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Colin G.

Coin Dealer
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Everything posted by Colin G.

  1. James is using the original numbering system I used on my website, but it created confusion, hence why it is in the transition of being changed. @Mr T you are correct that in Freeman numbers it would be Obverse 3. It would be a combination I have not yet recorded, but I would need better images of the legend on the Obverse to be certain and include it.
  2. Colin G.

    My Latest Acquisition

    Mick, Thanks for sharing...appreciated.
  3. Colin G.

    My Latest Acquisition

    I would be interested to know these...I always feel a bit less confident grading silver coins...especially these little ones
  4. I really like that if it is genuine, it just seems too central. I assume you have had a good look at the edge of the coin?
  5. Colin G.

    Trump v Clinton

    More the making of a dictator
  6. I would have said some sort of residue between the N and 5 on the Reverse
  7. Colin G.

    Trump v Clinton

    You said the same about brexiters.......is anyone who disagrees with your opinion stupid? I think the issue with polls is that it can affect voting and people have realised this and therefore do not poll with their true colours. In addition I think a vote is a private and personal thing. If polled I know for certain that I would give incorrect data, because that is how I feel about polls...I suspect many others may feel the same way.
  8. Colin G.

    My Latest Acquisition

    Those images have been taken with a scanner by their appearance which will make the coins look quite flat in terms of hair detail etc. You can see that there is wear on the Reverse of the 1909, however it would be difficult to call the other two on the individual images alone, without seeing them in hand. There is definite loss of lustre and what looks like wear across the ear on the 1909 Obverse. Whereas the 1901 could just be some rubbing that has led to the loss of lustre at the highest points.
  9. Colin G.

    Trump v Clinton

    I don't think he will do it, I think they chose someone a bit too outspoken, his personality just seems to wind up too many people, but I think it will be close. I think the USA will be in for a similar political divide following this election though there will be a lot of really upset people on the losing side. Society does seem to be pulling apart at the moment but not in the traditional left/right directions.
  10. Colin G.

    My Latest Acquisition

    Don't forget this one also has small coin syndrome compared to your last, but I agree the Reverse looks much better than the Obverse.
  11. Colin G.

    My Latest Acquisition

    Looks good, all the usual places for initial wear seem okay. The edge at 9 on the Obverse looks a bit tatty, is that excess metal or damage to the edge? It is the low tide year as well for farthings.
  12. Colin G.

    Helping hand

    I googled it!!
  13. Colin G.

    Helping hand

    I clicked it a few times just to be certain it worked
  14. Colin G.

    Brexit and money talk

    I just can't see what aspect of this question is so difficult to understand (me being condescending again...sorry ) Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?
  15. Colin G.

    Brexit and money talk

    I actually remember having a chat with my parents the day before the vote saying that my intention was to vote leave, and I knew they would both vote to remain because they reside in Spain for long portions of the year. At that time I stated that I thought remain would win, but it was my intention that if they did I would do my best to try and go forward with a positive view of the EU and would accept the decision because we needed to resolve this issue and move on. It was never going to be a sensible debate because the risk was too great for the main drivers on both sides of the debate. It would have been nice for the media (even portions of it) to take a sensible view and try and encourage a sensible debate, however the media unfortunately had their own interests and therefore did not represent the balanced view but the view of their own self interest....and again that was both sides of the debate. I
  16. Colin G.

    Brexit and money talk

    This statement staggers me...did you not read how simple the question was on the ballot paper and everyone had two options...not exactly complicated!! As for knowing the consequences....the same could be said of every single decision ever made in parliament unless you employ the services of mystic Meg. People made a decision and will have to live with the consequences regardless of what they are...as in life you make a decision and you have to stand by it. If the political establishment or business believe that overturning this decision will do anything but make them more unpopular and separated from the general public they are sorely mistaken. In addition I don't see why people need to be informed, does that make your vote more important than anyone else's vote because you consider yourself to be informed. I find this attitude very condescending and understand why so many people get annoyed with the debate...as far as I am concerned people could have voted to leave or remain for whatever reason they wanted, that is their choice and they live by their decision.
  17. Colin G.

    Supposed Roman-British Coin

    Looks like a 17th Century Lithuanian Solidus
  18. Colin G.

    1862 Farthing

    I think the issue is that the coin in the OP has a clear inverted 8 because of the top loop being clearly larger than the lower loop. With many 1862 farthings there are underlying wide 8's and therefore it is not very clear whether the 8 is inverted or it is just an effect of the underlying digit. An area for further study.
  19. Assuming you feel comfortable with my grading I may have a couple coming stock soon, but nothing at the moment
  20. Colin G.

    My Latest Acquisition

    @Peter my photos may be underselling the coin, but if that is shite then ....... I may as well give up now!! Perhaps you need to have more time studying artificially darkened farthings. The slabbing argument is completely separate...but you are seriously mistaking weakness of strike for wear.
  21. Colin G.

    My Latest Acquisition

    I would also add having now read through the thread in detail, that I do NOT grade my coins with an intention to achieve a specific grade from a TPG, as this is an impossibility. I give my coins a grade that I feel is fair and honest. My regular customers know that if they have any concerns they can return a coin for a full refund without issue, although I don't think this has ever happened to date on a farthing I have sold, although it is easy for a mistake to made and therefore I will accept that this is likely to happen at some point. Grading is so subjective and very difficult to do as a constant, and therefore hopefully my customers go away happy with their purchase and the service they have received. London Coins do not sell there coins at auction with a guarantee that the grades they assign will carry over when assessed by a TPG even if it is their own grading house, and likewise neither do I. It is my opinion and even if the TPG had come back at a VF type figure I would still have stood by my own assessment (even though in this scenario it would appear they are in agreement). Hopefully those people who have dealt with me will know I try to be fair and honest, and have to admit it does feel weird to be on the receiving end of forum scrutiny, but I suppose that is part and parcel of selling coins. Being scrutinised by my peers is something I have never really thought about
  22. Colin G.

    My Latest Acquisition

    A bit late into the conversation...that's the trouble with this place you walk away for a few days and you miss such a lot!! It is surprising how many people grade these artificially darkened farthings incorrectly. That coin had the darkened surface in place across virtually all of the coin. Don't mistake weak aspects of the design for wear. Many of you would not do this with a bright lustred penny/farthing but people continuously do it with artificially darkened farthings. If the surface coating is in tact the coin has had very little (if any) wear. Even once the coating starts to be lost, it can in actual fact be just a case of lost lustre, and not specifically wear to the coin. I would gladly stand by my assessment of the coin having seen it in hand which I think was at AUNC.
  23. Nice little A tucked away there
  24. Must have just been the style used on copper coins of the era, or punches may have come from the same initial source.
  25. Interesting the 5 on that coin looks amazingly identical to some used for recutting on 1825 Farthings. Would be interested to know if it is a size match, to determine whether a punch has been recycled. Might be way off with my observation here....but who knows!!