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Colin G.

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Everything posted by Colin G.

  1. Colin G.


    I agree it was a penalty
  2. Colin G.


    So nobody won the rollover, looks like we are going to have to carry over to the final on Sunday...predictions?
  3. Colin G.


    @jacinbox PM your address and I will get your stuff in the post...congratulations!!
  4. Colin G.


    Wales 1 Portugal 1 - 10 minutes Germany 1 France 1 - 35 minutes I will also add a nice sparkly UNC Good Lustre 1934 farthing, BUNC 1954 and 1956 farthings and an encased Forsyths farthing to the winner of the Wales match prizepool
  5. Yes it would appear to be a copper pattern farthing to which someone has decided to apply gilt. Quite a scarce type as well
  6. Does anyone have any information for the following lot? Croydon Coin Auction 208 - September 2008, Lot 417...and if possible a realised price?
  7. Doesn't ring any bells with me, I can't remember what I did last week unless I write it down! I do not seem to have any notes about them though. The ship appears to be there but very faint, which could also be an indicator of a gilt being applied post mint.
  8. I picked it up at LCA, and it is a marginal upgrade on my own example that I have just put up for sale at that exact price, just wanted to try and see what its provenance was for my records.
  9. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Dave, I really think you and CHKY are way off here.......yes the far right might have been given a confidence booster by the leave vote, or it could just be the fact that people are trying to highlight the issue in the media to try and unsettle the decision....in fact it is probably a mix of the two by people on the extremes in both directions. However I firmly believe that the mainstream public do not have an issue with racism, hold extreme views or believe in staunch Nationalism. I live in a town where some estates could be perceived as being close to the far right and similarly there are estates where migrant communities have not integrated and isolated themselves from the mainstream community which is a shame. However again a vast majority of the people within this town live side by side with other nationalities without fear or trouble or savaging each other with hatred. Even in those communities that are on the extreme fringes there are no noticeable signs of hatred. The mindless few are getting all the attention and just need to be pushed back in their corners where they belong. Leaving the EU has nothing to do with racism or maintaining some form of pure British heritage, and the people that keep bringing the discussion down to these levels are really not helping. It is exactly this tone of conversation that risks dividing the communities that are trying to integrate, and makes people feel isolated and frustrated when they can't air their concerns without being called a bigot. Funnily enough I work in the construction industry and on a daily basis deal with a whole host of Nationalities on those sites and see how tradesmen from all nations seem to work fine side by side without tension, don't believe the hype........we are not that bad.....honest!!
  10. I had a look but couldn't find results that far back... Thanks, I must try harder!!
  11. Colin G.

    George IV Farthing 1825 with an incomplete 5

    Well after this original query, and a nagging doubt that John raised again when someone challenged it as being an 1823 farthing...I have done some overlays and can confirm that it is without doubt an 1823 farthing. Or should I say a damaged 3. The shape of the loop is a match when compared to an 1823, and the size of the digit is also a factor. The 5 tends to be a bit taller, whereas the horizontal cross bar correctly aligns with the 3. This only left the issue of Obverse 1 being paired with this fault, which caused a potential issue because there are no 1823 farthings that are found with Obverse 1. I had a good look through my images and it is in fact my error that led me to thinking an Obverse 1 existed, all examples are in fact Obverse 2 with incuse midribs to the leaves. I hang my head in shame A big thanks to John for pursuing the query!!
  12. Colin G.


    Many happy returns!!
  13. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/watch-lazy-cow-doreens-hilarious-11541403 On a lighter note a local comedian did this video......had me chuckling, especially for those other coinies who are from the Black Country
  14. Colin G.

    George IV Farthing 1825 with an incomplete 5

    John I have spotted the images further down in your document. I only thought there was one image at first. It appears to be Obverse 2, but feel free to email the images through and I will have a better look.
  15. Colin G.

    George IV Farthing 1825 with an incomplete 5

    I would be interested in obtaining some larger images of the coin if possible. This fault occurs across several dies and is therefore unlikely to be die fill, but a damaged punch used to cut the date. It can also be found paired with Obverse 1 and Obverse 2. Can you tell what Obverse you have?...the lowest leaves in the laurel with either have incuse midribs to the leaves or raised midribs to the leaves. As for value, it would probably do a bit better than a standard 1825 farthing in similar condition, but the difference would only be marginal. I may be interested in making you an offer or bidding on it if you are to put it up on eBay. I have a few now and really need to have a study...but another one in the pot for when that time comes wouldn't do any harm. I actually think it could possibly be a 3 that has been damaged or altered, but the fact it is paired with Obverse 2 means it was intended as a 5...need to do some overlays to be sure
  16. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    It was never going to be a straightforward separation, and I agree it will probably be a time consuming act that will direct resources elsewhere and will cost the taxpayer. It will be a good time to be a lawyer .....actually is there ever a bad time to be a lawyer?
  17. Colin G.

    Enthusiasm for collecting has stalled...

    I think it very rare for someone not to have peaks and troughs in interest with this hobby, you only have to look at a lot of the forum members who drift away and then resurface again as their interest drops and then returns again....there are only those select few who are severely addicted who are in it permanently ......and the dealers of course. The addicted members know who they are ...I won't name and shame
  18. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    We were told throughout the campaign that virtually no laws were made by the EU that affected us....it should be a breeze
  19. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Are you suggesting we kill the Queen to speed things up
  20. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    Given the political situation in the country, no-one in the political classes would be willing to turn back on that referendum decision unless they wanted to start civil unrest....it would lead to chaos in my opinion. As others have said there could well be another referendum but it would have to be on different terms, but I think even that will get some form of backlash......but if you can get a healthy majority behind it things would soon settle down.
  21. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    They are worrying times.......someone just needs to grab the situation and drive the decision forward.....a leader is what we desperately require...the longer a vacuum remains the more risky the situation becomes.
  22. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    @ChKy apologies on the partial quote, I was originally going to comment back just on the petition, but started to delete it and then got sidetracked I understand and agree that we should listen to the opinions of others, and have no problem with them airing their views, it was the fact that this particular petition website is set up purely to allow topics to be raised by the general public on specific topics that may not normally make it into parliamentary discussion. If an individual can get enough votes behind such a topic it has to be discussed by parliament. Therefore by registering a vote it is it is allowing people to have an influence on our politics who may not be entitled to do so. I agree that the situation has the potential to become hostile, but I would fight with vigour for us to have that right to choose..even if I may disagree with the outcome of any specific democratic decision...it is in my opinion a fundamental British value. To turn our back on democracy in such a way would be a more dangerous move in my opinion.
  23. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    No .......those votes should not count when the petition is to get a topic discussed in our Parliament, the website clearly states that you should only register a vote if you are a British Citizen with a British postcode. I understand that other people around the globe may be affected by our decisions, but it does not give them the right to interfere with our democratic process and by stirring up such trouble they risk prolonging the uncertainty currently affecting the Nation. Whether Scotland leaves the union is a decision for Scotland, and it is for their parliament to decide whether that is something they want to do, and I would respect that decision. However I would add they were fully aware that the decision to leave the EU was a UK wide referendum and that a single vote majority would trigger a result that was binding on the whole of the UK. It was inevitable that when big business supports further globalisation, and were staunch advocates of the remain side that they would continue to drag out the doom afterwards so that they could take the "we told you so" stance. Yes the pound will devalue, and anyone who thought there was not going to be an economic backlash was quite naive. This is not a debate over what is economically in the best interests of the country nor was that the question on the ballot paper. However where I do agree with you is on the last point, our politicians should be hanging their heads in shame, when we need a decisive way forward, and for parliament to rally behind the result and drive forward the will of the Nation...they are left fighting each other again in power struggles.
  24. Colin G.

    EU referendum - in or out?

    and how many were for "retaining the status quo" without thinking about anything else or the drawbacks of such a vote. We all have different priorities, and I accept what is a priority for me is likely to not be the same for others, but that is the joy of democracy you abide by the rules and get your vote which is as worthwhile as anyone else's vote.