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About WilliamIII

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  • Birthday September 15

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  • Location
    Montréal, Québec, Canada
  • Interests
    Farthings, halfpennies and pennies 1953 and before

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  1. Wow! I love what I read! It is my first coin in the 18th century with lustre and I paid half of what you are telling me... Thank you very much, it's appreciated!
  2. Thank you and is there any value for higher grade?
  3. Hello! I bought this Conder token, a 1793 Sherborne halfpenny, but I don't know if it's rare or not. I don't know also its Dalton & Hamer number. I would like to know if someone here has a scale with the condition and value to give me an idea. Looks like UNC or so.Thank you very much!!
  4. WilliamIII

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Canada hehe!! I just bought the Spink 2011, a lot of reading and updating in the next days (my last book about British coins dated 1997) Have fun! William
  5. WilliamIII

    Conder Token

    Thank you everyone! I have not very difficulty to identify my coins, it's more a matter of value... I found an incirculated one recently, so I want to know if I am rich! I will look through your links, which seem very interesting.
  6. Hi! Is there anybody who knows a web site about the value of Conder Tokens? I have some to classify and I don't find very much stuff on Internet. Thank you! William
  7. Thanks all for your opinions about the coin, I will do a little star on the holder and I will keep it safe!
  8. Hi everyone! I bought a 1735 farthing today and noticed that the first A in "Britannia" had a longer leg than usual. Is this a variety that I did not know or only an error? Also, on the observe, above George II head, there is a little metal deposit, I think. It is in relief like the legend. Am I right? Thanks for the help! William
  9. WilliamIII

    £20 Silver Coin For £20

    Yes, we have this kind of coin (20$ for 20$), but they are very small... Yours is a lot more interesting!
  10. WilliamIII

    Wish And Trade Lists Of Williamiii

    Here is an update of everything. Also, if some of you collect Canadian coins, I could have what you want! -Missing Farthing: 1910 1904 1899 1892 1887 1883 1880 1876H 1875 1873 1868 1867 1865 5/2 1864 1863 1859 1857 1856 1855 1854 1852 1851 1850 1849 1846 1845 1844 1842 1841 1840 trident w/ 2 points 1838 1836 1835 Coinage 1830 1829 1828 1823 1821 1807 And almost everything under 1799 -Missing Halfpennies 1909 1895 1881 1878 1878 Wide date 1874 narrow date 1874 1871 1869 1865 1861 Halp (?) 1860 big version (!) 1859 1858 1857 1856 1852 1851 1848 1847 1845 1844 1843 1840 1839 1838 1825 1774 and before (almost everything) -Missing pennies 1951 1950 1882 1879 Narrow date 1877 Narrow date 1875H 1860 coinage 1859 1858 WW 1857 Plain trident 1857 ornamental trident 1856 1855 1851 1849 1848 1847 1846 close : 1846 far : 1845 1844 1843 no : 1843 1841 no : 1841 1837 1834 1827 1825 What I can trade, I can send you picture if you want: -Four pence 1838 1844 holed 1854 holed -Three pence 1876 1884 1886 1890 1895 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 pucked 1912 1914 1916 1917 1918 1920 1921 1922 1925 1931 1932 -Brown three pence 1937 1941 1943 1944 W/ originla luster 1945 1952 -Six pence 1900 1916 Ghost effect 1918 Ghost effect 1920 1921 1928 1929 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935 1937 1939 1942 1943 1944 1947 1948 1949 1951 1953 -One shilling 1923 poor 1928 1936 1941 holed 1944 1947 1948 1949 1950 1953 (2 models) -Two Shillings 1949 -Florin 1921 -Half crown 1921 1923 1947 1950
  11. WilliamIII

    Wish And Trade Lists Of Williamiii

    Hahaha!!! Maybe one day I will be billionaire, but not for now! The reason why I ask for any grades, it's because British coins are hard to find where I live. A trip in London is one of my projects! Sure I look for the best grades available if you have nice stuff!
  12. Thank you for the information. I knew it was hammered but I never thought of the pressure... And for the grade, I will wait for other's opinion, but Fine is the average grade I found on some pictures on the Net. Thanks!
  13. Hi! I have a question about my 1573 sixpence. It has a double-date like you can see on this picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/100491455@N07/9549473696/in/set-72157635145624698 I want to know if it is frequent for that year/type. I searched on the net for another double-dated sixpence but I didn't find anyone. Also, I would like to know if you can help me grading my new half penny. This is my first with all these details and I am a little bit lost http://www.flickr.com/photos/100491455@N07/9546682515/in/set-72157635145624698/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/100491455@N07/9546681423/in/set-72157635145624698/ Thank you very much!
  14. WilliamIII

    Wish And Trade Lists Of Williamiii

    Thanks scott for the 1895YH, but I got one last week! Here is an update of my missing farthings. The rest is still the same (1/2d; 1d and what I offer) Thank you! -Missing Farthing: 1910 1904 1899 1892 1887 1883 1880 1876H 1875 1873 1868 1867 1865 5/2 1864 1863 1859 1857 1856 1855 1854 1852 1851 1850 1849 1846 1845 1844 1842 1841 1840 trident w/ 2 points 1838 1836 1835 Coinage 1830 1829 1828 1823 1821 1807 And almost everything under 1799