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    British shillings (only)

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  1. Yes, I should stuck on shillings. What confuse me on this sovereign is the absence of dot after "p" on initials of Benedetto Pistrucci. Is it common?
  2. Thank you. Forgot to mention - weight, diameter and thickness are ok. Scratch is killing me. But I cannot prove something to shipping company. Most probably will try sell it
  3. The scratch is result of poor package. The coin was damaged during the shipping. Some not very smart custom worker opened the envelop by cutting it drastically
  4. Hi all. Looking for yuor advise. Is the attached coin real or fake? No dot after "p", strange cape of St. George, dragon face....suspisious
  5. Doctor

    Holed but very rare silling

    Well, the 5 for me is perfect side effect of 1-4. It is also just hobby for me, quite expensive one but still hobby. I wish I can call some of my coins "investment" but in case of necessity it will be quite difficult to sale it in my country for reasonable price.
  6. Doctor

    Holed but very rare silling

    Thank you for this. You are right, it was not the first hammered coin but one of them. And yes it still gives me a pleasure. The reason why I start thinking about potential selling is other coins in my collection. Most of them are quite good (not ideal vut works for me) and holed one attract immediate attention. Anyway, thank for your thoughts, it helped me a lot, I am going to keep this coin with me. At least as a reminder about purchase lessons learned. And I am not living in the UK, English is not even second language for me (between third and fourth) so please apologize poor grammar and style. British coins for me is the most attractive collection items. Strong coinage system, perfect catalogisation, and after all beautiful design - no choice, have to collect.
  7. Doctor

    Holed but very rare silling

    For me the importance of all 5 mentioned components is going on order listed in the post. History first, then beauty etc. I must admit that the liquidity of collectible material has become more important to me lately given the general instability in the world
  8. Doctor

    Holed but very rare silling

    Great summary @Sword, thanks. I would also add something like sentimental value, if I may. When the coin is not that attractive for others but you still want to have and keep it. Sounds a bit irrational especially from investment perspective but after all collecting the pieces of copper or silver is not fully rational also.
  9. Doctor

    Holed but very rare silling

    Same story. Overpaid, then regret. Lack of knowledge and experience in my early days.
  10. Doctor

    Holed but very rare silling

    Got it now, thanks
  11. Doctor

    Holed but very rare silling

    Fully agree with both of you - holed coin is a holed coin and never be the collections gem. Bought it long time ago, at very begining of my "shillings" carrier The coin sold by noonan seems to be different one, not my variaty - "16 rose 44". I will be in the UK in Dec, would you think beneficial if I bring this coin to any dealer 8n London? Baldwin? Or GoldCoinExchange? Or smth else?
  12. Hi everyone. Can you please advise approximate realistic price for this coin? Charles I Exeter shilling. Spink indicates it as "rare", 3085, "16 rose 44" variaty. One without hole was sold for more than 7k somewhere. But again, without hole
  13. Thanks, Rob and Coinery! Think I will not bid for these coins