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Everything posted by jelida

  1. Sounds like Corbyn too, though then you can add in misogynist and anti Semitic as a minimum. And how could he walk out of the discussion this evening because Chuka Umunna was there? None of our politicians come out of this with much credit, except that May has been steadfast in her determination to follow through what she reasonably feels is the will of the majority which is the job she is there for, while dissenters do their best to obfuscate that democratically expressed choice. The way things look tonight parliament will have to support her deal or in effect vote for no deal, the other two alternatives appear increasingly unlikely given previous votes in parliament, the timescale and the determination by the EU to force a decision. I have rather enjoyed all these twists and turns over the last few months, but it does have to reach a conclusion now so that the nation can move forward. Jerry
  2. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This will be the very rare obverse F with the lcw below shield and pointed top lighthouse then........ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Victoria-1861-Penny-4-F-RARE/333120920754?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 I am watching it just to see if anybody falls for it. Apart from all the ‘wrong uns’ EBay is rather quiet at the moment. Jerry
  3. I tend to follow this ‘poll of polls’ which tracks polls throughout Europe. https://pollofpolls.eu/GB But take all polls with a pinch of salt. Don’t forget that the last poll released before the 2016 referendum gave ‘Remain’ a near 10% lead. Jerry
  4. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This coin with the same story was for sale on EBay several times a couple of years ago, and featured on this site. It subsequently appeared with hype for sale via a conventional South Wales auction house (Dragon Auctions, or some similar name). After I sent them links to his EBay sale attempts, and to discussion on this forum , they sent me a pleasant email and withdrew the coin from sale. The story is of course total tosh, it is a modern Chinese replica, though he possibly paid too much for it himself if he did indeed buy it in Caerphilly and was taken in by the vendors stated provenance. Jerry
  5. jelida

    token or what ?

    It appears to have a core exposed in places which is subject to bronze disease, therefore a copper alloy. I wonder if (in common with many contemporary denarius forgeries) it is made from a high tin bronze, possibly the surface tin enriched by copper leaching. High tin bronze looks passably silver when polished. I have previously found forgery denarii of very similar appearance, and suspect this is a late Mediaeval equivalent , being a copy of a groat or half groat. Tin plating on copper alloy is another possibility. It does not look modern to me. Jerry
  6. I see it is “already marked as a red hot collectible”. Every opportunity to get your fingers burned then. Jerry
  7. That’s a blow, is the “details” statement justified in the hand? If not, break it out! I would not want a handsome coin condemned in print by somebody else’s opinion! And paying for the privilege! One more reason I would not use TPG’s. Jerry
  8. jelida

    Open 3 pennies

    True, the serif does very much look like an afterthought especially in the second and third versions shown. The serif in the first image does look far more conventional. I wonder whether there was ever a ‘no serif’ die. Jerry
  9. jelida

    Open 3 pennies

    The fact that there are three subtlety different ‘open three’’s in 1863 would suggest that this was a deliberate experiment and not a one-off mistake, though I cannot tie it in with the 1903. I suppose it could have been an alternative way of marking individual dies, more subtle than die numbers in what clearly was a year for study/experimentation. But I am not aware of any serious study on the topic. Jerry
  10. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    There seems to be a never ending supply of this sort of bollox on EBay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RAREST-VALUABLE-one-of-a-kind-1971-1p-Penny-THE-VALENTINE-FRANKEN-PENNY/192837875655?hash=item2ce60877c7:g:6XIAAOSw78xcZaZH Another example of tape and acid dip. I am surprised he’s not also referring to it being an ultra rare ‘NEW PENNY’ 1971 coin as well. Jerry
  11. jelida


    You’re like the genie from the lamp! Nice to hear from you, hope all is well in Oz. You have my best mate and his wife over there somewhere at the moment, so be very careful in traffic or crossing the road, especially after the bars are open! Jerry
  12. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It is also I suspect a fake. It has the tiny rim nick above the trefoil after GRATIA that seems diagnostic. https://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=146846 And I think other features. Of course this was always the likely option, how would a girl who works in Greggs and can’t get a loan be in possession of a genuine Gothic Crown? And the toning is deeply suspicious. Jerry
  13. jelida

    Help with Roman bronze coin

    It reads Maximinus, the emperor Maximian, very similar to this one on EBay, but of the Sisca mint I think. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/372111800526?ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F710-53481-19255-0%2F1%3Ficep_ff3%3D2%26pub%3D5574660663%26toolid%3D10001%26campid%3D5336443428%26customid%3Ddms_71347%26icep_item%3D372111800526%26icep_catId%3D4734%26ipn%3Dpsmain%26icep_vectorid%3D229508%26kwid%3D902099%26mtid%3D824%26kw%3Dlg%26srcrot%3D710-53481-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1853282496071%26rvr_ts%3Dd8520ace1680a99b8865791efff28c19&ul_noapp=true It looks perfectly genuine to me, lovely surfaces like coins I have found in the mud of the Severn estuary. Jerry
  14. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The real Royal Mint mistake here is to assume the population has any common sense whatsoever! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Royal-Mint-Mistake-New-1-Penny/132934242203?hash=item1ef37f8f9b:g:cFsAAOSwXh9cUHo- Jerry
  15. I’ve had some nice presents from him in the past. Well not absolute presents, but very fair prices. Thank you Santa! Jerry
  16. Thanks, Terry. I think the jury is out until a high grade example is found. But would I pay decent money for it.........? No. Jerry
  17. Do you have some decent microscope close-ups of the A, Terry? Richards example does have a definite slight indentation on the left arm of the A where the crossbar should join, suggesting perhaps a slight bulge in the material impacted in the bar, though it is very difficult to be certain either way from these photos. I don’t think I’d be convinced except by examining a high grade coin. Even then it is suggested (see Gouby) that repairs to letters often used partial punches such as an L punch to repair the base of an E, are these varieties too? They may be interesting curiosities, but to me this is an example where we should be wary of conferring varietal status without clear evidence. Jerry
  18. jelida

    Elizabeth I Milled Sixpence

    Stans, invest in a jewellers scales, sometimes they can provide a definitive answer, and are not expensive. It is true that the forgers dies may well have been made from a flawed genuine coin, but milled sixpence are not difficult to find and this coin will always be more difficult to sell on from photographs because of the doubts. Bring your money to a coin fair! Jerry
  19. jelida

    Elizabeth I Milled Sixpence

    Just be happy to get your money back. Some of the coins illustrated above clearly have casting bubbles (and are underweight) and if those are fake then so most likely are the rest. There is no description of these flaws in the BNJ die variety article page shown to which the vendor refers .Sadly the vendor may have significant investment in this coin which he may be reluctant to write off. Jerry
  20. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    While not every ‘private listing’ seller is of dubious character, those of poor character almost invariably make their listings private. As suggested I suspect this is to enable shill bidding. There is no need for it. Jerry
  21. jelida

    Elizabeth I Milled Sixpence

    I’m afraid it’s a modern fake. http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/12367-light-1562-sixpence/ Jerry
  22. jelida

    Henry VIII Groat Authenticity

    Any chance you can accurately weigh it? As far as the pics go it looks OK to me, though I don’t consider myself expert on these. Jerry
  23. jelida

    1863 penny stumpy 'Y'.

    I think it is worth some better pics here. I am not sure about the underlying ‘small’ letters and numbers we often see with overstrikes and repairs, I do wonder if the worn digits were closed in slightly by working the die prior to punching the repair to ensure the repair is sharp. Any evidence of this would likely subsequently be removed by polishing the die to restore the field. I think this example could simply be due fill. The vertical leg of the Y looks short compared to the V section. Jerry
  24. Another Ebay purchase I am pleased with arrived yesterday, surprised there were not more bidders as got it for £70. Nice F18, not advertised as such and much better than most, fairly worn dies as usual but little wear and a nice tone. Jerry
  25. jelida

    10p a-z

    I’m just going to hang on in the hope of finding one in change, just think how rare CIRCULATED examples will be! Jerry