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Everything posted by Nordle11

  1. Just the 1919 London. I wanted either Liz errors but the prices are too much IMHO. Maybe the OMS is fairish but I'm not willing to put that much on an error.
  2. Haha true. Although I haven't received a confirmation yet but on the site the one I was bidding on has been changed to 'sold for' instead of 'current bid'. Check the ones you've bid on maybe they've changed too.
  3. Well after all that, only the one for me. Congrats to all who got something they wanted.
  4. Interesting. Although it does have to be manually updated, maybe he just won't do it..
  5. Nordle11

    All about Sovereigns

    Welcome to the forum Talkenjas. We do have a for sale section here to sell items however it's locked to brand new members to prevent people signing up just to sell their wares. There is also a limit (I think around £100), so the asking price is quite a bit over the limit! For this I've edited your post a little bit. Hopefully you'll stick around and join the discussions, and by all means open a new thread with the picture again and perhaps ask for ideas on value, then you'll get a good idea of what would be a fair price before you find a buyer
  6. Nice little delivery! I especially like the 1831 p.s I cleared the double thread for you
  7. well if you do get outbid, tomorrow you will still have the chance to bid again on those lots.
  8. Nordle11

    Beginner errors

    Welcome Bob! Not much else to be said at this stage but enjoy the wealth of knowledge available here
  9. I've bought from Buckscoins before without any problems, nice people. I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them again. They offer 30 day returns too, so if in the end you're not happy then you'll be able to return it anyway.
  10. Thanks for sharing Mike. I quite like this form of auction it's been much more pleasurable checking back on current bids and when being outbid on a more expensive lot, having a look at what else can then be afforded.
  11. I think it's probably the cut-off for new bids, but bidding should carry on if you're bidding against someone and they outbid you late tonight. So for some lots the bidding will continue past tonight. At least that's how I've understood it!
  12. Nordle11


    Thanks Peter
  13. Nordle11


    @Peter do you per chance have these 3 issues knocking around? I noticed in another thread you mentioned that, and I quote, "I have a pile of CM bigger than a pair of dddddd's"
  14. Nordle11


    Ok thank you
  15. Nordle11


    Any chance you have April, June and November 1977? There's a continued survey from April-Nov and these are the ones I've not got.
  16. The joys of coin collecting
  17. The example like Steve's is quite rare. It's quite common in VF but his is quite pleasing. Still doesn't warrant the current bid IMHO. At least 2 people think it does however so it's worth what someone will pay at the end of the day.
  18. Nordle11

    2009 Blue Peter Olympic 50p

    As far as I could tell the 2009 was not for circulation but could be bought in a presentation pack, like you said, for 1.99. A BU coin is just one that is brilliantly uncirculated, it doesn't refer to whether or not it was circulating. That's why there were so few as opposed to the 2011 issue which was designed for circulation. I do agree that the 2009 issue didn't draw much attention however the 29 design series actually got a lot of people into coin collecting. I've read that they have been one of the most held onto coins, with a lot more than half being taken out of circulation by the public.
  19. Nordle11


    No problem, thanks for checking
  20. Nordle11


    I mean do you have a copy as opposed to one for sale
  21. Nordle11


    Rob do you have the Feb 1970 issue?
  22. Nordle11

    CGS "membership" Fee

    Oh the joys of her customer service skills. This is probably going to spring a second hand market of people who buy an elite membership and cater to the people who just want one or 2 coins slabbed, with their own mark-up of course.