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Everything posted by josie

  1. Good find. Another info of UKGB mint and minting,I think there are loads of coins mint by UKGB for other country nice info.
  2. Just posting. http://www.royalmint.com/Corporate/policies/legal_tender_guidelines.aspx I dont know what is the legal tender before 1971. Crown is still legal tender then but not use in circulation but an agreement that the silver penny will stay so all silver and gold coin are still legal tender,but not use in circulation just there denomination in low metal and in banknote,just a comment,UKGB can change its coinage and currency as they choose with all its history till present,just an opinion.
  3. josie

    Celtic Coin Identification

    Just posting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals#Fractions There are some celtic coins with raised dot on copper or bronze the Y shape with both raised dot on both side.
  4. josie

    Test Token?

    Good info. A metal disc for equivalent room,letter,zoning in a mint building for security.
  5. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Other thread has information from Royal Mint that the token posted in THAT thread was from there.... This item was post mint Thank you BCC. What mint this worn coin came from?
  6. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Post mint thats clear. What it looks like when it first came out in the mint or what coin,token,denomination it is? Didnt read the other thread,it didnt came from royal mint. It may came from somewhere else.
  7. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Good date. 1879 loads of legislation in Canada and US in UKGB and its colony,banknotes back by gold standard,they can change the penny in silver or increase the wieght of a penny or make a new denomination, but they continue withsame penny broze,broze penny will be in higher value 1879 but they cannot change the penny its the measure they use in all other denomination dont know, if wages increase that time,and they cannot control how much one country importing and exporting on that time,at least they didnt overprint thier banknote in par with there silver and gold bullion reserve,maybe they have a measure on how much banknote they will print then,just a comment.
  8. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Just a comment. Also 1879 year die number ended in sixpence and florin. There are some site about rejected silver coins surrender on US rejected because they are under weight,other coin not one cent or not one penny? they do not denominatize the coin only worn coin or underweight coin in 1879,in 1880 coin are not in par in weight for goods,denominatize in coin weight to goods weight ratio.
  9. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    All the best RLC35. I even posted it in filipinonumismatic about the history of penny,Bhramic letter B for ma same in celtic coin a bull,piloncitos.
  10. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Just posting. The wieght and coinage 1878, 1879 Weight and Measure Act. http://www.bsswebsite.me.uk/A%20Short%20History%20of/coins.html http://atojs.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/atojs?a=d&d=AJHR1879-I. Just a comment.
  11. josie

    Test Token?

    If you can find one with the W replaced by a C, P or S, then your answer lies near your feet. Just inform us BCC what is the reply of tne mint. W weight C, coin cents P penny pence S shilling,star,sol,sun? L ladies lad men Libra unit of weight. Just a comment.
  12. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    It could be anything its a reverse die it might come from master die or anything else. The wieght is more than 5 farthing, 39.9-40/24 It could be anything,just worth a try. http://www.convert-me.com/en/convert/weight Nice date 1879 penny weight ovoirdoipos wool to silver,recycled worn coin fo payment,just a comment. Just posting.
  13. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Just show us the result of your inquiry. Strange token the legend is incomplete and backwards,there some token that adding there number result to a sum or a number,maybe 9 or 6 3,81,18,9 or 6 You can rotate it from 90 to 360 degrees. Just a comment
  14. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    It could be anything its a reverse die it might come from master die or anything else. The wieght is more than 5 farthing, 39.9-40/24 It could be anything,just worth a try. http://www.convert-me.com/en/convert/weight Just posting.
  15. josie

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Maybe its a coin weight denomination. The thing I can see is. 1/100 1cent 1/100 1 dollar 1/100 100 dallars 1/100 10,000 dollars 1/124 1 Penny 1/240 1 Pound 1/240 240 pounds. by 15.8 g rom 9.4 or 9.5 maybe by its multiple it could reach 1000 dollars dont know what is the color of the seal,maybe red from black from black penny to red to green to hypo to pink,just a comment.
  16. Yes the debt is the weight or mass of it its greater to all,unless someone will bail them out in low interst of 1% to the whole duration of the payment. It like a question what is great a peeny or a pound before it got into a pound it came from penny in a measure before it got to other reserved or bond. The smallest is the complete representation of the biggest like poincare only in coins,just a comment. It all came from measure one is in sceata 1/12 0.83g or 12 grains or 16 grains of .05 grams per grain 1/15 .05g to 1g 1/20 /0.0645, 1/24 0.065g Lowest silver will not exceed the next denomination in weight with few grams allowance that the highest silver will not exceed the wiegth of the lowest gold coin or denomination,weight counterweight,mass,piedfort,that two denomination of coin seperate will not exceed a coin twice its weight or a piedfort or multiple of it in the next denomination,its just like that a two bull will carry more weight than a two bull pulling a weight seperate http://www.prairieoxdrovers.com/moreinfo.html just a comment. 1/100 .01 gram,grain denomination 1/240 sceata could be a payment fo a day or a month on those time the highest silver is also equivalent to gold. It would take 240 hours to make a living. Give what is due to eah other. The greatest is the smallest The smallest is the greatest
  17. Yes the debt is the weight or mass of it its greater to all,unless someone will bail them out in low interst of 1% to the whole duration of the payment. It like a question what is great a peeny or a pound before it got into a pound it came from penny in a measure before it got to other reserved or bond. The smallest is the complete representation of the biggest like poincare only in coins,just a comment. It all came from measure one is in sceata 1/15 .05g to 1g 1/20 /0.0645, 1/24 0.065g 1/100 .01 gram,grain denomination 1/240 sceata could be a payment fo a day or a month on those time the highest silver is also equivalent to gold. It would take 240 hours to make a living. Give what is due to eah other. The greatest is the smallest The smallest is the greatest
  18. The british can made thier own social site. google and british historian did make a site that cater for historical search engine. And british did release manuscrit in the web. And there are some programs that show the reenacment of past battles and war in britain and there is a 3d software that british capturing what its like in the past in clothes to archeticture sometimes using them to make a model of a building, And there is a google ancient map. In other countries there are loads of computer or web cafe that cater to costumer moslty teenager or highschool for games,if they want to play just like other social site on its added feature addition of historical facts is better playing but also learning. And they do keep upgade there computer just to make it more effective or faster Just a comment.
  19. Josie, I'm not an economist but this much I do know : For inflation to occur, there must be underlying trends - the most common one is an expanding money supply outstripping manufacture. Also, it can be caused by over-spending governments, interest rate changes, etc etc. For example, the increase in petrol prices is causing price inflation which continues for month after month. Then there was the increase in VAT, which will cause inflation for a few months until things shake down (i.e. an increase of 2.5% on all items that are VAT rated). Now let's look at decimalisation. The change affected prices at the level of less than 50 pence (remember - the 50p was introduced in 1969 and was a straight swap for the old 10/- banknote). Below that level, prices in whole shillings converted EXACTLY to their decimal equivalent. the ONLY opportunity shopkeepers had to artificially inflate prices was where - at the level of less than one shilling - the old money did not convert exactly to New Pence. Most shopkeepers would certainly have rounded prices up to the nearest 1/2p. We therefore had trivial price inflation at the level of a few coppers, for one month only. While this was going on, the Heath Government was busy bailing out Rolls Royce and other British companies, failing to control the money supply, giving in to wage demands, etc; shortly after this there was a big Middle East conflict affecting the cost of oil all over the world, plus in this country, a miners' strike, a 3-day week, huge cuts in productivity, etc. Now, how can anyone claim that decimalisation caused any significant inflation? It was one straw in the haystack of inflationary conditions that co-existed at the time. It was an urban myth that spread at the time, was something that 'ordinary people' could pin the blame on readily, but had no basis in reality. For the reply Peckris I Owe You (IOU). Yes decimalization had basis on reality,just a comment. And its inflation from the start,inflation to denomination. There is inflation due to disease,epedeimic or pandemic less work less profit less product inflation,problem on foods drought and floods and other natural disaster,war or if the goverment is in chaos or peril that the money is in question. We will never know what kind of inlation if the UKGB go ahead with predicimal denominatio how far or worst the inflation will be in predecimal coinage. At least some other coins in predecimal coin is made of silver can melt it as bullion,but with coinage of lower metal base with out silver to check its metal content. How do we know or gauge the the inflation they will carry to the people is just or on how many penny or pence they will increase is just. Ive heard a old joke the transportation fare is high because the wheel is flat and the the gas in the gas tank is expensive and the driver body ache beacuse the wheel is flat thats why the fare is high. Seller can pump whatever they like to the price they want only the people will notice if they are already having a hard time from day to day living. If all go broke where they will get athe money,and what interest they will put going down to the ordinary people. And where all those money came from? From the people. In new 50 pence I didnt know that it is from 10 banknote,that is a very good info. New 50 pence from people to store to bank to goverment,and the old 10 banknote people to store to bank to goverment its a legal tender. So we can use new 50 pence to pay a national debt?Or just use the silver penny or maundy? With all todays currency and denomination what currency and denomination will they use for a measure of several denomination in several tons with out silver and gold and lower metal. From greek to roman to sol to sceata to real to strong peso to pound to dollar Whats next? At least other past denomination is in good metal content of grain of silver for a day, 24.
  20. There is a write up about a number of people know someone. Its something to do with an equation of some mathematician dont know if he is british.
  21. Just posting,just a comment just a opinion. For now,the decimalization did caused inflation. Dont know what is the old argument. All I know is other currencies goes up and down. 1/100 centum,the US should made a coin on DD 2.40 dollar to 1 pound. Not banknotes of 1 dollar. 1/100 will just make 1 in 1/100 50 pounds and make a measure of 100 of it to make a new 1/100 is that inflation? and make only six denomination out of it. How they will increase the prices by one or two denomination only or rounding up prices,it is much more higher if they only have few denomination on a measure, 1/2400 with lots of denomination it is obvoius to see inflation. They can have several tons of measure from the weight and mass of donkey to several tons in elephant. The smallest measure they will use is in grain or denomination of uncia. And I will have my payday in every 10 days and monthy pay for 30 or 40 days and bonuses on 10th month,and only 10 month in a year decimalization. There are 12 hours in night and day 24 in total just like the standard grain 24. 24 or 20 grains per day payment in 1.29,1.30,1.56 gram of pure silver. From seeding to harvesting to feeding livestokcs to wieghing them. To its equivalent in denomination with all of its metal from lowest to highest.
  22. Just posting. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/virginiapolitics/2011/01/delegate_proposes_virginia_min.html
  23. Just posting. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/at-least-10-states-have-introduced-gold-coins-as-currency-bills.php
  24. Just posting. http://www.delarue.com/ http://www.insidermedia.com/insider/south-east/44927-oberthur-renews-bid-buy-de-la-rue/ http://www.oberthurcs.com/