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Everything posted by Nordle11

  1. Nordle11

    Has It Been Cleaned?

    Maybe at one point a while back? But I'm not too sure.. What makes me say that is the 'whiteness' around the writing. I think the more open areas build up a patina quicker but the letters always seem to have a halo effect around them after they've been cleaned and toned a bit. Someone else can probably give you a more definitive verdict
  2. They've also mentioned the fact they will obtain a receipt in the event of a dispute.. HMMMMM...
  3. Much rarer... I believe 2 known.. Again, I'm on my cell phone and don't have ready access to the information , so correct me if I'm wrong.. but I believe a CGS certified example sold at a London Coins auction for upwards of 20k within the past few years or so... Correct sir. http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?page=Pastresults&auc=126&searchlot=1643&searchtype=2 They state that in the 2001 census this was the only one recorded, no other known. Fetched £19k, good memory.
  4. Ouch.. Did they tell you the reserve price for any of the lots?
  5. , From Michael Gouby's book Normal 3, Open 3, Narrow 3 David Thanks David, really need to get myself Gouby's book...
  6. Haha funnily enough, it was your collection I was looking at Steve to give my above verdict
  7. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Elizabeth as Easter Island statue? Oops, I was looking at the wrong side. And who exactly is OUEEN ELIZABETH? Are those the Moai? (From what I remember of the Easter Island program I was watching the other day). They remind me of the running heads on about the 3rd - 4th level of Mario. I hated those haha. You might like this ... below the surface Easter Island.jpg Ahahaha! Great idea
  8. Well, there you have it, with a bit more confidence might I add!
  9. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but I would say both are normal 1863. On the 'Open 3' I believe the tail of the '3' points to about 2pm on the circle of the '6' whereas on both of these, the tail points towards the start of the tip of the '6'. I hope that makes sense? Please don't take my judgement as final, however, as I am relatively new to the game.. Matt
  10. Nordle11

    CGS - A customer-facing business?

    I also agree with jaggy in that I'd never pay extra just because a coin is slabbed. In fact I'd want to pay less for it because I know I'd have to spend time trying to prise it from it's tomb..
  11. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Elizabeth as Easter Island statue? Oops, I was looking at the wrong side. And who exactly is OUEEN ELIZABETH? Are those the Moai? (From what I remember of the Easter Island program I was watching the other day). They remind me of the running heads on about the 3rd - 4th level of Mario. I hated those haha.
  12. Nordle11

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Hahaha nice bust. Took me a second to work out what the hell I was looking at!
  13. Nordle11

    Hiring A Cabinet

    Yes, I did. It was an interesting experience. From the start, I would ask them if you can take just part of the cabinet (after 12 months trial) at a reduced rent if sales don't match rent which is always a possibility. I did find that Christmas was a boost. And that commemorative sets sold quite well to 'passing trade' (if you can get year set holders and coins to fill them, that's quite an asset; the coins don't have to be better than average as these are rarely bought by genuine collectors). Apart from that, be ready to be surprised at what sells and what doesn't : there's very little prediction you can do, unless you're lucky enough to have a few regular punters who collect in a particular field. Label your coins clearly, especially the price, and give each one a unique ID number in case there's any conflict at a later date. You'd be surprised how many sellers fail to read labels properly, so make sure yours are absolutely clear. Make sure they send you a monthly statement with a breakdown of every item sold, and be fastidious yourself in keeping good records. Lighting and dispaly are also important, so spend some time setting out your wares to best effect. Your best items or the most attractive ones, should be near to eye level if possible. Apart from that - good luck! It was a very up and down experience, but on the whole I'm glad I did it. Some good advice there, even though this isn't my thread, thanks all the same!
  14. Nordle11

    Hiring A Cabinet

    Thanks Tom, that's a good starting point but indeed there is a necessity for a holder than can take 20+ coins at a time. Peter - some good purchases there! My local also has a nice little cafe on the side. Some of you may have heard of it already as it was recently on Antiques Roadshow (G-Dad's Collectables - based in Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes) I've already ranksacked the place for every coin of worth in there
  15. Nordle11

    Hiring A Cabinet

    I spend a lot of time in antiques centres looking for coins, among many other things, and I can only really echo the above posts.. A plethora of commemorative crowns between £2-5 and tons of silver coins w/o silver content. The occasional hammered at a stupid price. I did manage to find a full thruppence Whitman folder (1937 onwards) the other day and the seller had reduced it from £10 to £7. No missing coins and all were A/UNC at least. I've no need for the folder either so selling that brought the coins down to about £4. I'm in the same boat as you at the moment, as there aren't many, if any, cabinets designated for coins in antiques centres. My local centre has a cabinet I'm looking to frequent but I'm trying to get hold of risers/mirrors etc and I'm going to mock up a display at home using the measurements of the cabinet first to maximise the viewing. Like Tom says, I'm often put off looking at coins that you can only see the date, or the obverse, as 9 times out of 10 the lots are junk. So I'm really trying to think about the same question but I'm not yet at a definitive answer! Someone needs to design a slab that can be locked/opened but that multiple coins can be stored in and viewed from back and front..
  16. Damn, I missed this yesterday and it's only banknotes today
  17. Wow, lovely coin and a whopping price to accompany it. I see Spink owned this at one point too..
  18. Ah...you're in I.T ..! Percussive maintenance is always best practice..
  19. Nordle11

    1862/1 Penny

    Well done on the £2,000 Niyuco! That's gone in my book
  20. Nordle11

    Paypal Ffs

    Haha! I sincerley thought you were just trying to coin your own phrase..
  21. Nordle11


    Welcome Tom! I'm a relatively new collector too (about 2 years in) and trust me, the excitement doesn't fade Good luck on your lots, although I do feel the inherited coins will yield better results than the ones you paid for. Fear not, it's a learning curve which no doubt everyone here has gone through. I know I certainly have! If you find any nice coins be sure to post a few pics Matt
  22. Very interesting read, thank you for sharing..
  23. Nordle11

    Hi Everybody!

    Hi Robbie, from the prices I've seen just from about 20 minutes of internetting I think £180 isn't a bad price! And it's not bad condition for a keep sake I must say. Entices me further to start a small 'type' collection along side my date run.. Lovely coin nonetheless thanks for sharing!
  24. Nordle11

    Hi Everybody!

    And from my little bit of research I am guessing that this is also a shilling? (going by the XII on the ob.)