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Everything posted by declan03

  1. declan03

    Help needed with date.

    Hi again Michael and thanks. It weighs app.5.6 grams. So i am not going to make a fortune today!! ?
  2. declan03

    Help needed with date.

    Hi. I have this Charles II Halfpenny. Every letter on it is legible except the date which is kind of worn on it. I think it says 1674?? Maybe not. Is it worthless?
  3. declan03

    Auction Coin Values Help Needed

    Well done on the cartwheel. Fickle old place ebay, i sold one of these last year, in my opinion in near perfect condition and i,m sure i got about £50/£60 for it. Wish i kept it for that price.
  4. declan03

    Is this a replica too?

    Sorry i can only upload 500 at a time. Here is the other side of the coin.
  5. declan03

    To clean or not to clean?

    It sticks out like a black sheep in my collection Rob. I,ve seen some coins posted on the forum that have been dipped and they seem to come up great. Just looking for your valued opinions. I will try giving the coin a wash as you mentioned.
  6. declan03

    Auction Coin Values Help Needed

    About £30 tops for the cartwheel penny and £5 for the 1806 on a good day. So not a bad buy.
  7. declan03

    Insurance cover for a modest collection

    Maybe a waste of time with receipts if your house burns down. Unless you keep your receipts with a family member......and hope!!
  8. declan03

    To clean or not to clean?

    Sorry here is the reverse.
  9. declan03

    Gun money

    Thanks Rob
  10. declan03

    Gun money

    Hi. Final question on this, i,ve looked but cannot seem to find what the J R initials on the reverse of the coin is. Any ideas?
  11. declan03

    Help Please

    Wait until ebay have a max £1 selling fee?
  12. declan03

    Gun money

    Hey now that you say that Stu and that i,ve seen your coins to compare, i can see the June staring me in the face with that J. I,m off for a look at the pdf now and brush up my knowledge on gun money. Thanks guys for all your help.
  13. declan03

    Gun money

    Nice coin Michael. Kind of puts mine in the shade condition wise. I got carried away in an auction last year and ended up paying £20 for it. Very interesting story about these coins Bagerap, thanks, its something new i,ve learned today, well that and not to slander the other halfs cooking!! So can i deduct from your explanation its a March coin? It weighs app.5.5 grams, so a shilling?
  14. declan03

    Help Please

    As Michael says your coin with the harp is probably an Irish half penny, but its pretty smashed and probably worthless. Your gold sovereign looks in really good condition and coins like that sell on ebay for £250 plus although if your a new seller the buyers will be wary of purchasing it.
  15. declan03

    Fake gold sovereigns

    Thank you.
  16. declan03

    Fake gold sovereigns

    Hi. I,ve recently been thinking of adding some half/full sovereigns to my portfolio. The problem is that i,ve been reading about them on - line and there seems to be a lot of good looking fakes going about. I purchase most of my coins on ebay, so you can imagine its a bit of a minefield!! In fact i seen a 2013 sovereign being sold earlier for £57.( It had the description. ...2013 proof gold sovereign? Not sure if its gold...blah blah). I,ve seen these listings before and i steer clear of them. Is there a website or a book i can purchase that states what gold sovereigns have been copied?
  17. Hi. Can any of you guys tell me if this is a 1698/7 William III Halfcrown overdate? Decimus edge.
  18. declan03

    1698/7 William III Halfcrown?

    Thanks for the info Rob. Very interesting . I learn something new ever day. You seem very well versed on the subject and i will keep this facts for future reference.
  19. declan03

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    Hi Colin. Now there's a coincidence talking about cleaning coins and you knowing your farthings. I was just looking at a 1674 Charles II farthing on ebay which is on auction with no bids as yet. Plenty detail though cleaned. Shame really.
  20. declan03

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    I couldn't say for certain that they,ve not been cleaned. But why have only 7 or 8 of these 1941 half pennies for sale and no other coin sales to his name? As you said Colin, i think whoever stored them never knew their value and never took proper care of them,hence some of the very small marks here and there.
  21. declan03

    1698/7 William III Halfcrown?

    Hi Rob and thanks for your reply. I wish i knew about this forum before now. This is a coin i sold about 2 years ago as a1698/7 overdate. The buyer was in a bit of a dispute with me, which we sorted, with him stating that it should be a Septimus edge and not a Decimus edge. It is an overdate as you say and listed as extremely rare. I have another on sale which is listed at DNW auctions next month, which they valued by pictures, giving me an estimate of between £800-£1200. But on inspection, again it was a Decimus edge. So the value went down down to between £300-£400 because of this. I.m still happy with the price as i picked it up at bargain basement price. They are both the same overdates and both extremely rare, do you think the price difference has something to do with mintage numbers?
  22. declan03

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    Is it unevenly toned or is it just your pictures?
  23. declan03

    Prince James Stuart medal.

    I was going to say wait until the sun comes out from behind that cloud (on the coin). Managed to get a better couple of pictures. Your help is appreciated.
  24. declan03

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    Haha Scott, sorry, everyone apart from yourself on the forum seems to have one of these half pennies.....you don't really want one, they are quite common now. ?
  25. declan03

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    1967....i never even noticed. Do you mean the broken E? I wonder why the seller had about 8 of these, all in slightly different conditions?