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Everything posted by jelida

  1. jelida

    Dug this out the ground today

    Well done , in all my years of detecting I've never found a George I silver; the reverse is actually quite reasonable for a soil found coin, shame the obverse isn't a little less worn. Jerry
  2. Looks like severe (multiple) die clashing to me, often seen on earlier bun pennies though rarely to this degree. Jerry
  3. Shame about the sprouts. But I hope you and yours are safe and dry. Jerry
  4. Terribly sad for many, but I do like your last link; developers should be obliged to pay onto a fund that indemnifies their house purchasers against flood damage in perpetuity, might encourage them not to build in stupid places, and prevent us (the taxpayer) having to try and protect properties that others in their greed throw up without a care as to the consequences. Me, I'm looking forward to the 600ft sea level rise that means I can fish from my garden into 'Pontypool Fiord'. Its become a frequent topic of conversation with my neighbour in the pub. Jerry
  5. You could try the copper coins of G3?. But seriously, Rob is probably your man here. Jerry
  6. Hi Richard, this is going to develop in to a superlative reference, but I also have a couple of queries; I cannot see the F72 with ja reverse listed, and I note that you have not followed Goubys rarity estimate in every case , notably in the Gouby F varieties, and 1882 F114 and 115; I have always found F114 to be considerably scarcer (as reflected by Freeman, R10 and R4 respectively). I appreciate this may be deliberate , in line with your own research. Have you used your own rarity estimates on occasion? The F72 ja will clearly be rarer than normal F72, for example, but Gouby listed them together. And a little clarification of the years covered in your varietal lists, there is overlap in the titles correctly not reflected in the content. Jerry
  7. Merry Christmas to all! I'm off to the pub with my son, when I get back the women will be merry and the dinner on the table. Then, like a sated anaconda, I'll curl up for a sleep somewhere. Twas ever thus.
  8. Excellent Richard, a fine reference, thanks for all the effort you put in on behalf of us penny lovers! Penny lovers? Makes us sound cheap...what is the word? Denariologists? Pennyphiles? (liable to mis-interpretation) Pennyologists? Need some help here! Anyway, Merry Xmas everybody! Jerry
  9. jelida

    Lizzy I Bristol fathing token

    I've had a couple of these in fields across the water from you, and of course the later round ones are commonplace, obviously circulated widely.
  10. Active (ie bright green, powdery) verdigris has to be removed or it will progressively eat away more of the coin. Inactive could possibly be watched, but I dont trust it. On archaeological finds I conserve with lovely carcinogens like benzotriazole, but does darken the patina. Info on the web, but risky to health without due precaution. As I said before, verdicare is helpful, but mechanical picking is still required. It will be interesting to see how Paulus gets on with the stuff mentioned elsewhere on the forum. Jerry
  11. jelida

    Using acetone to clean coins

    I'm with Coinery on this one, I dont consider removing detrimental surface contaminants (salts, greases, wax, oils) 'cleaning' in the perjorative numismatic sense of the word, but rather preventative conservation; the surface structure and composition of the coin itself is not altered , rather future damage from acids and salts is prevented. Dealing with copper alloys this is otherwise a very real risk long term. I suspect the break-down of organic deposits including skin oils and the chloride and acid salts released within to be the main cause of verdigris, aggravated by atmospheric moisture. Jerry
  12. I have had good success tackling verd with verdicare, but a binocular microscope is essential I feel as the softened verd needs mechanical loosening. If do-able, would go for the better grade. Jerry
  13. And I loved his attempt to declare it unique, and that CGS couldnt value it as they hadnt seen one before. I doubt he'll make much profit on it. Jerry
  14. Yes, I bid on that, I think I was the under bidder; couldnt justify more because of the harsh cleaning and verd. I see it re-surfaced on the bay recently, one of this forums more favoured sellers , now a slabbing reject , attracted even fewer bids. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RARE-VICTORIA-MULE-PENNY-1860-/321938320645?hash=item4af504ed05%3Ag%3AH08AAOSwf-VWYFtc&nma=true&si=QpvVHmX4UTCz%252F7MxamyORLwjNWQ%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Jerry
  15. True, I have my mothers old notebooks, she listed coins as she bought them, type , price, source, and gave them a collection number. I am going to have to collate this into a searchable list by type, mint and moneyer in the first instance. My gripe with Spink is the size of the pictures, given that they hardly improve under the magnifier. Jerry
  16. Sorry, was looking at the previous page, I see this has already been suggested! Jerry
  17. I think it's the standard 6+ G, but the lower serif of the B of BRITT is absent, making the gap look bigger. Jerry
  18. The F114 1882H; there isn't a close-up on the CGS site. Seems a scarce coin to me, first I've come across for sale (at least that I've recognised, probably couldn't tell in many pics). I was really pleased with these, especially the 1878 which is beautiful. Jerry
  19. The 1875H (note repair to ribbon end) and 1878
  20. A few of my pennies from LCA last week, the slabbed coins are the CGS pics. First the F10 triple F.
  21. jelida


    I have a felt-lined tray that lives in the safe on top of my coin cabinets, all new arrivals go there after initial gloat. When several have gathered, in their 2x2's of purchase, they go, on the tray, upstairs to be photographed, then straight back to the study for ticketing and /or placement in my coin cabinets, in the appropriate recess for type/date. I haven't had one go missing since my younger brother nicked my ex circulation 1902 LT penny after a row/fight nearly 50 years ago when I was a kid. The penny was never recovered, I had a cry and he had a spanking. Happy days! Jerry