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Everything posted by Garrett

  1. Garrett

    Overdate Question 1737, 3 Over 5.

    Thanks for the information everyone, great stuff !!
  2. Hi everyone I bought a 1737 3 over 5 overdate in the latest Noble auction. I know a little about overdates, e.g. if a 1857 die gets used the next year (1858) the 8 will be over the remains of the 7. How does a 1737, 3 over 5 come about ? Did the person cutting the die make a mistake with the 5 then put the 3 over it ? Can anyone enlighten me ? cheers Garrett.
  3. Garrett

    Merry Christmas

    Hope everyone had/having a great Christmas !! I made it through and am now up early to get everything done that needs doing before the Boxing Day test !
  4. Hi everyone Another quick question. I've read that a lot of the crowns e.g. the gothic crown and crowns after 1902 were commemorative and not issued for circulation. Given that I've seen some of these crowns in grades lower than EF does that indicate that they did see circulation, even though they might not have been issued as such ? Thanks for any info ! Just interested that's all.... cheers Garrett.
  5. Garrett

    Question Re: 1787 Silver Issues.

    Yep, me too. Interesting discussion and thanks to everyone for taking the time to answer. Makes sense now. cheers Garrett.
  6. Garrett

    Question Re: Commemorative Crowns.

    Thanks very much for the replies and great information everyone. Much appreciated !
  7. Garrett

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Make sure to give negative feedback !
  8. Re: Varieties Maybe eventually there will be two versions of the book, with many more of the varieties into the e-book version. I carry a library in my top pocket, and it doesn't really matter if some of the books in it have a thousand pages. cheers Garrett.
  9. Will let the experts grade it (as I dont have the coin grading book yet) but it's a beautiful coin and I would love to upgrade to something like that !!
  10. Fantastic thanks very much Chris what great customer service ! The book looks great on the iPhone. I just tapped your email attachment to download and opened it up in iBooks (a little program that looks like a book shelf, and keep all your books together). I have flicked through the first few dozen pages (it's 400+ pages on the iPhone) and all looks good. Will have a better look later on (at work now). cheers and thanks again ! Garrett.
  11. I just paid through Paypal for the e-pub version but Safari "could not open" the download link. Do you mind if I forward the receipt later (just on the train to work now) and get it emailed ? Cheers Garrett
  12. Garrett


    I have a target of how much I am planning to spend on coins in the coming year. As for the coins themselves because my collection is not large and I have a broad area of interest I can just pick off whatever becomes available at a decent price to fill gaps. cheers Garrett.
  13. Garrett

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    collection of what ? I'm stunned too ! ha ha
  14. Garrett


    Interesting topic (and nice coin by the way !) I would like a wide cross section of coins across monarchs and denominations. I've noticed that a lot of collectors here are much more specialised, i.e. pennies, sixpences, Charles I etc. Perhaps at some stage when my collection gets larger I too will decide I like a narrower field (like copper pennies of Victoria, they are very nice). Did any of you guys start out with a broad collecting interest, that subsequently narrowed ? cheers Garrett.
  15. Lovely penny! I tought VF+ too and when I went to the book section to have a look at the bun heads on the cover of Grading British Coins I found I could get a PDF copy of England's Striking History for less than the cost of the postage on a hard copy. My lucky day.
  16. Garrett

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Ah okay thanks very much for that ! I understand now. Yes all good fun and extremely interesting ! Thanks again !
  17. Garrett

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    BUT..................its pewter http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171194365394?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D171194365394%26_rdc%3D1 Okay forgive me for asking a beginner question but how can you tell it is pewter ? ...from the color ? ...casting bubbles (I can't seem to zoom in on the photo's for some reason) ? ... looks markedly different when compared to photo's of a genuine coin ? ...some other way ? cheers for any information !
  18. Hi gang Can't seem to find the thread now, but a couple of days ago a couple of members were talking about a 1797 penny at an Australian site. If you are interested in George III coins, and surfing an Australian website, always check out the 'Proclamation Coins' section as well as any GB section. In the early days of settlement, there was a problem with coins leaving the colony. One of the governors (King from memory) issued a proclamation revaluing certain coins at above face to try to retain them within the colony. George III coins are in this group. I think I know what website was being referred to the other day (Status International), and noticed there was a specimen or two in the proclamation coin section. Anyway, most may probably know this.... So carry on !!! Cheers Garrett.
  19. Wow - that is one pretty penny, which will sell for a pretty penny too. Be interesting to see how much it goes for !
  20. Garrett


    Thanks !
  21. Garrett


    Oops sorry might be getting off topic here. I have nothing intelligent to say about crowns. PS - I can't edit my posts ! When do I get to be 'one of the boys' ha ha haha
  22. Garrett


    Yes let us know if it works !! I know where there is a lovely George II copper I could buy which has a bit of the green stuff on it.
  23. Garrett

    Dnw Today

    Okay thanks Jaggy. I just remembered I took two days to settle my account as I thought I might have had a daily limit on my card so they are probably processing them in order. cheers Garrett.
  24. Garrett

    Dnw Today

    On a similar note, does anyone know how long it normally takes for shipments to appear in your account. I settled my account about 11pm Thursday night UK time and no shipments yet appear in my account. I am not complaining as I guess it takes a while to get the shipments underway, but has anyone yet noticed shipments appearing on their account ? cheers Garrett.
  25. Garrett

    Dnw Today

    Hi Pokal ! I received my invoice super-fast. To clarify, I did not receive an email, I checked the my Account section of the website. Not sure about the website, in a rush. Try a different browser first, second suggestion clear browser cache or restart your computer. cheers Garrett.