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Everything posted by Nordle11

  1. Nordle11

    Price List

    Thanks Paul, I was looking for the coin prices though, as in some sort of comparison in the price changes CGS makes of their valuations. For example they valued a 1901 penny - CGS 80 at 50 quid in 2015, then 60 quid in 2016. For example.
  2. Nordle11

    More Pennies

    That was my F164A lol Good haul Pete.
  3. Nordle11

    More Pennies

    Jerry more or less hit the nail on the head there. I've bought from Shelly before when she first started listing all these pennies and alas the coins were cleaned, I got in touch and explained that they weren't advertised as such and she told me she didn't know if a coin was cleaned or not, and I returned them for a full refund, including postage. I wouldn't buy from her again, but in her defence the return was trouble free, albeit a bit intense.
  4. Nordle11

    Peter Nichols cabinets

    Do you have a pic Peter?
  5. Nordle11

    More Pennies

    I think it was because of the ghosting problems they had, but not 100%. There might be something in the prologue of Freeman about it? I know they darkened some farthings because at the time people were trying to pass off the newly struck ones as half-sovereigns.
  6. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    If you can tell me where anyone was discourteous I'm all ears, otherwise you came here for free advice and then didn't bother telling any of us who showed interest that you'd listed them, so yes, manners cost nothing. If you cannot take criticism, Paul, I suggest not logging on to any forum at all. Rest assured, you won't need to block my ID.
  7. Nordle11

    2009 Blue Peter Olympic 50p

    Where did you come from? Welcome to the forum, and thanks for linking Looks like they quoted @copper123
  8. Nordle11

    what I got for £3 in brum today G what a bargain

    I'm sarcastic and I have one surgestion, but it's not "spend more money on a decent coin"
  9. Nordle11


    You're welcome Steve, here's the last lot you sent me. If it's so many though, it would probably be beneficial to do some reading up on each coin, you'll learn a great deal just researching them individually. Sorry I can't help with the identification, someone will have a better idea anyway
  10. Nordle11


    Pics in question:
  11. A nice Christmas present for when you get back anyway. It does look like another S under there, but having it in hand will probably yield better results.
  12. Looks like it's just double-punched, seems to follow the same curves. Can you take a close-up of just the S?
  13. I'd agree with you there Brian, that it's a chip in the die. I wouldn't necessarily class it a variety in the sense of a design change, but as a curio that one can look out for, as you said.
  14. Nordle11

    1898 P dot E Penny

    What was the interesting thing about it?
  15. If your website has good information on coins/coin collecting, post away, free information is more than welcome. However if it's just your site where you sell coins, probably best not to.
  16. Just because it took you 3 seconds doesn't mean it's pointless Anyway, it took me 1 second to know it's not a mule so you're just wasting 2 seconds there. Which is kinda pointless.
  17. Not exactly pointless if it can be used to confirm a variety
  18. Makes sense, not sure if it's the sort of thing that you'd 'treat' as such or like you say just removed from the bad situation. yes, somebody help us please
  19. Sorry, yes it's definitely really nice! The pitting doesn't detract too much, does it spread like verdigris or is it dormant like carbon spots?
  20. I'd seen that one Mike but looks to be some pitting near the E in ONE. Can't really tell from pictures though would need to verify in hand.
  21. I can't pass up the chance to show mine off Sorry 'bout the quality
  22. Nordle11

    Spink yesterday

    No, sorry, he's right. You're insatiable
  23. Nordle11

    Pain in the a**e Indian gentleman(?)

    I really want to see this ancient golden horse cart he's always going on about, seems like it's the top prize.
  24. Nordle11

    My Latest Acquisition

    Lovely coin Mick
  25. A little bit too much glare for me, it's saturating the details of the coin so it's hard to ascertain a grade. I'd try bumping up to f11 and 1/125 or something near that to kill a little bit of the light, or move the LEDs around a bit and play with it to see how it comes out. The colour of your light might help too, I find the white hues bring out silver better. Looks like you might already have them though.. Have you seen Brandon's post on photographing coins? That helped me a lot.