pennies
  2. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    A 1922 Trident 'dot' on ebay listed for the price £1,669.99 Is this a realistic price? I am quite bemused http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1922-Trident-DOT-George-V-Penny-from-Great-Britain-GEF-Excessively-Rare-/281153067012?pt=US_World_Coins&hash=item4176075804
  3. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    OK Peter, you can have it for what Coinery paid for that damn fine open 3 the other day Thanks Coinery, I am learning so much too, and it's fun
  4. I went through 12 1898, and after potographing and messing about with them in photoshop, I found two, (and yes hard work, but after a while it sort of clicks, the 11 teeth does look slightly wider) so must be quite common. I can't stand the Widow head pennies either the ugliest British penny IMO.
  5. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    Thanks Peckris and Rob. I meant reverse, yes Hmm, the no mintage 1924, 25, and low mintage of 1926 makes sense.
  6. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    Ah thanks Declan, so it is down to the survey data findings.
  7. tracyaw

    1875 Penny

    The 3 on the right looks almost like a five at one angle, I think I could spot that one, and yes the open 3 is quite distinctive.. Thank for the comparisons Declan
  8. I read in Chris Perkins book to see the rotographic section for more info on this variety, can't find anything there. I have a 1875 with a small date, and one with a wide larger date, neither have an H. Is there a link to these varieties? Thanks
  9. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    I have looked at all 3 images above and cannot see any real difference where the thumbs are placed, so I doubt I could spot it that way, but I could probably spot one through the rim difference. I would have thought the lower trident is the most obvious. A couple of other things about the 1922, how can an earlier penny have a future penny obverse. And why does that dot on the trident comand such a high value? Many coins have flaws and dots and other minor oddities and they have no value. Lets take the Gouby X as another example,the a I in Brittt points to a tooth, and it becomes a major find and valuable, but a 4 in a 1944 is points to a tooth and is of no interest. Is it because the ones that have a value have been catalogued by experts? Thanks in advance for light thrown on these questions
  10. According to Spink's book, this variety has a top dot colon flaw after D at the end of the legend. I wonder why he makes this obversation when the flaw is also found on Obverse 2? As varieties can get very complicated I am sure it should be noted (or not noted at all) as the flaw is present in both varieties, and not present in both varieties. I think I shall trust to Freeman from now on, and have just ordered his book.
  11. I know this is not a variety or carries a value, but I am curious as to how this got this way. Something about it makes me think it has been cut intentionally:
  12. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    I'll post a pic, and see if its the famed one: Get your kit ready Dave
  13. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    I'll buy it off you for a £1.00 Coinery
  14. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    Thank goodness. Anyway, I have spotted (probably a million miles off) low trident prong 1922. I don't want to post a link incase anyone has their eye on it, but if you do want a link please let me know.
  15. tracyaw

    1875 Penny

    Sorry its photobucket. I thought I had three, but it's two, as I bought one on ebay I thought was a penny, and it was half penny, it is habit I am going to have break. Bought a 1862 half penny yesterday I thought was a Obverse 2 Penny. Anyway, the bottom was is a very black coin and does not photo well. But I have noticed looking at it through a loupe that the bottom tail is broken and hangs at an odd angle. http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p328/rebelesque/1863.jpg
  16. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    So, your real ebay name is: fotirips67ku
  17. tracyaw

    1875 Penny

    Here are many sad efforts, but I am just beginning I hope to improve them considerably in the future, as I did not buy them they came froma relative:
  18. tracyaw

    1875 Penny

    Oops no it's still there. That's a nice bun head. The only one I have in a possibly EF is a 1891, have a couple of 1863, and 1862 in VF but nothing special.
  19. tracyaw

    1875 Penny

    I did see it, but just looked now and it has gone
  20. tracyaw

    1875 Penny

    Thanks RELC35. Mine is the same, but nowhere near in the grading. If there was a naff grading mine would be it!
  21. Here is the one I found in my coins, unfortunately in poor condition:
  22. Thank you RLC35, I was going to give the coins I had no use for to an artist friend of mine who uses them in his artwork, but after reading on here about the 1945 double, recut 9, I re-checked them and found one, out of about ten 1945's I found one, so they must be pretty common
  23. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    It will make my day if it is not an open 3 but this the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370880652862?ssPageName=STRK:MEDWX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1435.l2649
  24. tracyaw

    Another Odd One

    By the way, did any of you chaps beat me to that passable open 3 on ebay earlier? (it looked to me like an open 3, I could be wrong) I had my eye on that, it had no bidders, so made a high bid, forgot about it and it went to one other bidder.