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Everything posted by alma

  1. Sorry,should have been I not T.
  2. T have an 1869 clipped penny.Clear date only.Was clipping common in those days?
  3. alma

    1695 halfpenny wanted

    I need just a clear date to complete a run,Anyone help,please?
  4. alma

    Looking For British Pennys

    Cant do photos.Have a few varieties that I know of i.e Freeman 14 -1860,but only bought it as there was a space in the album for it.Not really interested in them as it gets too complicated.How many 1860 varieties are there?????,then there are the dots,wide/narrow dates,highs and lows,x over y.etc.
  5. alma

    Looking For British Pennys

    I worked in a Bank for nearly 38 years and as I had no hobbies,decided on coin collecting.The price of Edward silver was out,and so I decided on Bun pennies,which were easy to find in the tills in those days.Bought a decent album(a little worse for wear now)and off to go.My collection is quite nice.I would like to upgrade the rarer ones,but now as a pensioner,can't afford it.At the moment I am going for(clear dates)a run of half pennies from 1696 to 1807.Have brought a few youngsters into the game over the years,starting them off with my early coins.My friends think me a little mad when I show them a penny which I bought for £260.Maybe one day I'll win the Euro Lottery then off to go again.
  6. alma

    Looking For British Pennys

    I have been a Bun Penny collector for 30 years or more.Those I mentioned were from 3rd & 4th sets which I thought would be of help to our Canadian friend to help start him off,but I must say I was suprised at your valuation of the three modern ones.I tend to undergrade if I sell as there are a lot of people,especially young ones,starting on the hobby and its nice to help out.I paid £15 for the common set many years ago,and obviously allowing for "buying and selling" prices,am not as up to date as I thought.Thank you for your comments.
  7. alma

    Looking For British Pennys

    Thank you.I will hold on to them.
  8. alma

    Looking For British Pennys

    I would have thought the 1950,51 and 53 would have sold for more than that.For others looking for these dates,can you tell me where they can be bought for the price you quoted for all I have to sell?
  9. alma

    Looking For British Pennys

    I have 2 folders from 1902-1947(1902-1929 & 1926-1967).These include the H and KN,1950,1951 and 1953.The conditions vary from fine to unc.The unc being the latter years.The 50,51 & 53 are all about EF.The folders are not immaculate but in one piece.I also have the folder 1881-1902.Conditions vary from clear date to EF.I have no idea of the total value of these and appreciate that without photos it would be difficult to give one,but if any of you honorable gents can give me an idea,I would be more than pleased and sell them on to our Canadian friend.
  10. Have been collecting pennies for more than 20 years,in particular those between 1860 and 1894,but at one time I had them all from 1797 to 1960,including 1827,1849 and 1856 including some overdates.The rare dates I sold to concentrate on EF to Unc on the 1860 to 1894.My friends thought me mad when I paid nearly £300 for the F14 (1860).I purchased an 1860 copper penny with clear date about a month ago.I have the set of bronze threepennies in GF to Unc and also a few odds and ends.Still always on the look out for a bargain.
  11. I am looking for an 1861 penny with Wyon on the Obverse only.Not sure of Freeman number.Price depending on condition.The one I have is Fair only.Can any one help,please.
  12. Many thanks for the postings received regarding the purchase of an 1849 penny which I required to complete the set of pennies.I am still looking for an 1860 Freeman 14 penny in just a clear date condition.Anyone that has one,or knows of one,possibly at auction,please let me know.
  13. Thank you but I am afraid I cant afford that much.
  14. I am still looking for an 1860 lcw below foot penny, from fine to possibly v.f. Anyone interested in selling?