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secret santa

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by secret santa

  1. secret santa

    Did I miss something?

    I'm not sure; I've called it a pattern but I've not seen it in hand so it might be a proof but it's probably unique being struck with reverse Freeman K which has the non-heraldically coloured shield.
  2. secret santa

    Did I miss something?

    This is the 1885 penny that you really want. I could kick myself for missing out on this a few years ago.
  3. secret santa

    Did I miss something?

    Just a nice coin, I think. Although not that much better than my own specimen bought for £35 in 1999.
  4. secret santa

    1797 Copper Twopence at auction

    There is a circled character (or something similar) clearly stamped on both sides.
  5. secret santa

    Gouby and Bramah

    Michael is fine - we exchanged emails last week.
  6. I would say that the rotated T is the most interesting of the 3 repairs but they all result from the same manual intervention, rather than being a considered design change.
  7. These repairs were very common in the early 1860's.
  8. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Done, with pleasure.
  9. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I'm adding the pattern pennies to my rarest penny site for completion (on a single page).
  10. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I've sent you a message.
  11. secret santa

    More Pennies

    There were only 2 parts for Bernie's sale; the other part may be the rest of the coins in the auction ?
  12. secret santa

    More Pennies

    It appears that Bernie had got his coins slabbed for the sale and interesting to compare the gradings against previous provenance, e.g. the 1863 die 2 was described as VF in the Laurie Bamford sale but had been graded as AU details-cleaned for Bernie's sale. And the F76 was EF in Laurie's sale but had improved to Unc in Bernie's sale ! As they say, grading is in the eye of the beholder.
  13. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I did exactly the same but with description and commission added as well - nice to see us nerds are alive and well !
  14. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Agree - they made a great job of the catalogue.
  15. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Total prices with commission - over £420K !
  16. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Just finished watching it. Fabulous prices but some real bargains on some rarities, e.g. F112, F90, 1863 slender 3, F27 and F76. Patterns and proofs through the roof. There was persistent brinkmanship on the bidding and the auctioneer missed bids on 3 lots when she took her eye off the screen and brought the hammer down microseconds after a new bid had flashed up. Bernie may well be in for a huge CGT bill !!! The majority of lots went to a single bidder - I'd love to know who that was.
  17. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I'm sure they'll be on the website by tomorrow, but I'll probably be noting the prices realised.
  18. I've added it as a sub-variety of reverse G. It's the first time I've updated the site for a few years.
  19. Very distinctive top of lighthouse confirms reverse g.
  20. Michael's book is on Ebay right now https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156516874402?itmmeta=01JCNQKJ3XCC0WDJV61ZQSBTBV&hash=item247121f8a2:g:t6QAAOSwvLlnNgnY&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwHoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlZl2vPDZSYJdNrdHO4ptyX27Wa4scxEN0dsIwJwzOynWOwqOsrOznmr5fAl0J9AdKZwRSogkMxpOhLP8Osp6NGGiq%2BnG8gU0C4lfmS6pOYhhXlcPzXmJoeUYm3oA5Ktgy%2BN9E2imUC6hZQ02rHsJnXSOOgblqqmLOfKWSzFCEEbhcRlW3Miwpqh7hn%2F9VSAIOxZPXPGM8X7lkt9QJM3CM6VUCyx%2FhUE9IXPpzmJ0nesg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4iizrflZA
  21. The R over R also has a die flaw from the top of the wreath to the rim.
  22. secret santa

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/226437775494?itmmeta=01JC412AHD64NT4Q9PZPE5KWC2&hash=item34b8be4086:g:~sIAAOSwQdtnKK2q&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKk%2BkBBkc3ul2x4UIcz6%2BEca4cQ9fvtdHZY%2B3af1y5VLXpKr8krKtMEPfFfk4Ya7noZxpvrEMj1%2FS2AngRyhB66EtoguWmTpUTdvXVNGU%2BWCwjYeesXqv%2F4gPyVViI3LuFoRRO6BaPNza%2B7XLdCWJRjnq6w8yg8qOvGFRY4ZLEt2pLw4Hd6GbaTUwn3xZz47IHPm0TdCf1M2EA5MGHB1tfXDJrOaoJ77rqtmSSVO9cij--0lFdiftXyXC4q6b%2FjorrgurAG3JFo2qvJW7IXzLTFt|tkp%3ABk9SR-SoiYHhZA I'm hoping he'll accept my offer of £4500.