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  1. kal

    Long shot Langford 1770 Hannot sale

    here is the last page
  2. kal

    Long shot Langford 1770 Hannot sale

    sixth and last page
  3. kal

    Long shot Langford 1770 Hannot sale

    Here is the first page. Unfortunately, there is a limit to the size so will need to send you pages individually.
  4. I recently became aware that the A.N.S., Internet Archive and the Newman Numismatic Portal have teamed up and made available digital scans of early Sotheby Sale Catalogues. (Pre-Tyssen to 1922, including Dimsdale, Montagu, Murdoch, etc.) The scans of the catalogues, including those with plates, are very good and many have the added bonus of being named and priced; not the same, of course, as having the originals but a great resource for those conducting research. Link to page: https://archive.org
  5. kal

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    Hi Frank, There's useful info in Spink's circular for March 1976, p90-91 by H.R. Jessop. In his paper "Flans for Newark Siege Coins", for example, he examined 35 nine-pences for 1646, eight were cut from a gilt plate and four of these had rim markings. Do you have access to this article? If not, contact me personally.
  6. kal

    Recent Hammered Acquisitions

    On 2018-04-05 at 11:41 AM, hibernianscribe said: Yes, absolutely, and this piece was gilded before the plate was cut as the edges do show - there is no doubt about this. However, I am excited about the gilt since I am surmising whether this was a piece from the "two guilt wine bowles" that are documented as being part of the "Plate delivered to Mr Edward Standishe, Alderman, by consent to be sold for the townes use and to supply their p'sent want of money...." (quoted from the minutes of a meeting of the (Newark) Corporation held on May 15, 1646 and detailed in, "The Obsidional Money of the Great Rebellion", 1907, Philip Nelson, M.D.) Obviously it is very possible that other gilt plates might have been used as well but this reference is specific right down to the fact that two gold-plated wine bowls were cut up to literally, make money. This is why I find this series so interesting - there is a tangible link with particular people caught up in a bloody struggle. Frank Hi Frank, I can't make out from the photo of your Newark siege piece any sign of plate markings, which often accompany these 1646 gilt ninepences. I found three other examples with the same obverse die, that are illustrated in sale catalogues. HIRD, LOT 265- GLENS 1974 NOBLE, LOT 690- GLENS1975 WHEELER, LOT 407- SOTHEBY 1930 Thellusson in the Sotheby sale of 1931, lot 248 describes a Newark nine pence also cut from a gilt plate but lacks an image.
  7. Just a heads up. As "Unknown silver hammered coin - siege sixpence?" sold for 460 pounds, I've added illustrations of siege coin replicas from WorthPoint that I downloaded a few years ago. I've combined them and as seen from the "two two" shilling example, are not to scale. Although similar to the Ashmore replicas produced in the 1970's, they don't appear to be copied from any genuine pieces and probably not intended to deceive.
  8. Hi Rob, I remember the discussion on the Scarborough issues and take this opportunity to thank you for forwarding the details and illustrations from the Hugh Howard and Lord Middleton sale catalogues. With regards to the "siege sixpence" it is familiar stylistically, being similar to the product of a firm named Worthspoint who made a wide range of imitations of Scarborough siege pieces a few years ago. The value punches are obviously wrong and the main device showing the castle entrance and the keep's stone work, lack accuracy when compared to the 'accepted pieces'. A paper I am writing on the plate money assigned to Scarborough siege coins is nearing completion and hopefully the discussion will continue.
  9. Noting a distinctive Ormonde crown described as v.f. and rare wt. 29.13 in upcoming sale has the same die combination as Lingfords lots 220 &221.Both are described as contemporary forgeries with copper centre. Again, in March, 1976, Glendining lot 207 showed same dies but this time described as a later copy - see attached illustration. Therefore, in my opinion, this coin is suspect.
  10. I agree the forger may have had access to a genuine example,possibly in the BM.The illustration I used for comparison is an engraving "reproduced in facsimile by the electrotype process" from a paper on Carlisle siege pieces in the B M and should be accurate although it does not show the die crack. Carlisle pieces were not cut directly from domestic plate, and usually produced round or nearly so, from melted down refined silver. The Magnus example is a more clear example.
  11. This reverse drawing, an early copy taken from the BM example of the two-line type may have been used as a template by the forger for his concoction. There are many similarities, example, rim beading and edge flaws, etc., but it also accentuates his mistakes, for example, spacing and form of the date numerals.