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Everything posted by Garrett

  1. Thanks for the information guys ! Very interesting, you're right Vicky, my obverse is quite nice but the lions have suffered.... Nicholas, do you like George V British coins ? As a youngster I never bothered seeing as we had our own coinage from 1910, but since coming back to collecting I found I like post 1910 British coins, especially George V. cheers Garrett.
  2. Garrett

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Was doing some research on my new 1918 florin. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/GB-1921-Florin-Two-Shillings-EF-/161227241126 I think mine is much better than EF !!!!! :P
  3. Hi everyone Noble auction 104 catalogue is up if anyone interested. http://www.noble.com.au/auctions/search/?sale=104 cheers Garrett
  4. Garrett

    Newbie Seeking Advice

    Welcome DemonLee ! I am interested in a bit of everything pre-decimal (not so much gold but may get a gold coin or two down the track). When I was a young lad there were still Aussie pre-decimal coins about (we went decimal in '66, I was born in '69) and a few of the older family members had small collections which got me interested. Prior to 1910-20 Australia used English coins as far back to early milled so English pre-decimal collecting was just a natural progression.
  5. Oh my what a gorgeous photo of a gorgeous penny ! Mine, mine , gimme !!
  6. Received the new Downies auction catalogue in the mail this morning. Probably not too much that will excite the crew here but there is a really nice looking 1746 Lima half-crown purportedly UNC with 'attractive golden toning'. Looks nice enough in the picture but the toning looks more like coffee stains. The example I bought in my youth is only VF, but I am not out to upgrade at the moment. Also, wouldn't mind having a side wager that this coin sails well above estimate (750 AUD + commission). I am guessing the online catalogue will be available soon. Cheers Garrett.
  7. Garrett

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Whoever sent that away to be slabbed has got to be darn well pleased.....
  8. Garrett

    First Purchase Update

    Nice coin Rich ! Be a little wary of the prices you see in a single book though. When I am researching a potential new purchase I compare books (both Spink and CCGB if modern milled), past results at auction sites (London coins, Noble), and other dealers where possible. cheers Garrett.
  9. Garrett

    Recent aquisitions

    I like the Argentinian coin. Nice.
  10. All I did with my iphone was open the attachment from hotmail and the rest happened automatically. Good luck getting it sorted !
  11. Garrett

    Recent aquisitions

    Very early for a copper ! When did France start with copper coins ?
  12. Garrett

    1908 Florin

    Yes I like the E7 Florin and the Britannia on the reverse too. My example was acquired when I was a kid, is well worn, and the last digit in the date is indistinguishable. Will have to upgrade soon !! (I've only recently come back to collecting after a long break)
  13. Just had a look for some information about the man behind the collection. Looks like this fellow is one of the greats of our hobby. Others (beginners) may also be interested in these links, Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_P._Newman Gallery of some coins - http://www.ngccoin.com/gallery/newman.aspx cheers Garrett.
  14. Yes nice tokens David ! Not much into tokens, but wouldn't mind those in my collection at all. Do you have any other coin dealer tokens ?
  15. Thanks everyone ! Coinery - no I was not able to find any information either on the net or in Spink about these being faked (thank goodness), I just get a bit over-cautious ! Rob - that is a magnificent site and I have immediately bookmarked it ! It's nice how the provenance is given for some coins as far back as a hundred years. We are only caretakers of our coins in a way I guess.....
  16. ha ha - I hit post and I remembered hearing about some others. Let's just say, complete as far as Spink is concerned The others can wait. Probably a long, long time. having said that, if you have any of the others feel free to show us !
  17. My new acquisition for January and she's gorgeous ! It's a 1714 farthing, from looking at London coins and the like I make it to be a Peck 741. Looked at it a while before buying as it was a touch expensive. Also was concerned for a while about the damaged letting as it reminded me of the Northumberland Shilling fakes, but the letter oddities appear on other farthings I found on the net. Britannia's face is interesting too, but it appears like that on a lot of these farthings from what I could find on the net. Wikipedia says that Isaac Newton was in charge of the mint when these were produced. My set of Anne coppers is now complete
  18. Garrett

    1908 Florin

    Yes welcome ! I have the 'Grading British Coins' book on my iPhone and I very much like it. Does Derek's book go back further than 1797 ?
  19. Very interesting ! That would be a hell of a mark up though
  20. Thanks for the link Paulus ! Load of information there.
  21. Yes good effort ! Nice coin too ! I want to start photographing soon too and interested in any info on gear/ techniques.
  22. Garrett

    E1 Martlet Shilling Sold!

    Would you want to sell him the first coin now ? Do you have a choice if he pays ? I'd be worried about it going 'missing' in the mail or some other misadventure....
  23. As far as circulation coins go I really like the Edwardian florin Britannia. I like the first reverse of the George IV farthing too (as a whole). But any Britannia where her face doesn't look too male will do. cheers Garrett.