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Colin G.

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Everything posted by Colin G.

  1. Colin G.

    George III Guinea from 1970

    Also bear in mind that there were a vast number of imitation spade guineas made for advertising purposes as gaming counters etc. that hold very little value, so a photo would definitely be required to give accurate guidance. http://www.aboutfarthings.co.uk/Gaming%20Tokens.html
  2. Colin G.

    1929 Farthing

    I only want to find one so I can have a closer look
  3. Colin G.

    1929 Farthing

    Terry, Would you be willing to provide full scanned images of the reverse and obverse for me to have a look at colin(at)aboutfarthings.co.uk? A similar thing occurs on some 1928 farthings where there is the appearance that the date has been recut/strengthened, however this is more likely to actually be some form of mechanical doubling caused by movement in the dies when the coin is struck, or movement when the die was struck from a master die. The fact that the all of the features shown have doubling in a downward direction would also seem to make this the explanation on this coin. Still an interesting piece in my eyes Going to have to have a trawl through a pile of 1929 farthings now
  4. Colin G.

    New stock, pics available

    I have to admit I would rather be pleasantly surprised when a coin arrives than find I paid for a nice photo and feel disappointed with the coin
  5. Colin G.

    Aethelred Penny

    No need to be rude, Derek.
  6. Colin G.

    New stock, pics available

    Where's the farthings
  7. How on earth did we get from ridges on a ten pence coin to Cisse's goal (stunning goal by the way!!) and peeing as an olympic sport this has strayed nearly as much off topic as Debbie's post about the markings on her George V penny on the language forum BTW I did try to count the ridges on a ten pence but the phone rang at 60 so I kind of gave up
  8. Colin G.

    Edward 1st Penny

    Looks like Canterbury mint, and a decent coin, but would need clearer pics to give more info
  9. Colin G.

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    In the watch list....... fingers crossed Oh shucks it isn't a farthing, I was looking forward to bidding as well
  10. Colin G.

    poor picture of farthing trying to dispose of

    What you have is a Charles I (Everson Type 2) Maltravers farthing (Everson ref 132a). Privy mark - large lis both sides - 1634-1636. Cleaning is not such an issue with these anyway unlike many other coins, because a majority of them find there way from the Thames, and can even often be Thames washed. Obviously don't go scrubbing it and a natural patina is still preferred, but it is not as big an issue with Charles I and James I tokens.
  11. Kind of wandered off topic hasn't it
  12. Colin G.

    1966 Penny in brass

    I agree that this is where their long term standing will be determined. Mistakes should be few and far between by a professional grading company given what procedures should be in place. But anyone is capable of making a mistake, so it is how they react to such mistakes that is the most important factor. I assume much of the dross that has been graded may be for samples/marketing purposes, but you never know there may be devoted decimal collectors out there I assume the coin in question may have been struck accidentally on a planchet intended for a different purpose?
  13. Surface mail can usually take that sort of time period, because it relies on a container full before it is shipped. Surface mail can take 1-2 months but if it is going any other method it should not take that long.
  14. Dave, I echo everyone else's comments and wish you and your family all the best. As peter says it is sometimes as important to have a release, and I find a few hours dealing with coins just lets me switch off and chill. In relation to the coin in question, you would need to see a clearer image to be certain but it just looks like die damage coincidentally resembling something else. Finally in relation to Coinery's comment, given the sizes of the punches used, I could see it being quite easy for someone to mistake a letter for a similar shaped letter, or an alternative letter being used as a "make do" if it was at hand.
  15. Colin G.

    eBay changes... More plastic coffins!

    I believe this is currently only a US restriction
  16. Accumulator, in an earlier post you said that the digit was raised on the digit below, therfore is there not also a change in level at the top of the "inverted 1", I can understand the flaw at the edge, but you would also have to account for a flaw across the horizontal bar, or is that just a change in colour/tone?
  17. And so you should, we would inevitably end up with people like Amy Winehouse on a fifty pence
  18. Colin G.

    Pie Tax

    Ah, you're talking about the Little Pub Company! That was Mad O'Rourke's empire, and a wonderful thing it was too The pie in question was called "Desperate Dan's Cow Pie", and was so deep and so hot (once you got past the pastry horns on the top ) that it was almost still too hot to eat by the time you'd got to the two thirds mark and were thinking "I can't manage any more". Am I right in remembering that you got a free pint if you could actually finish a Desperate Dan? Ah, happy days. Oh yes that is the place, some nice local ales to wash the pie down
  19. Colin G.

    Pie Tax

    its gonna take more than a pie to get me to stop in or pass through the midlands, the virgins sound interesting though We have a decent coin fair if that is any help I think I may have led you astray with the virgin comment, they are quite scarce around here!!
  20. Colin G.

    Pie Tax

    Labour's head prime minister wannabe was on tele yesterday giving snitch and snatch a good bashing about the petrol fiasco and was asked about the pie tax, didn't say two words about pies just answered with more fuel bashing. Don't think there's going to be much help from that quarter. That bloke is quite possibly the smarmiest, slimiest wet lettuce leaf that ever drew breath. Labour were more electable with Kinnock in charge, at least the guy had some beliefs that were his own rather than what he thought people would want him to have. I bet Kinnock eats pies as well! I agree, he definitely has a punchable face, and I think I am quite peaceful
  21. Colin G.

    Pie Tax

    Next time any of you are passing through the Midlands get yourself into Mad O'Rourkes pie factory...well worth a visit, especially for the pie virgins!!
  22. Colin G.

    Id Please

    I knew a hammered buff would turn up eventually
  23. Colin G.

    Id Please

    Top two are Scottish, which are quite collectable, might be worth you e-mailing Clive at "Historic Coinage" or waiting for someone with a bit more information. The bottom one is a Johnny foreigner by the looks of it