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secret santa

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Everything posted by secret santa

  1. While I was proof reading Michael's new update, the section on these 1898 pennies got me a little confused. To me, Terry's top example and Jerry's example seem to have a slightly different font (with a larger upper loop and possibly lower loop) for the final 8 from Terry's lower example (the "normal" 1898B) so the question is whether they are different date widths of 1898B or whether they are different types altogether, i.e. 1898B and 1898C. I am currently having this discussion with Michael.
  2. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Back to 1858 Large Rose pennies. I have added this variety to my rare penny site, choosing only to picture the small date type as they seem genuinely rare. I'd be grateful for any further pictures from members.
  3. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Absolutely - it's the love of collecting that we have in common, not necessarily the items we collect.
  4. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Not sure of the Medusa resemblance now....more like me after 3 months of lockdown.
  5. secret santa

    More Pennies

    They're all up on the website now tho' I'm missing some obverse pics. Maybe some members can help me out ?
  6. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Interesting that Jack Cooper's coin hasn't sold despite being advertised on Ebay and in other auctions - can't be that many serious copper penny collectors around.
  7. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Sounds like Hiram.
  8. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Do you have a photo of the Ebay specimen, Pete ? (or does Michael G have a photo ?)
  9. secret santa

    More Pennies

    At the moment my site only has bronze pennies - I'll have a think about including copper. Medusa's an obvious candidate.
  10. secret santa

    More Pennies

    I added the info on small/large date to the varieties website but wasn't planning to add the large rose to my rare penny site as I thought that there were way more than 13 examples. Maybe I should ?
  11. secret santa

    New book "The Decimal Penny"

    I'll pass your comments on to FRANK (!)😡
  12. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Great information, Ian, I'll add this to my varieties site in the next few days.
  13. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Maybe not a coincidence - if the right breast is the first to show wear it is because it is the highest point of the coin. If it is the highest point of the coin, then it will be the lowest (deepest) point of the die, and therefore probably the first point that any die fill will occur, resulting in a weakly struck breast. Just a thought.
  14. secret santa

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    I asked my friend to buy me a French phrase book. He bought me a book about growing strawberries. (heard on Ken Bruce this morning).
  15. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Yes, I don't know whether he's invented these "new" Freeman varieties or they were described as such when he bought them. He described his website as being designed more for "beginners" as opposed to mine which he describes as more for "experts". I'd probably use the term "pedants" 😀
  16. secret santa

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    Be patient - I only sent Michael 6 pages of comments from proof reading last Thursday so it will be a while before official updates are available.
  17. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Obverse M has 22 fewer teeth than obverse P such that there are only 5 border teeth from the upright of the R to the top of the I in VICTORIA (6 on Obverse P) and the tip of the outer tie ribbon points out rather than down. Of course, the teeth have to be still visible for this distinction but it is a striking difference.
  18. secret santa

    Goubys The British bronze penny .

    No Mike, it's an update of the 1860-1901 Victoria book. There a couple of 1 page additions/replacements for new obverses/reverses such as the new Obverse with 145 teeth, and section 3 (pages 33 to 94) has been effectively re-written to include new varieties, mostly different date widths and/or overdates. New pages have been added with a suffix. e.g Page 34A so that the total of pages will have increased by a dozen or so, but that entire section will need to replaced in the binder with the new pages.
  19. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Added - thanks for the heads up. Price seems spot on to me.
  20. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Thanks Mike and thanks also to Cliff Davies who mailed me scans of the 3 pages.
  21. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Changing the subject, I "swapped" collection websites today with Kevin Booth who has now put his impressive penny collection up onto a website and is happy that I share its URL with Forum members. it's Kevin's penny collection
  22. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Anyone got a copy ?
  23. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Yes, I'm not yet convinced.
  24. secret santa

    More Pennies

    Anyone else got a wavy 2 ? I'd like to see more examples.