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Everything posted by josie

  1. Its just a normal coin or occurance in this year or coin? could sent it to you to examine it if you like, still sorting my worn 1967 penny downwards,
  2. Is all 1826 farthings numeral are in line with each other and is their a dot before B on britannia or is this just a result in circulation or is thier is record of dot before Britannia? How many varieties in this date? found the others in colins site Thank you.
  3. Its in the image gallery will edit the album in future.
  4. Just a normal one and worn, I thouht their is something maybe a uneven corrosion only, dont know if thier is colon after fid in reverse its also worn
  5. Thanks try to upload it tommorow evening. B in britannia is quite worn and the left leg of X in REX is also worn other letters are not. so I dont expect things for its quite hard to look for varieties,well most of my coins are in good grade few in fine condition
  6. Thank you BCC. Ive tried to edit it earlier, after I discovered the title from my post,I cant change it, hope others can change it to 1864 thank you in advance.
  7. Its all in image gallery both obverse and reverse what is the grade .
  8. No picture maybe next week Is this a fluke or their is one recorded?
  9. To big the file upload to the image gallery other angle will follow. http://www.predecimal.com/forum//index.php...&cmd=si&img=340
  10. Thank you custard. Ive already have taken picture of the coin from, the naked eye looks like a dot but on camera its triangular in shape tried to load on one of the internet but no success I cant transfer it to the computer,mine will be out for a long while maybe Ill try tomorow on the other shop when they open on monday.
  11. Hope this will help not much. http://www.sacollectables.com/cmha/volume3.../instrument.htm http://www.workhouses.org.uk/index.html?SA/SA.shtml They did became self sustaining on those days just an opinion, maybe hussulo is right a commemoartive token since they started and commemorate the day its a start of work maybe a start of wages token.
  12. josie


  13. josie

    Another hello !

  14. For me this is a bad summer if the autum is gloomy and the winter is dark just do the best.
  15. josie

    1854 Victorian Penny

    Tricky Im comparing the R in britanniar and R in reg where the two are not normal R. Good coin and picture.
  16. josie

    1854 Victorian Penny

    Is that BEG or REG in the reverse?
  17. josie

    1854 Victorian Penny

    Very nice coin partly filled 5?
  18. Welcome MRCOINJR Goodhealth to all of your family.
  19. WELCOME Till next time.
  20. Other variety in lincoln cents are listed in world coin book reference almost peppered of die and variety, but after a thread about modern high grade variety on lincoln cents on other forum and expert and author (aka coopercoins)of die and varieties he mentioned that they have different finds almost all dates but attribution and certification on duoble die takes time before it have to be listed in world reference but listed in specialized books. For me it something to do with tha sample coin and to attached a die most of them will have a die crack or a minor error two finds to distinguished from the rest that may also go to examining the die it self in the mint just a comment ,for other mint officials are quite hard to locate and approach as seen in other thread in this forum. That may goes to other world coins and how they do it or how to make it faster, I guess it may fall down to great minds of experts as a whole to write a note of something in writting that they fully back it up and accapted by the numismatic or coin collecting, that they have a records of sale just an opinion among others. But in europe coincollecting is a hobby that even dealers have day jobs just an opinion, unlike in the US that they have major slab company who have the machinery to funds for research or maybe go to the mint itself and examine the die itself, that may help listing it to world reference and exposure to other world collectors. That may also apply to GB coin slab in GB but I have more question on them. Im Still learning.
  21. josie

    A 10p In Change

    There are lot of documentaries shown in BBC sometimes I do watched them. About how they represent for me is fair for even some bitter accounts are shown to the public,but I guess some information are kept for their are other matters will effect the other individual that is still leaving as other history in other countries that are archive records and slowly release in public in thier own choosen time.
  22. josie

    IMPORTANT, about downtime.

    Thanks I will post my other fine grade coins in their with same picture shown in other variety books
  23. josie

    IMPORTANT, about downtime.

    Thanks chris
  24. josie

    IMPORTANT, about downtime.

    There are some imges in image galley that is gone mostly the latest addition.
  25. I dont know but thier are many GB expert base in GB and US that a variety may be accepted by collectors because it is published in a specialized book (thanks to PREDECIMAL forum and CCGB among one) but for me thier is other variety listed in other book that need accrediation or attribution,on how the process work still a mystery to me. Im thinking that thier is a process of steps from one book to another to one country to worldwide accreditation from general to specialized or vise versa,about the slab company especially in the US is for me somewhat a shortcut dont know because of the records they are holding and various sample of coin they examine or thier experience, regarding GB coins that a lot of question follow on how the company do it and I think they have a consultant and affiliates,GB coin expert base in US on who are them, I dont know who authenticate the GB coins when their is a variety is slab. (This thread is much better for me for the company base in US are replying in the forum and other staff or person linked in the US mint are gathering info on various forum if my memory served me right unlike other mint official in the world can hardly seen thier shadow,what a job in those mint that they can gather public funds by means of reaching out to forum base and does not wish to or answer other things that readers ask.) And when question arise like this one it is much better if GB expert dealers base in GB and US forward as a whole or one so that it will be a consensus for the betterment of identification, like as a comment in the past even GB coin collectors most of them dont like company. If GB expert dealers as a whole says no and a certain company says yes (Im not saying the PCGS giants or other major company) who the collectors will believe or accept. Or GB variety is surfacing in the mainstream and needs much more attention or exposure just a opinion.