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secret santa

Accomplished Collector
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Everything posted by secret santa

  1. secret santa

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Go on, indulge yourself.
  2. secret santa

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I've just checked and it appears that they have taken the photos either from my website or the Royal Mint Museum as it's clearly the same coin ! https://rarestpennies.wordpress.com/1933-f786-pattern/
  3. secret santa

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Hang on - isn't this one of the Lavrillier patterns ?
  4. Apologies, Jerry, for forgetting to add this but it's up now.
  5. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I emailed Steve Hill about that yesterday and it was just in time for them to correct before printing the catalogues.
  6. secret santa

    More Pennies

    This may work https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0625/5365/3473/files/Auction_XVI_-_Special_Feature_Penny_Collection_Part_I.pdf?v=1730480279
  7. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Martin, if you click on the link and bring up the PDF, there should be an icon somewhere on the top right like a downward arrow above above a "tray" - if you click on this it will download the PDF to a folder that you nominate.
  8. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Bernie's collection is now available as 2 PDFs - superb pictures. https://www.sovr.co.uk/
  9. secret santa

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    Excellent - thanks.
  10. secret santa

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    I hadn't realised that he was the same Geoff Cope that played cricket for Yorkshire & England !
  11. secret santa

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    Don't think I know that one.
  12. secret santa

    Geoffrey Cope Collection

    Which auction house ?
  13. secret santa

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    You must be exhausted.............
  14. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I think "proof-like" should be taken with a pinch of salt. The scratches look quite harsh. P.S. Victoria is on the obverse; Britannia on the reverse.
  15. secret santa

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    Hope nobody heard you taking pictures in the toilet - some incorrect assumptions may have been made !
  16. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Gouby says this variety (1898Ab) is "scarce ?" But 1898 Ba and Ca are both "rare" So, almost certainly No but I doubt that anyone has done a serious analysis.
  17. secret santa

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    There was an explosion yesterday in a Japanese car parts factory - apparently it was raining Datsun cogs.
  18. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Bernard is the father and a good friend of mine. You can view the online catalogues at Colin Cooke. https://www.colincooke.com/collections/
  19. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I have an advance notice of this and there are some fantastic penny rarities in the sale.
  20. I have made mention of this being now found on an F15 on my varieties website (without using your images). Please reassure me that you are happy for me to make reference to it.
  21. secret santa

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yes, especially as I messaged him a few days ago to tell him it's a modern replica.
  22. secret santa

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yet another seller trying it on..... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/267031963314?itmmeta=01JAE84Q7N90TDWNDGG4FNXX4A&hash=item3e2c5866b2:g:C~cAAOSwsExnESii&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKn0kJg003yHYLOxjTi%2F9VJ3XWF4rXPP7M7umpLAzY4NYWkkDPjUBV4B4oim95aa48o05mOInXxyS7KbgNzEgVmxIYLccmqN5rJbdLBIR3s3Pg19RZTDnc99%2FuspL%2BW6ISDSJO4CUJQXnD%2BvG5TAG3CFwzFbVGEgb0RM8Kx0mm%2B2K3A%2FgBlnSqQBSHGl8Rho7kqsk8%2F32TGdPzHKZqnHqTMu2cnoukWaC0q69WoQZ2bQVvC7aKK2AFmDye6tDEyTsY2HxhlqqMtWqGlVCuSndgoR|tkp%3ABk9SR_jzksjTZA
  23. I think there may be something in this because the "fatter face" becomes more obvious with wear and so the queen may have noticed in 1892 that the modified obverse was becoming distinctly less flattering with wear (see example below) and requested a reversion to the original obverse R (Freeman 12).