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About lordshill1867

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  1. lordshill1867


    Hi Stuntman I have tried to upload an image but it seems my images are too large!! I have an 1824 AEF in my humble opinion and 1825 CGS60 shilling remaining and 20 shillings from 1887-1892 - all BSC varieties and a few other date position varieties besides. If we are able to get in touch I can send you images of them all but I appreciate putting emails on the site is to be avoided Regards
  2. Hello I have a very extensive collection of shillings - from 1816-1970 which I am now selling or willing to exchange for halfpennies. Please contact me if interested, with any specific coins wanted and I will be happy to supply images Regards
  3. Hello I am starting a new collection of halfpennies from Charles II to date after spending many years collecting shillings. I would like to get in contact with anyone interested in exchanging information on this subject
  4. I am trying to find copies of Coin Monthly for March 1978 - Volume 12 - No 5 and October 1978 - Volume 12 This is in connection with Halfpenny varieties of Elizabeth II Can anyone help please
  5. Hi Rob Thanks for the reply. At the moment I don't know in which month or the year the articles were written or even how many there were. All I know is that Ron Stafford wrote this series. Is it possible for you to look at the issues you have? I would be happy to look through them myself if you are not too far away if that were a possibility - I live near Southampton. Regards John
  6. Hello I am trying to get hold of a series of articles on Victorian die number shillings published in Coin Monthly in the late 70's early 80's written by Ron Stafford. If there is any one out there who might be able to help I would be extremely grateful. Thank you
  7. lordshill1867

    1867 Shilling Die 5A

    Thanks for this - clearly I am very naive when it comes to computers but I thought the world was full of nice people
  8. lordshill1867

    1867 Shilling Die 5A

    Also as regards London Coins - they recently sold an 1867 Die18 shilling which they also described as Dies 5A - it is clearly Dies 4B!!! I did email them but they have not responded!!
  9. lordshill1867

    1867 Shilling Die 5A

    Many thanks for this - just to add - I also have a die 23 which is the "normal" 4A so clearly die 23 has a mixture of the two - 4A and 5A
  10. lordshill1867

    1867 Shilling Die 5A

    My email address is - johncoldandcommon@btinternet.com
  11. lordshill1867

    1867 Shilling Die 5A

    Yes - I do have pictures but the file is too large to upload on this site - if you let me have your email address I would be very happy to send them to you. As far as correspondence is concerned - no, I have not spoken to Peter Davies, just to another collector - I would be pleased to discuss this with him but do not have any contact details - are you able to provide these? Regards
  12. lordshill1867

    1867 Shilling Die 5A

    Sorry - forgot to add it comes from Die 23
  13. For those of you who are interested in the die numbers of Victoria shillings I can confirm I have an 1867 shilling with dies 5A. Davies shows this as unrecorded but from correspondence that I have it does seem as though this coin has been found before.
  14. Can anyone recommend a good reliable company for coin insurance?
  15. Hello Just Me Thanks very much for this and thanks to all of the others too. Could you post on this site the die numbers you know of - the 1107 - or send a copy to me - this would be wonderful information to have - I would be very happy to compensate you for the time and effort involved - PLEASE!! Regards John