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Everything posted by jelida

  1. I bought the F7, I hadn’t really planned to bid but couldn’t let it go at the price as it does look nice despite the possible ‘clean’, and should represent a good upgrade from my Copthorne example. But the lot I am most pleased with was 694, the F111 2/1 with the less obvious overstrike that Gouby describes as being found on F114. Looks lustrous in the photo, we shall see but at £200 hammer with a reasonable F114 thrown in I am happy. I don’t find F111’s easily. Jerry
  2. jelida

    Ebay imports from the EU

    Here is the Ebay reply, nice enough but essentially a denial of responsibility. " Hello Dr. Jeremy I hope you are keeping well. I'm sorry to hear your VAT has been charged incorrectly on your items. The VAT rate we charge would be based on the VAT rate provided in your listing and the country the buyer is in. You can find all the information we have on VAT in the UK on our help and contact page or by following this link. https://www.ebay.co.uk/help/listings/default/vat-obligations-uk-eu?id=4650&st=12&pos=1&query=Your%20VAT%20obligations%20in%20the%20UK%20%26%20EU&intent=VAT&context=9062_SELLER&docId=HELP1369 When we charge VAT on the site, it automatically gets sent over to HMRC. Due to this we do not have the facility to refund funds that were charged as VAT. I would be recommending to contact HMRC as you can apply for refunds directly from them, following any advice they give, we can go through your current listings to confirm that the correct VAT rate is set for the remainder of them. If you need any further assistance with this, please let me know and I would be happy to help. Thanks again and have a lovely day. Kind Regards Leighann eBay Concierge" I will contact the revenue and get their response. Jerry
  3. jelida

    Ebay imports from the EU

    Well, I’ve made my claim to EBay first using their VAT reclaim facility. I should get back about £60. Ha! We’ll see what happens, I’ve sent them all the tax paid statements in pdf form, as downloaded from the order details page for each item and an explanation for my claim. I’ll update this page in due course. Jerry
  4. jelida

    Ebay imports from the EU

    Hmmm, seems I might have to claim the refund through EBay by using the link at the bottom of this page. I’ll give it a go. https://www.ebay.co.uk/help/buying/paying-items/paying-tax-ebay-purchases?id=4771&st=2&pos=2&query=Paying tax on eBay purchases&intent=tax#section1 Jerry
  5. jelida

    Ebay imports from the EU

    What I am doing is to print the tax invoices off ebay, showing 20% vat, and saving them up to send to the revenue with the appropriate claim form for the refund. Apparently it does work, though I won’t be holding my breath! Can’t remember the form offhand, though it was discussed here previously. Jerry
  6. jelida

    Ebay fees???!!?!?!

    Definitely basic 10% of final price although VAT could take it up to 12% and PayPal and listing fees may also factor, so 15 to 17% might seem reasonable. More than 40% certainly isn’t. https://www.ebay.co.uk/help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/fees-private-sellers?id=4364 Jerry
  7. jelida

    Ebay fees???!!?!?!

    That certainly doesn’t seem right, should be somewhere around 10% I think. Could they have carried some of the sales receipts over to the next month given their new invoicing system? Needs clarification I would say. Jerry
  8. They do remain fluffy after processing ! And your little dance of joy might entertain her! Food for thought. Jerry
  9. There’s been a population explosion of Grey Squirrels because of a sequence of mild winters and warm springs, we have problems too. Amongst other things, they love the taste of crocuses. We have had cables severed and our strawberries decimated. I am going to get one of these. https://goodnaturetraps.co.uk/shop/a18-grey-squirrel-trap/ Looks effective, from the you-tube videos, and very much an instant demise. I can tolerate rats, tree rats less so 😡. Jerry
  10. jelida


    The likelihood of winning for your maximum bid varies a great deal depending on where you pitch your bid with respect to the reserve/lower estimate, book value of the coin, whether you tend to go one bid over round figures and I am sure many other factors. A simplistic example would be some-one who makes bids at the reserve prices on multiple offerings. He may not expect to win many, but he knows that those he does win are at a sensible price, and all will be at his maximum bid. Without knowing the figures involved it is really not possible to suggest foul play. Estimates of value are not dissimilar amongst people who do their prior research, and therefore many bidders are likely to drop out at around the same figure in an auction. The generous valuer will pay more and win more, but at higher prices and closer to his maximum. Some bidders bidding patterns will dictate that when they do win, it is more likely to be at or near the most they would pay. My thoughts, anyway. Just praying that Covid regs are relaxed soon, and I can go to a Coin Fair and purchase in less frenetic environment. Jerry
  11. Quite weak and fluey the day after my first, but no reaction to my second. Apparently this tends to be the pattern with the A-Z jab, and tends to be the opposite with the Pfizer. Reassuring to have had some reaction though, psychologically you feel the body has recognised the insult and will react against it. There are good biological reasons why the jab gives a greater reaction with those who have previously been infected. Jerry
  12. The vendor assures me they will, he had turned down substantial offers apparently. He intends to “properly describe’ them. Jerry
  13. The bronze French 5 & 10 centime coins are quite common metal detector finds, so obviously circulated widely. They are the same size as the bronze UK currency, and I doubt the public was greatly concerned about them. They pre-dated the UK bronze coinage, and I understand that they were a strong influence regarding size and alloy in the development of the new coinage particularly given the Heaton involvement. Jerry
  14. jelida

    Stolen hoard of Roman artefacts found

    He’s my mate Stu’s nephew, a good family, military dad (recently knighted) and nice but rather frightening mother. I am currently renovating his dad’s lightweight land-rover, now mine (for only £700!). Stu is my detecting buddy, it seems to be in the family. Jerry
  15. They stopped sending me catalogues too after I had gone a few auctions without buying. I suppose the expense is prohibitive if they feel a sale is unlikely. Which it is, given their current offerings. Jerry
  16. Anybody here spot this? Sadly pulled after only a day, a reasonable example. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224454520580?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Jerry
  17. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Some quite sophisticated fakes from this seller I think. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203445604907?hash=item2f5e4d922b:g:xDUAAOSwUS5gli0T Jerry
  18. jelida

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    I wonder where it is now 😉😇. Jerry
  19. jelida

    Ebay's BEST Offerings

    That’s very useful thanks Mike. Jerry
  20. Looks like F10 to me; this kind of careless die repair could easily be found on F10 though I haven’t seen it before. Jerry
  21. Maybe the vendor, who is a forum member, will note your interest. Jerry
  22. No, missed that! What was it like, any link? Jerry
  23. jelida

    Opinions requested.... VIGTORIA

    It does, but difficult to be really sure when this worn. Have you tried slanted light across the coin ? Jerry
  24. Shaker or Nonic pint. I already have four separate opportunities to try them out in the diary for next week, I’m going to be busy and a little unsteady. Jerry