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Everything posted by wendydjango

  1. Hi,thanks for the reply it does mean a lot to me too, i have been for the past 4 hours trying to figure out just how to re-size my close up pictures of some of my coins as when im trying to upload them onto here it says file size too big! omg im doing all sorts but its really reducing the quality of my pictures though so any suggestions would be appreciated and thankyou too xxx Wendy xxx
  2. p.s. i have already purchase 5 books regarding coin values grading etc and also Spinks catalogue etc they DO give some really good advice but the only really good advice i found helpfull was the word of mouth from my late father :-)
  3. Hi guys awww cheers for ya input on this i also thought the reverse let it down too to be honest with you guys! i really do appreciate this too! i have been doing a hell of a lot of research latley about my coins and also about the coins i am so interested in also ,my dad tried to teach me so well bless him & i am actually really wanting to sell most of the coins he left to me because.... well how can i say? well im just gonna be honest with you guys on here oh and also Debbie too! i have also lost my mum she died within a month of my dad, he died in march and mum died in april so unfrortunatly for me i have been left with two funeral bills which amount to nearly £10,0000 so hence why i need to get some cash help but im hoping i dont come across as desperate? although a lot of folk will see it as that ? but im genuine, im just in a bit of a pickle shall i say ! anyway i have said the truth and im really hoping you wont boot me out of here cos i dooooo love my coins and all the coins my dad left me too and i do believe my dad taught me well too? I am so sorry but i aint gonna lie to you all but im just quite stuck & in a very shall i say ...... awfull position? but hey ive been honest with you guys & gal (Debbie) too, so im really hopin you all will help me out with identifying my other coins you have yet to see and maybe give me some direction as to what they are worth etc, i really wish i did not have to try sell them but needs must, all i can i say to you all is that i am totally being honest with you all, i do understand though if you boot me out though, sometimes honesty is not the best policy but sometimes honesty can be the best policy and there is always at least that one person in the entire world ? who will try to give you the benefit of the doubt and try their best to help you and believe me just of late i really could do with some friends like that as im in a dark place just now and im missing my mum and dad so much,but its ok if you get rid of me for telling the truth though as i know this forum is not a site to help people whom have lost loved ones but im hoping i can sell some of my dads coins though xxx im totally being 100 % honest & upon request i can prove it too, please dont throw me out, Thanks for reading too, Wendy xxxxx
  4. sorry to be a right royal pain but im currently watching this on there and wanted a bit of feedback on it? do i bid or leave it? item number is 170972889419
  5. Oh yeah just to show i am real and im into buying and sellin coins here is a link to one of my coins i put on the dreaded ebay lol 231243799819 im only learning and i suppose i am kinda new to this but i love coin collecting etc
  6. My dad mainly had penny coins half penny coins and some world coins but for some reason he kept certain coins seperate wrapped in old newspaper? he never told me why he did that but always said to me one day you will realise? x
  7. Ha ha iv already took my REAL picture off and im gonna choose a picture of one of my own favourite coins instead cos i really want to be part of these forums for my coins,im on it but im struggling with re-sizing my pictures? x
  8. wendydjango

    Help With These Coins Plz?

    Cheers for the info i just noticed that the wrong pictures got uploaded? im trying to crop my pictures so i can upload them! but they are ending up all fuzzy etc any ideas how to make them the correct size so i can put them up without making them look so bad? thanks too i really do appreciate any help on here i just dont want to be a pain in the @rse tho! x
  9. Hi,thanks for that im just in the foreign coin forum im going to post pics of some foreign coins i have,heyyyy the pic is ME! but if it offends i will change my pic to something else but it is me though lol & i can prove it too! but i want to stay in the good books ;-)
  10. Hi,thanks ever so much for replying to me, and for the usefull info too, i sold a coin on ebay and the person that bought it from me pointed me to this website, which im very gratefull for as i have had a browse around and im really hoping i can be a valued member, i have 100's of different coins to share with you guys,i inherited my dads entire collection when he died in March this year and i have also been collecting them myself for some years now! i gotta tell you though i dont half get some stick for coin collecting though lol im a woman lol is it going to be ok for me to post on this topic some more pictures of my world coins? x
  11. Appologies if im doing his wrong but tell me off and show me the right way and i will take the shouting at and find the right way with your help xx another coin i need advice on plz is it toning?