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PWA 1967

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Everything posted by PWA 1967

  1. PWA 1967

    More Pennies

    https://www.dnw.co.uk/auction-archive/lot-archive/lot.php?department=Coins&lot_id=311875 I was lucky to find this Lot at DNW a few months ago 🙂 If you get bored maybe have a look as one is scarce and dont think many spotted it on the day. Pete.
  2. Catalogue online for anyone interested 😊
  3. PWA 1967

    LCA September

    Its were a penny collector lives Jerry who buys all the scarce / rare ones.
  4. Thats why i thought it was a 6 😂 i thought it was an 1858 W.W..............Even nicer then than i first thought. Hat off and a good buy , so an 1856 OT Scarce coin in that grade.
  5. Top record...I dont think Terry could be bothered being there in Holland. it was him Joking who said "i think we sold twelve copies here in Holland "....Not sure if the crowd knew what he was singing about 😂
  6. Terry Hall.....Quality lyrics and sold twelve copies☺️
  7. Yes that is nice .........struggling to see the date properly on a small picture but is it an 8/6 ?. Any chance of a bigger picture of the OBV or DATE ☺️
  8. Yes i bet the neighbours are loving me......Nobody seems to be joining in though 😂
  9. This brings back memories 40 years ago and the last couple of minutes......you have to laugh 😂
  10. Thats a coincidence Michael i had some joy division and new order tracks on a couple of hours ago 😊
  11. PWA 1967

    The Royal Mint Verification

    People send hundreds to the Royal mint ,mostly sent by non coin collectors and nearly all errors or atleast the sender thinks they are. Due to the fact it is F.O.C. the sender feels they have nothing to lose and the letter they return the coin with making it easier to sell unless its crap. I believe they do now offer a service of which you pay (probably due to all the crap they get ) to authenticate I.e. 1905 half crown. Although the problem i feel with this is they dont photograph the coin ,meaning that when you sell it there is still nothing to prove it is the coin desribed. Sorry i have not got a clue what the RM use ,although probably just have an employee who is experienced enough to have been given the job . Coins are submitted to grading companies of which they also photograph ,seal etc.The royal mint obviously know this and doubt its a big enough market for them to set up a department specifficly just to authorise coins. Not everyone has the knowledge or any real interest in coins......So they just ask someone to have a look for them and confirm in writing or plastic. I think the best way to get your answer would be to phone them up or send one 😊
  12. PWA 1967

    Online Auction

    In fairness to Oswald he did put the link in...Nothing to do with coins thread 😊
  13. PWA 1967

    Penny reverse ID please.

    I go off the raised thicker letters if worn ,definately not F98 though Jon as that is the really narrow (close) date.
  14. PWA 1967

    Penny reverse ID please.

    F97 and F108 i think Jon 😊
  15. PWA 1967

    1862 Penny G over C

    Thanks Jerry i am not doubting the coin ,just want to know what the dots are and yes the picture in gouby. The picture is ok but even clearer looking under a glass and the line made up of about six raised dots ,almost like large rust spots.
  16. PWA 1967

    1862 Penny G over C

    Somebody must know as its doing my head in 😄I have just had a look again as not had my medication yet and if you cant see them please look at the bar under a glass maybe ?.
  17. PWA 1967

    1862 Penny G over C

    Maybe a daft question 😊 The Gouby V over A why does the bar appear as a row of dots please ,i dont think its the picture as the rest is really clear ?
  18. PWA 1967

    1862 Penny G over C

    I dont suppose anyone is really bothered ,just put the phone down and only two not three 1877 were found this year.One is the same coin in Sept LCA. the person who had told me thought it was a different one 😊
  19. PWA 1967

    1862 Penny G over C

    Yes your spot on. There will be exceptions and that like varieties is what keeps us interested as if you could find everything easily in a nice grade we would of all got bored and moved on by now. What i meant though was if you want to find something you have thousands of low grade ones to look at but alot less in high grade.The percentage is then stacked in finding a low grade one.You could probably find a couple of hundred of MOST dates today on ebay but the same date in high grade perhaps only a few. One such as Richards (on his site) 1862/1 is a true gem and extremely rare not just variety but grade and again an exception to the rule 😊 Most high grade ones will be in collections and already been checked.The 1864 you use as an example is similar to a variety loads of low grade ones but scarce/rare in EF or better. .With regards finding something such as a new variety and the reason why nobody has found them in the past is that it is much harder to find something if you dont know what your looking for.This is were the forum helps us and sites such as Richards with people good enough to share information and help each other. If you find ten minutes today Mike have a look at 1862 or any common year.......How many EF or better and how many rang tang 😊 Made me remember going to see someone in a macmillan hospital,they had a collection for coins know longer in circulation which was a great big thing.Sitting at the side of it i was thinking what varieties were in it as i doubt they had been checked by the people who were kind enough to almost fill it .I dont think there were any UNC ones though 😊
  20. PWA 1967


    Yes the meal was £27 including the £2 tip and not plus it. I have heard that one before and did my head right in 😄
  21. PWA 1967

    1862 Penny G over C

    If a coin is scarce then to find one in high grade is obviously a lot harder. These are not in toffee Jars like one of the 1877 found but have been kept because of the grade. Scarce varieties in high grade will always command a big premium and are truly RARE.
  22. PWA 1967

    1862 Penny G over C

    Maybe for someone who is selling one or not got one 😊 There is plenty of both for collectors to be able to buy one of each today if they want them ,for less than they were selling for two years ago.
  23. PWA 1967

    1862 Penny G over C

    This is why the varieties crop up with people looking on the internet and in boxes of low grade coins who maybe never used to bother. You only have to see a new listing for 1862 penny on ebay and it has a few viewers within minutes on every one. Unless you are a penny collector not as many would of looked at rang pennies a couple of years ago ,now more people / dealers look out for things and the reason why three 1877 narrow dates have been found just this year and that is just three that i know of.If a coin is scarce there are a lot more low grade ones to check than BU ,so a dealer may have ten nice ones a year to look at and never bothered with the low grade ones ,the chances of finding a scarce one in ten is pretty slim If there are twenty known today there will never be less and the numbers will continue to go up, for as long as people look.I use twenty as an example as below that they may well have been people looking for years and these are proven to be scarce (RARE). Even ones like 1903 open penny ,1911 Gouby x, two years ago were considered scarce ,i am not saying the buns are going to be found in those numbers but some will continue to be found every year.......even maybe today. As Jerry mentions there are more found than put on the forum and just wish it was me that could find them 😊
  24. PWA 1967

    1911+1912 H Both same rev?

    It must of stood out as being different for at least two people to bid it so high .
  25. Its the same here ozjohn i think its £80K or about that from memory.