Hi everyone, found this forum after a Google Search as determined to get some decent direction on Coin Collecting. For many years I used to get bags of old QEII 6d coins, polish them, put them in little boxes and sell them to Americans getting married for a handsome profit.. then one day about two years ago in my haste at an auction, I bid on the wrong bag and won myself a very large bags of 'coins'. When I got home and took them out, I was frankly staggered at what I got for my £13 + 15% commission. I got one Vatican Coin (1802), 2x King George III Cartwheel 2d and 3x Cartwheel 1d, the rest were a mixture of different value coins from QV to EII. I have no idea why, but seeing the old Vatican Coin and George III Coins, I decided to start collecting them having no idea really of what I wanted to collect, so I decided for now I would try and get at least one copy of each coin for each year of each Monarch and have been quite successful so far. When I got the opportunity to get a better quality version of any coin I have done so. The problem is that although I have a large fantastic collection of coins from George II (without a date) up to 1971, the year of decimalisation, I feel this is going to take me more years to complete than I probably have left of my life and need to really be more selective about the coins. So, my question to members is this.. What coins do you collect and why?