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Everything posted by jelida

  1. jelida

    Help me identify this coin

    Yes, it’s one of those bracteate type co-op tokens photographed from the rear. Jerry
  2. jelida

    An Interesting (to Me) 1787 Sixpence

    I hope you are in a position to have a good shot at the DNW coin, but don’t forget the 25% or so extra costs on top of the bid price, and postage will be a bummer. The coin may well attract a premium because of the variety. The Davissons coin is beautiful, and they are a good family run auction house with minimal cost to the buyer, I always keep an eye on their site (as do others on this forum, sadly for me 😠🤐🙂). Jerry
  3. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And the cynic in me wonders if he simply had an offer he felt he couldn’t refuse.........😬 Jerry
  4. jelida

    An Interesting (to Me) 1787 Sixpence

    I think you’ve done some important research here, and if DNW are happy it’s an I over D then I wouldn’t argue and you’ve got one. Nice. Just need some of the commoner versions now. Jerry
  5. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I’m far from convinced that in Lukasz’s case it is actually a mistake........ Jerry
  6. On the other hand if Womble 01 is prepared to make an offer to buy based on a retail value of £690 I would bite his hand off, and use the money to buy a couple of better ones. Jerry
  7. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yawn......Lukasz.......NO ITS NOT!!! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Victoria-Penny-1860-MULE-TB-BB-Grade-UNC-Extremely-RARE/232908007242?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Though it does look like a reasonable F15. Jerry
  8. Perhaps the intended use of the die at the time of its design and manufacture is what is relevant here, it was not designed to be used with the earlier reverse die, though it was, and presumably intentionally, in the penny in question. That does raise the question, which can never be answered I suspect, of how many of our 1860 and 1861 pennies are in fact mules, to go with the 1862 obv 2 and 3 coins which clearly are ‘intentional mules’? Better not get into semantics or we may all end up asses. Jerry
  9. I rather like this theory, it does have an air of practicality about it, and would as you say suggest that the term ‘mule’ is appropriate for the 1926 ME. Have you had correspondence with the RM museum for their view? I wonder if the appropriate annual report might also give some clues. Jerry
  10. jelida

    Online Auction

    Oswald has been around for a long time on this forum, so I presume this is a serious enquiry. But I have no knowledge of this site, maybe somebody else might . Jerry
  11. The first thing is how do you know it’s copper? Coins that have been in the ground often have a coppery sheen, the tone of yours does look a bit uneven. A very accurate weight measurement with a jewellers scales might help. The Royal Mint or internet could tell you what it should weigh . Don’t expect to get rich on this coin though even if a genuine mint error. EBay is usually the easiest place to sell this sort of thing . Jerry
  12. jelida

    1862 Penny G over C

    You’re looking at the picture in Gouby, Pete? I see what you mean, but I think the resolution is not great enough to come to a real conclusion, I presume someone has closely examined the original coin and been happy. Jerry
  13. jelida

    1862 Penny G over C

    We renovated an early Victorian villa some years ago, and when a proportion of the boards were lifted for woodworm prevention spraying I found 36 coins, ranging from farthings to a halfcrown, sadly nothing comparable in rarity. Old houses must be a significant reservoir of out-dated coinage. Jerry
  14. jelida

    1862 Penny G over C

    Thanks Rob. The corrosion does detract a bit, but could be improved, and I would still rate the coin at £1500 to £2000, perhaps even a little more at auction, I was the underbidder on one about the same condition but with fewer problems at about £2200 last year. When you say you ‘found’ the two pennies, do you mean under the floorboards or something? A good find either way. If you do intend to sell it, you could join the forum so you can receive pm’s! Jerry
  15. jelida

    1862 Penny G over C

    If that was the EBay one, it is tenuous in the extreme due to wear and from a vendor who frequently sells spurious ‘varieties’, though he has had some superb pennies too over the last year. Jerry
  16. jelida

    1862 Penny G over C

    And the 2 over 1, and the obverse 3 pairing. I agree that at the current rate of 2 or 3 publicised discoveries a year, the total VIGTORIA could well end up in the teens or low 20’s. I suspect more are found than shown on this forum. And I am still getting used to the ‘reactions’, seem to keep choosing the wrong one and having to correct the error. Sorry Mike. Jerry
  17. jelida

    1862 Penny G over C

    I think we would need a pic of the reverse to make a reasoned judgement. I am sure several of us would be interested. Jerry
  18. I agree, and the marks below the date do suggest that the H was once there, or is very weakly struck. I suspect it would be clearer in the hand. Jerry
  19. jelida

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1965-Proof-One-Penny-Coin/183360308485?hash=item2ab1204505:g:AjQAAOSwMMFbZW~m Quite easy to make a proof with a bit of brasso it seems. And R20, so it’s the only one! Jerry
  20. A couple of things strike me, the most significant being the strip of wood across the front of the trays, similar to Swann. Also Nichols tend towards piano type hinges these days. But of course they could be manufacturing to a specific design. And Taikonaut may be referring to something else. Jerry
  21. Possible, yes, but I think it is probably a die crack, the bar of the ‘inverted A’ seems to be a bit higher than on the actual ‘A’ s on this coin. As regards the Davissons coin, I think the grade is right but as you suggest a slightly worn die. Jerry
  22. There is one in the Davissons auction, and plenty of time to ponder. Some adjustment marks, but nice tone and the estimate is fair. https://davcoin.com/lot/e-auction-26-lot-89 Jerry
  23. It’s actually Larry who can see these images in the marks on a coin, not me. I remain dubious in the extreme, both in the (unrecorded) technology necessary and from my viewpoint total lack of evidence that can be interpreted by others in the way Larry interprets it. Larry however has extreme conviction in his theory and I remain interested in where it eventually leads him. Jerry
  24. Will happily have a scout around at the fair in two weeks, and pass on details of any suitable vendors .Wouldn't want a fee. Jerry
  25. jelida

    1703 VIGO Sixpence

    Stunning coin. Sorry for my confusion over the new ‘like’ system, got there in the end. Jerry