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Everything posted by Nordle11

  1. Nordle11

    Helping hand

    Perhaps Rob's lovely link is being indexed by Google a lot higher than Henry wanted
  2. Nordle11

    Helping hand

    A little update for you gents - it seems this thread is causing some issues for our friend Henry and he's made a report asking for it to be taken down... I can't see any violations of the forum rules though...
  3. Indeed! I have one that I was convinced was proof, although speaking to others here the general consensus is that it's just a very nice early strike. The colours and the sheen on it are what made me look twice. Just to add that this picture doesn't capture the 'sheen' in the slightest, but it's there.
  4. Very nice, some of those aren't exactly ten a penny (pun intended) either. I didn't know you're collecting proofs though, that a beast in itself! Seldom seen and expensive as hell, that's why I steer clear but fair play to the proof collectors out there.. To be honest I'm terrible at identifying proofs, another reason for me to steer clear lol.
  5. Another tick on the list! Nice coin how many 1861 varieties have you got now?
  6. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    fair play though, he does explain it haha
  7. I don't think I could do it properly just counting, I had a blown up picture and was counting them off in chunks of 10, marking where each group was. Then count the groups. I'd definitely lose count otherwise lol.
  8. For some reason it merged your thread title with Michael's post result is the same though, I guess.
  9. Think you're being wise there My priorities cascade, depending on what's available; - Date run (An example of each year) - Varieties on individual years (purposeful design changes) - Errors (brockages/broadstrikes etc) - Widely recognised varieties (dot flaws/overstrikes - accidental design changes) - Lesser known varieties (like the 1862 'VIGTORIA' - accidental design changes) I think I've counted all the teeth on a penny only twice, that's about my limit
  10. Ain't that the truth lol. Then along comes Terry/Richard/Prax with a new variety of 1862 which we then need to add to the seemingly perpetual list
  11. Very easy to get caught up in the bun head pennies! I have my own word doc with info/pics I find throughout the years, from 1900 to 1967 is about 40 pages long, 1860 to 1862 is about 50...
  12. What's it worth now, do ya reckon?
  13. lol fair play. Be more specific Paul
  14. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    Just to note - while errors do do relatively well in LCA, the errors you're looking at are more along the lines of brockages/broadstrikes/double struck errors, they're all a little bit more exotic than these, which are just caused by part of the die breaking off during minting.
  15. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    Oh I know the postage price to Spain well, don't worry but I would assume the postage costs too of course so shouldn't matter. A good buy for £22, you'll get your money back and a little bit more. I take it you're going to consign them as a lot (all 4 together)? If you do, I can assure you you'll lose money compared to selling them individually. You're welcome to consider my offer above of £20 for just one, you're almost recouping all your costs back in one sale then
  16. Nordle11

    Love tokens

    Looks like it's a love token, could have just been Kate making a carry piece or something.
  17. Hi and welcome Gillybean. Yes looks like an H there in the first photo. You should grab yourself a loupe, it'll help to see things like this and if you're collecting coins it's always handy to have one laying around.
  18. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    If he is selling any, he won't get far, I've already asked twice and been ignored
  19. Nordle11

    Michael Freeman

    Yep. I think 30 posts gives you access to the for sale/wanted section.
  20. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    Correct, in the sense that 4 of something is worth more than 1 of something. Not in the sense that the value of each coin goes up proportionally to the known quantity, the value of each one will still remain the same, if you have 1 or 50. Maybe for other things this isn't the case, but certainly with an error coin like this. Regarding them being consecutive strikes - 1) that's not something people look for in coins 2) how you you know they're consecutive? Just because they're the same, they could be the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 10th examples that were cranked out. They would still look the same
  21. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    Surely that cannot be correct - more of something can't equate to it being rarer.. There should always be very similar errors out there of any error coin, unless the mint worker has EXTREMELY quick fingers and stops production just one error coin in (no chance). If you did want to sell one, I'd be interested
  22. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    One of my favs. In the right light you can see the whole exergue and date under the ONE on the rev.
  23. Nordle11

    Michael Freeman

    Came today, cheers Pete. A nice little keepsake to go with some other penny related bits n bobs!