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Everything posted by Nordle11

  1. Nordle11

    More Pennies

    Now it's ex -Pete Nice coins Pete
  2. Nordle11

    Hello everyone

    PS - I've changed your name to reflect your email, I don't think 'trusted dealer' is an apt handle for a brand new member, and we have a specific group for dealers that are trusted and used by the forum if you want to change it to something different please let me know.
  3. Nordle11

    Hello everyone

    Hi and welcome to the forum!
  4. Nordle11

    Helping hand

    I don't know if all can see his email, but it's 'henryrulez@....com' what's not to trust?
  5. The new Freeman is the new publication from Chris, it's an updated version, have a look here for a list of all the books that are sold by Chris (including that new Freeman) I would definitely recommend that, and the following; - Gouby (http://www.michael-coins.co.uk/) I believe you can buy them directly from him, ask him to sign it if you do - Groom (a forum member here) you can buy his book here > https://www.amazon.com/Identification-British-Century-Bronze-Varieties/dp/1409285502 and is a must if you want to seriously get into varieties, it has a lot in there that the others don't cover You can get Peck, it's a great book but most is covered in these 3 books. Depending on how far back you go, there are other publications like Jerrams' study (I forget the name) on early Victorian bronze or Bramah (but I think that's coppers only). The first 3 will get you where you want to go for now
  6. Nordle11

    Helping hand

    Wow, I thought at first it was a reporter doing some sort of sting operation and playing stupid to catch them doing something illegal. $10,000 just like that.
  7. Another gap filled - Freeman 148
  8. FYI - Chris kindly upgraded the chat, so the maximum amount of users is 20
  9. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Ah no, I just checked, and in this case it's the seller making their listings private. So to the winner, your underbid would have been private as well. Personally I don't see the need to make listings private unless you're doing something funny, but could be a genuine reason behind it. So it still could be the seller messing around on his lots.
  10. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No that sounds about right tbh. Who was the seller (if you don't mind)?
  11. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Their feedback will be private on their profile when bidding.
  12. Nordle11

    My Latest Acquisition

    May I ask what the UIN is on that, is it 29895?
  13. Nordle11

    New 5 pound note

    A bit more info http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37450223
  14. It's a die clash, quite a few of the bun heads have it in varying degrees.
  15. Nordle11

    Photographing Coins

    Thought this would be good as a sticky (it has been split from another thread). Enjoy.
  16. Nordle11

    My Latest Acquisition

    Here you go I think I'll sticky that particular post somewhere because it's bloody excellent.
  17. Nordle11

    My Latest Acquisition

    There's a really good write-up somewhere on how to take photos, written by BRG, I'll have a look around and see if I can find it.
  18. Nordle11

    My Latest Acquisition

    When you're buying coins in such top quality like these (very nice penny btw), grading is a moot point, they're choice pieces
  19. Nordle11

    New 5 pound note

    Ah but the AD's are only worth about 2.50 each, I'll give you £50 for them though, just to help you out
  20. Nordle11

    New 5 pound note

    Definitely. Unless it's 000001 or something close, I doubt they'll be of any value to anyone.
  21. Nordle11

    My Latest Acquisition

    Oooo.. suits you sir! Very nice toning on that.
  22. I didn't even come second in the one I wanted
  23. Nordle11

    problem posting

    I haven't been able to replicate it either, not at home/ work on the ipad/iphone/pc or on IE/Firefox/Chrome/Edge.. @azda @jon @PWA 1967?
  24. Could you not see any messages in the Chat? We said hi but you left
  25. So I found out that this chat feature is like a freebie, which comes with 5 users max in the chatroom. To upgrade it, it costs to download the tool.