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About jonoiv

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  1. Thanks for the reply, so it's nothing special in your opinion, and effectivley just a 20p? what would you say it's worth for the novelty value?
  2. The tails side is slightly off center. High Res version: http://s7.postimg.org/fedn8ne8r/DSC_5368.jpg Heads side, our royal highness seems to have a large object falling from her nose. High Res version: http://s27.postimg.org/6mabliwpf/DSC_5370.jpg I joined the forum to ask people in the know, and wondered if anyone can shed some light on if this a common mis-strike / mistake. I haven't cleaned the coin, just took some photos and was going to put it on ebay, but first I wanted to run it past people here first.