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Everything posted by josie

  1. josie


    What is the grade of this coin and it ha a verdegris its okay to cleaned it soak i mineral oil. is this a normal 1962 penny? What is the grade of this coin.its okay to soak it in mineral water verdegris on it, Bought it one euro no harm on cleaning it.
  2. josie

    Igor the Hedgehog

    Seen some documentary others are saving then and thier counterpart is killing the hegdehog in same place, cant recall which country is that.
  3. Good cycle of conversation mostly balance in all sides. Wonder how they the company arrived to that conclusion? Hope they the company will give light to it.
  4. Yes by mass production. But their is a window to explore and discover if variety exist,I did go to coinshop to look for uncirculated to know the detail on the joint holding the visor and the helmet and hair inside the helmet some are more detailed than other cant find a variety listed in 1964 to 1967 listed considering their bulk of mintage. Just looking to other date that has no variety listed yet. That other die may overlap from one date or another or other die is used. Thanks custard.
  5. Thank you RLC. I will just watch the oil among others, keeping a wake if ever it happens.
  6. Yes RLC you are right. Just wondering why the convertion of US dollar against other currency is going up like the GBP 2:1 and the Phil. peso a developing counrty is 46 peso to one dollar and in the past reached as high as 54 pesos to one US dollar. Is there is somethng in US economy is happening that I dont undertand or it is all about the US deficit or something like oil or other products or their debt.
  7. Thank you Scott. Very clever the gold going in full circle, in and out in the mint but the bulk of gold stays or lock up in safe place and somewhat maintain the value of circulating money and the gold is reserve if economic melt down for the international money organisation just and opinion Countries with no gold that will be the problem for them.
  8. infantry men 2d/1/2=4 loaves of bread ratio 4/1 army sergeant or minimum wage earner 80 pounds/.50=160 ratio 160/1 very well off today. the increasing value of gold and maybe silver today is for me alarming. If the US money is lossing its value for me it will have an effect especially in developing country. For me its not the value of gold but the question on the value of US money upto a point they will liquidate all their gold in their mint to somewhat maintain their economy. Any additional info why US dollar is going down.does it will have an effect in world economy and in the economy in EU and ASIA even some countries have high value against US dollar. Are we heading in 14c with all inflation or it just a matter of time?
  9. EU gold coin is more like a bullion price unlike the phenomena in US gold coin and price of gold is rising now.
  10. josie

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I saw one like that in ebay in the past. there is also one van with coins all over it in the US.
  11. josie

    Good website

    Thanks for the good site hussulo.
  12. I dont know here is the link with picture and we will wait from the expert. http://www.coinarchives.com/w/results.php?...&search=britain
  13. Thanks James Im not good in grading didnt know how to spot cleaned and whizzed coin sometimes I buy coins in better grade but not good on my pocket. Well copper coins is much better than bronzed series for me much thicker, quite short series from cartwheel to 1860.
  14. just bougth this today looks cleaned some grease on the side what is the grade bought it 17 euro.
  15. Well GB expert in this forum are here to answer inquiry regarding GB coins and its free information.
  16. josie


    I will start with very worn almost basal the lad in carbooth gave it to me.
  17. THANK YOU BAC (Bronzed And Copper). That is very good information.
  18. Any chance that their is an identifier besides the no H 1882 on the coin to look for so that others may know that it is a no H variety? Any test or probe use in coin that it is really a no H variety to scan or something like what they do in 1860 penny is copper or bronze?
  19. josie


    Good to hear that hussulo. I already did post some GB site in other forum that include your upcoming site well most of the coin that will posted in your site is in high grade and own by expert, since most of the coins I have is low grade I can post them here the better or high grade will be mostly end up in your site own by expert. At low grade Ive started to have easily complete the series and varieties in low grade. http://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12961
  20. josie


    You post it, and let the expert grade it so the we can learn from them along side with other novice or amateur.
  21. Picture will help a lot for the sovereign expert have to see the coin in pictures, also they will grade it by themselves.
  22. WELCOME How did you acquire the coin? Will wait for the expert.
  23. Dont know if it is a ding that made the two 00 look small but the other two zero are looks large or it is normal like others.
  24. In case for future reference both are 1996 5 pence.
  25. About the closed P is it a variety by production of coins in 1996 1995 is open and 1998 is closed? But saw both on 1996 closed and open. Any additional info.