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Everything posted by Nordle11

  1. Nordle11

    Auction Catalogues

    @TomGoodheart has made the full transition to lurker
  2. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    Oh I see, then just ignore me look forward to reading the write up Brian.
  3. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    Why did you post it in 'ere then? Deserves a thread of it's own, surely!
  4. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    Is it an error survey?
  5. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    I don't think it's enough metal being pulled from elsewhere, could be wrong though. Normally it's is used to describe the effect on clipped planchets, but it's pretty much the same thing.
  6. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    I basically typed the description for him too; "It would be called a 'retained rim cud', like you say it arises from problematic dies. You also have quite a clear blakesley effect, in 2 separate places. The weak areas are caused by the die pulling all that metal into the cud, causing the areas directly opposite to lose details. " Yet he decided to go with; "Reverse at 4 o’clock has a die flaw going through the “Y” & the field is raised to the level with the top of the “NY” Obverse has extra metal at 4 o’clock with a die crack going from the top of it almost to the Queens chin, & at 3 o’clock the extra metal is level with the “EG” Not sure what would cause it unless the die fractured; the weight is 9.4g & is aUNC" I feel like, what was the point in posting in the forum?
  7. Nordle11

    Useful links (members posts)

    Here you go gents. Suggestions welcome.
  8. Nordle11

    Useful Links (Consolidated)

    Ancient Coins British museum catalogue - www.britishmuseum.org/research/publications/online_research_catalogues/rrc/roman_republican_coins.aspx Ancient Coins - www.classicalcoins.com/ Reference and attribution - www.wildwinds.com/coins/index.html Auctions Archived Colin Cooke Auctions - www.colincooke.com/collections/collections.html NGC Fake slabs – www.china-mint.info/forum/index.php?topic=6858.0 Recent auction information - www.coinarchives.com Coin Dealers Coin dealers - www.bnta.net/ Coin dealers - www.numis.co.uk/ Coin Detecting Coin detecting - www.ukdfd.co.uk/ukdfddata/index.php?cat=1 Coin detecting facebook group - www.facebook.com/groups/299262453423111/ Ebay Snipe website - www.goofbay.com/free_ebay_sniper.html Guide to buying coins - www.coinsgb.com/Buying_Coins_On_Ebay.html Guide to selling - www.moneysavingexpert.com/family/selling-on-ebay Error Coins Error types - www.coinsgb.com/Error_Coins/Error_coins.html Error types (comprehensive) - www.error-ref.com/ Foreign Coins Portuguese coins – www.moedasorg.planetaclix.pt/catalogo/catindex.htm Best known French examples 1795 to 2001 - www.collection-ideale-cgb.net/sommaire.php CCB French values - www.lefranc.net/index.php US Coin values - www.us-coin-values-advisor.com/US-coin-values.html# Identification by Country - www.gcoins.net/en/catalog Identification by Country - www.coindatabase.com/coin_libras_sort_denomination.php Euro Catalogue - www.worldofcoins.eu/forum/upload/Eurocirculante%20FEB14.pdf Chinese Brass cash coins - www.calgarycoin.com/reference/china/china8.htm#hsien Mexico Libertad Gold and silver series Mintage figures - www.donbailey-mexico.com/libertad_mintages.shtml Australian Lunar Mintage Figures - www.perthmint.com.au/investment-bullion-bars-and-coins-mintages.aspx Forgeries Forgeries - www.forgerynetwork.com/Default.aspx Coin Authentication - www.coinauthentication.co.uk Pound coin forgeries - www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1230900/Heads-tails-One-1-coins-fake-Today-40-counterfeit.html Celtic fakes – www.coinsweekly.com/index.php?pid=4&id=1825 George III fakes - www.steppeulvene.com/index.george_iii.html NGC Fake holders - www.ngccoin.com/coin-grading/counterfeit-advisory/ Counterfeit Indian gold mohur - www.ngccoin.com/news/article/4163/counterfeit-India-1862-gold-mohur/ Fake Roman coins – www.dirtyoldcoins.com/Roman-Coins-Blog/ General Coin catalogue - www.amadiocoins.com Maundy money – www.aundymoney.info/ Animals on post 1900 coins - www.coinzoo.net/ Soho Mint - www.sohomint.info/ Coin Books – www.archive.org/search.php?query=coins%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts&sort=-downloads Coin Books - www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010hstenglandcoinsa.asp BNJ Publications - www.britnumsoc.org/publications/bnj.shtml Stuart Royal Farthing Tokens - www.stuartroyalfarthingtokens.com/rft-identification-and-grading-guide/ Silver bullion and mintages - www.silverbullionworld.com/index.html Coin Market slang – www.malakoff.com/cms.htm Coin Cabinets - www.richardscabinets.com/ Isle of Man Coins – www.sites.google.com/site/malsiom/home-1 Historic Exchange rates - www.x-rates.com/historical/?from=USD&amount=1&date=2016-11-24 Henry III Coinage - www.henry3.com/home.html Jubilee Head Sovereign – www.issuu.com/jammdesign/docs/jubilee_brochure/1 VR Court Penny Survey - www.mediafire.com/download/vmxr5ntsc8g6pux/VRC+Penny+Variety+Estimates.pdf Dipped Coins - www.coinweek.com/featured-news/understanding-classic-u-s-coins-building-excellent-coin-collections-part-2-dipped-coins/ Celtic coins - www.celticcoins.com Refund form for incorrect import tax - www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/581510/bor286.pdf Calculating silver content of British coins - www.silverrecyclers.com/Calculators/gbcoin_calculator.aspx Real Time National Debt by Country - www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html Grading Grading - www.acadiacoins.com/educate.htm American Grading - http://www.fleur-de-coin.com/articles/coingrades.asp Various Country grades - http://www.predecimal.com/forum/gallery/image/5-various-country-grades/ Hammered Coins Hammered information - http://www.englishhammered.com/ Reference and attribution - www.wildwinds.com/coins/index.html Long Cross penny - http://www.ukdfd.co.uk/pages/Long-Cross-Pennies/Long%20Cross%20Pennies%20P1.htm Medals Medals - www.karlgoetz.com/ Paper Money British museum catalogue - www.britishmuseum.org/research/publications/online_research_catalogues/paper_money/paper_money_of_england__wales.aspx Price Guides Price guides - www.british-coin-price-guide.homelinux.com Price guides - www.coins-of-the-uk.co.uk American Price guide for British coins - www.coinworld.com/content/dam/cw/coinvalues/foreign/2016/090516%20-%20%20British%20Values.pdf
  9. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    It's always nice to help others with value and information etc, then we get ignored once they get their answer, with not even a courtesy note to say that the coins are up for sale (even though multiple people expressed interest in buying them). I think your marketing techniques are a bit askew, Suffolk Coins needless to say, you lost at least one bid with me.
  10. Nordle11

    Brockages and other errors

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1967-GB-Very-unusual-Die-Flaw-Error-Penny-Reverse-at-4-o-clock-has-a-die-flaw-g-/282259134845?hash=item41b7f4997d:g:vfwAAOSwux5YLc6n Good idea to release one at a time. I know someone who will definitely give you your first bid but I don't know it'll go much further than that. Good luck!
  11. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I've wanted to buy that one since of 6 months ago.
  12. Quick off the draw Brian! Nice lamination flaw for cheap, can't go wrong
  13. And the rest! A valid point though, the note is just a little something extra on what is a stunning and rare coin.
  14. Well Prax pretty much sums it up in that thread;
  15. Ah OK, he has a few rejected slabbed coins that guy, must've confused them.
  16. One of them is always on there, not only is the price always too high but I'm pretty sure the 'slabbed' coin was also rejected, however the seller cuts all that info out of the pictures.
  17. Nordle11

    Cleaning Coins!

    Do a bit of googling in that case, a jeweller should be able to remove the mounts and excess solder, it just won't be as pretty as a fully restored coin. Will be cheaper and much quicker though.
  18. Nordle11

    Cleaning Coins!

    Here's the thread The guy's name is Alan Stockton, you can see in that thread an example that he's done for a member here. Very impressive. The price actually didn't seem all that bad either..
  19. Nordle11

    Cleaning Coins!

    Welcome to the forum Das. It is possible to remove the soldered parts, it is also possible to restore them fully. It depends on what you're doing with them, if you're making a quick buck then just sell them, if you bought them cheaper than melt. If you want to restore fully, it's probably going to cost you more than the value of the 2 of them. There's a thread here somewhere, I'll find a link. From what I remember, the guy takes a good 6 months to a year for a full restoration.
  20. Nordle11

    Useful links (members posts)

    Yeah can do, the only way I can think to do it is just to group all similar links into one post, then the next group the the next post etc. I'll add it to the to-do list.
  21. Nordle11

    Best web site

    http://www.coins-of-the-uk.co.uk/ Sort of price guide, but good for browsing. Has lots of pictures too.
  22. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Definitely agree and also think you paid a very good price too.
  23. Nordle11


    Hi Steve, so sorry, left work and haven't been near a computer all weekend. Here is the coin in question..
  24. Nordle11


    Hi Steve and welcome. We'll need pictures ideally, but I'll pm you my email and put one up for you. You should still be able to post directly from your tablet, however if the picture is over 500kb it will be a pain reducing the size if you're not a computer.
  25. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Hahahahahaha *takes a breath* hahahahaha. Bit expensive.