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Everything posted by jelida

  1. I assume that when there is a genuine bid, but below the reserve, they have to introduce a ‘house’ bid before they can knock the item down, otherwise the genuine bidder might think he has won the item. Not an issue when there are no bids at all, of course. Jerry
  2. Also don’t forget the RM might still have the original dies............ Jerry
  3. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yes, this is one of the other differences between the two reverses. Well done on the ‘shuttle’ penny, you must look at a lot! Jerry
  4. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Wheras this coin is positively angelic! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1864-QUEEN-VICTORIA-PENNY-UPPER-SERAPH-4-NICE-COLLECTABLE-COIN-SCARCER-DATE/273479590540?hash=item3faca7628c:g:idkAAOSwzfNbqhDZ Jerry
  5. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    That was pretty much my thought. Interesting, but not I think what the seller implies. Again.....
  6. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It isn’t......is it? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Victoria-Penny-1877-Small-Date-RARE/332817636500?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Jerry
  7. jelida

    Halfpenny ID check

    The rounded top lighthouse coins are rare, I think you have done well to find 1-2 per cent of your 1861’s with this reverse. It is possible that a new master die was made up rather than an existing die modified, though at what stage in the process the Britannia/lighthouse/rock were changed I have no idea, whether an existing punch was altered or a new punch made from scratch. As there are no 1860 reverse F we can I think safely assume that the reverse D came first and if an existing die was modified this would seem the most likely candidate. Jerry
  8. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    You are lucky you were outbid. This is a common fake, and a common fake sellers ploy, sticking it in amongst a load of c**p, this often happens with siege pieces too Jerry
  9. jelida

    Madness' Coin Grading Training Ground

    Try and get some crisper photos, very difficult to be sure from these. But if the surfaces are genuinely as described by the auctioneer, he may well be right. Throughout this thread, as Rob alludes to in an earlier post, some of these variations are in the die and strike, ie we are grading the die rather than the coin. The Davissons photos suggest a nice coin, but I do agree some of your other illustrations show coins with a little more detail. It comes down to experience with the coin in the hand, and I feel that a continuation of the protected field surface over the raised elements of the design is a massive clue in terms of lustre, sheen, texture, colour, indicating whether the coin has actually had much handling. Some of the early twentieth century bronzes that I collect have minimal remaining fine detail yet full original lustre. The combination of a crisp early strike and lack of circulation can be elusive - and attracts a premium even for a relatively common coin. Jerry
  10. I would get on to DNW. This is an issue they should resolve. Jerry
  11. jelida


    I think most are genuine , but they are continental and plain and I find them rather uninteresting. They are at least cheap. There are many fakes around though on EBay and good feedback is no guarantee. Have a look at the Ebays worst offerings thread. Don’t be afraid to seek a second opinion here before purchase. Jerry
  12. jelida

    The right equipment for a novice

    I have scales the same type , they have lasted several years with no problems and seem accurate. Jerry
  13. jelida

    17th Century Coins

    https://www.ebay.ie/itm/iNi-Great-Britain-James-I-Sixpence-1606-Fourth-bust-mm-Escallop-VF/222827683810?hash=item33e1909fe2:g:2e8AAOSwFLBaegx2 http://www.leodishammeredcoins.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_music_info&products_id=517 What do you hope to spend? Here are a couple of online 1606 for starters; you really need a day at a coin fair, you could probably get most of what you want in one go. Jerry
  14. I was happy with my three pennies.......all silver, and hammered to boot! Most pleased with the Stephen from the Hereford Mint at £480 hammer. But sadly I know my late mate Ray Inder paid £800 for it.......😕. Yes, the 1860 E over P was ridiculously cheap, even though it is a little battered around the edges. And lot 580 did OK despite being mis-described in the catalogue. I feel that DNW is more of a buyers than a sellers market for the bronze series, over several recent auctions. Jerry
  15. The ‘R’ is for David Ramage I believe. Worked at the Tower, but responsible for a lot of tokens. Jerry
  16. jelida

    Hello All!

    Welcome Budgie. I would certainly echo Paddy’s advice, and don’t be in a rush to buy the first coins you see, learn so that you can make informed decisions, and don’t be afraid to seek second opinions on this forum. If you are close to a coin fair, treat yourself to a day out. This is a super hobby, follow what appeals to you personally and decide on an approach to collecting. You could be hooked for the rest of your days! Jerry
  17. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I just love this one!! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/George-V-1933-Pennys-my-grandmother-said-son-only-sell-when-times-a-tough/123368185332?hash=item1cb9511df4:g:BbQAAOSwvN9blqoq Jerry
  18. It is not crazy to pay over the odds for a coin that is probably very rare even if a minor variety if it fits in the collection you are building. The Spink catalogue does not cover every possible variety, and when a coin is unlisted the value is what it would fetch correctly described in an auction battle between two people who want it. It isn’t a massively expensive purchase, and your research when completed and published on this forum or elsewhere (why not work towards an article in ‘Coin News’ or a similar journal?) would add value should you ever sell. Jerry
  19. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This serial fraudster has improved the quality of his fakes a little. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nice-Saxon-Hammered-Silver-Penny-Coin-Aethelred-11-978-1016-AD-Hand-Type/263927020821?hash=item3d7346bd15:g:tqgAAOSwimZblTb7 Jerry
  20. This coin sold for £280 hammer at the LCA in June 2017 as VF/NVF. I could not pay nearly £500 for it, it as not an attractive coin and you are far better off waiting for a no problems VF at the same or a little more money than giving the vendor a £150 markup the coin does not justify. Again, look at past LCA and other sales. Jerry
  21. jelida

    LCA September

    Thanks Pete, do we know any more about him? He doesn’t seem known to the South Wales Numismatic Society I attend, must make some enquiries. Jerry PS thanks for the info, sorted.
  22. jelida

    LCA September

    Who is “Cardiff”, Bob? Jerry
  23. jelida

    An Interesting (to Me) 1787 Sixpence

    I would keep the sixpence until at least after the DNW sale, it does appear to be an overstrike that is now a recognised variety, the DNW coin can always be referenced if you do come to sell and should help you get a premium . I would hope you get your money back more or less. I personally wouldn’t get rid of a scarce variety unless I had a better replacement. And it’s really not that bad a coin. Jerry
  24. jelida

    Help me identify this coin

    Yes, it’s one of those bracteate type co-op tokens photographed from the rear. Jerry
  25. jelida

    An Interesting (to Me) 1787 Sixpence

    I hope you are in a position to have a good shot at the DNW coin, but don’t forget the 25% or so extra costs on top of the bid price, and postage will be a bummer. The coin may well attract a premium because of the variety. The Davissons coin is beautiful, and they are a good family run auction house with minimal cost to the buyer, I always keep an eye on their site (as do others on this forum, sadly for me 😠🤐🙂). Jerry