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Everything posted by josie

  1. josie

    Happy B'day TomGoodheart

    Happy birthday TomGoodHeart.
  2. josie


    Just posting for future reference. http://www.designnews.com/article/911-Ultr...ultraclean_.php Also seen in the past that a silver cup or silver colored cup was dent and restored to near its original shape,cant remember what they used just seen liquid or water and it ripples and it takes times to get to near original shape.
  3. josie


    Just posting. Seen some report in the past that a japanese inventor discovered that a certain sound wave have an effect on clothes in removing dirt in washing machine. Maybe it is either that a dirt react in certain soundwave and vibrate or detached to the clothes,since the minute or little the dirt the harder it will be remove. I dont know about coins if the dirt is a mixture of different metal and dirt.
  4. josie

    Anglo-Saxon Hoard Found

    Just seen some episode in BBC news I thought it was already a program documentary, there are some videos seen in BBC after ive searched there sight and the net, it happens that the link above found first they are all interconnected from wiki to other site. Nice gem stones garnet,other are tracing metal by there composition also in gems where they originate. seen in the web that several times that they are recycling precious metals for use of others. Seen also in spink book that there are lots of mints in mercia and gold is mostly used and somewhat an introduction of lesser denomination sceattas on that time. Most of the hoard is gold they must be wealthy even in time of celts they are already mints in britannia them and they recycle it from time to time. other coastal area are also wealthy on that time because of trade,maybe it depends on who reign in there time.
  5. josie

    Anglo-Saxon Hoard Found

    Just posting. http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video...21&y=Search
  6. Just seen on telle,on on the news maybe bbc or other channel all I can remember is that,I saw a microscope and then it flash. I think the news it is about new and upcoming technology. Did search in the web its application is to mostly cell and deseases. Seen common searches is USB MC. http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&q=mi...mp;aq=f&oq= http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&q=mi...mp;aq=f&oq=
  7. Just posting. Seen in the news that there is a microscope with a camera. It will be super supra collector of varieties,for photo.
  8. josie

    Internet football.

    Just posting. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8403462.stm Very high tech.maybe they can used the LED of the remote as a mouse for built in internet.
  9. josie

    Internet football.

    Not into football or computer. It is possible to hook the internet video audio to the digital Tele?
  10. josie

    Anglo-Saxon Hoard Found

    Good timeline,Good history. From anglo-saxon history,from picts in scotland in the north,from celts in ireland in the west,from gaul in mainland europe,from byzantine-roman empire in italy,on that time. From ceazar to nero in first century,from first century christian they are many during the time of nero. From a gaul saint. Just wondering what is the translation or the original words or language use in the time a barn called saul.
  11. josie

    Anglo-Saxon Hoard Found

    Just posting. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8275357.stm http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/trail/conques...oins_offa.shtml Will just wait and see. Others will write an article about it or made a documentary about those time and its boundary timeline,how they live thier structure of thier society,and influece of thier ruler,and how far there power reached.
  12. http://www.angdatingdaan.org/segments/seg_auth_1.htm From tribute penny. To pun,pot,potter,pfienig,penny,sterling. Melt seven times so that they will be like silver pure. Not lacking in wieght. Worthy to mark. Man from the east,sterling purity of silver penny.
  13. Good thread. Just posting. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/demonetised http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonetization#Demonetisation
  14. josie

    Symbolism in currency.

    A post. http://blogs.static.mentalfloss.com/blogs/...ives/32057.html
  15. http://rmhh.co.uk/blackpool.html What is the date in 1532 and 1555 when it was inudated? Any other part in the west have same thing happen in 1500? What is the cause? Seen a documentary trying to know the cause of a flooding, in some part of the west, I think its cornwall or somewhere else the cause is still unknown. previous coast of the midwest of GB was several miles out in the sea during the time of H8 that there was a dock, but later abandoned. Seen also about rouge wave documentary (wolfram and other expert),also a 7 bull run a smaller version of china that is an annual event in wales I think, Seen also the documentary about jet stream that affect GB weather. Seen also a british physicist that predict the weather from the formation of the earth if it is nearest to the sun and moon and the state of sun that he predict one year advance. Also seen a documentary how sand moves and how mud moves that they are different.
  16. Thanks for the info. I will remember that.
  17. Nice collection. Others are much darker in color maybe those date that are near to hypo dated coin.
  18. I also thought it was something else. Like all other old coin blackened silver and brozed.
  19. Thanks for the info peckris. I thought that dust and dirt settled in the coin and latter result is the coin is somewhat blackened. Yes peckris you are right once that toned or layer is removed the bare metal pinkish color will appear.
  20. Ive seen some of GB coin like that also in Ireland predecimal brozed.
  21. Nice link the detail of the hair just below the helmet joint and the hair at the back of the neck is detailed I think.
  22. josie

    Celtic Coin Identification

    Just posting. http://www.celticcoins.ca/coin.php http://web.arch.ox.ac.uk/coins/ccindex.htm http://worldcoincatalog.com/AC/C1/CelticKi...ticKingdoms.htm http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/celtic/i.html