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brg5658 last won the day on July 15 2019

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About brg5658

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    Minnesota, USA
  • Interests
    Numismatic photography, thematic collecting (equine numismatica), 18th Century Provincial Tokens (Conder tokens), anything related to Victoria, copper

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  1. brg5658


    Another example of an INA piece in my collection.
  2. brg5658


    And a few more...
  3. brg5658


    Sorry I am slow to this discussion. I have several of these - many from the original INA strikings that were sold in the Jul 2001 Spink sale, and other from more recent strikings in 2007 and 2008. Here are some that I have photographed. Many more than I have not imaged.
  4. Why would it bother me? No one is being forced to buy this garbage at inflated prices.
  5. Huh? Doesn't every business that makes things also make money from selling those things? Isn't that the definition of a business? Provide a service (or item) and get paid for it? If they didn't make money, why would they continue to make things? 🤔
  6. On the Gothic Crown, why so many edge knocks? I'd find a nicer one than that for that kind of money. JMO.
  7. Some truly wonderful new tokens and coins posted in this thread. I've been a bit "sparse" as of late, but I do check in from time to time. One particular note: @Paulus your photography is superb! Best, Brandon
  8. brg5658


    Photobucket has ruined most blogs and forums...it's outright criminal behaviour, but clearly "allowed" in their fine print that we all agreed to. I moved my photos onto a privately hosted site that a friend manages. I had also considered Imageshack briefly...but who knows when such a site will also hold your images for ransom.
  9. I found an example of this very common large medal about 4-5 months ago. Finally got around to photographing it. There is a good amount of lovely purple, blue, and reddish toning around the portraits -- but very hard to capture in photos. This is now a part of my ongoing (but slow) Victoria portraits collection.
  10. I like the detail! Wish I could blow that image up a bit more to see more of it!
  11. On this side of the pond (USA), the main sources are: Bill McKivor (The Copper Corner; no pictures but issues a quarterly list of offerings; planning to retire soon) Dr. Gary Sriro (garysriro on eBay; sporadic offerings on eBay; known for likely the most complete collection of Conder varieties ever collected ) Heritage auctions (occasional large collections; otherwise sporadic smaller groupings) Gary Groll (I have never purchased anything from him, because I find his asking prices to be mostly absurd) James Ricks at Atlas Numismatics (often aggressive pricing, but the occasional "deal" can be found) Ernie Latter (cwtguy on eBay; usually has a few for sale in true auctions; some BIN also) Stephen Oatway (Based in Canada; britannianumismatics on eBay; usually has a few Conders in stock) Holgate Numismatics (andiepaul03 on eBay; Largely sourced material from Heritage Auctions with price mark ups) Ancient Galleon, LLC (ancientgalleonllc on eBay; decent selection and variety)
  12. I second/third/fourth...the "hideous" comment. Absolutely dreadful.
  13. Two new farthing Conder tokens. The detail on the Perthshire is particularly cool!