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About zookeeperz

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  • Birthday 05/16/1966

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    Fishing, Liverpool FC,error coins, varieties,and anything that makes me a few quid :)

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  1. zookeeperz

    1900 penny 9 over gap

    Lmfao. ok if you say so. Do you do it on purpose or are you actually looking to piss me off with a ridiculous comment??? What a f-ing Moron
  2. zookeeperz

    mail tampering

    Well I withdraw from this conversation. Politics and religion are a banned subject matter so before someone says there is a God i'll just bid you all goodnight . Lets let a few more bombers in the country to kill our kids eh. See how far tolerance gets you . What a load of bollox.
  3. zookeeperz

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not exactly. It is in the french wording but not as we interpret it. FDC would be 100 in our grade but we generally take FDC meaning MS65 or 88. As our coin grading house up until i last looked said there is no such thing as a 100 grade coin and hadn't graded one 100. I think I remember seeing a 99 but I think it was a commemorative . That's what I meant by only FDC MS65 as thats the grade on the coin if it was MS70 a True FDC then the price would prob be more
  4. Now they ring you and some automated Stephen Hawkins starts asking you how you dealing with the car accident you supposedly had some months ago. Pretty tough to do unless I jacked a car and drove off with it lol and even worse they speak to you using your first name only and make it sound as if they are a friend just to get their foot in the door. I let them speak long enough to shout **** off
  5. zookeeperz

    1847 gothic crown

  6. N over N. Who gave the coin that description? If it were a sideways N the foot would be at the top not the bottom and there would be a cross where the center downstrokes merge. Not a N
  7. Can't help you Paddy apart from obverse 7 all the others look exactly the same to me and tbh bare no resemblance to the pics in the book. Horrible series to identify.
  8. zookeeperz

    1873/2 Penny has it been recorded?

    Perhaps and seeing as those times you could be hung for just about anything that was against the monarchy the RM believed Mr LCW was making himself more important than what the coin was representing. He was hired to do a job and really only the Mint signature was needed on the coin. I am thinking they may have viewed it improper for him to have such a forefront profile and connection with the monarchy when he didn't other than to design what the coins were to look like. He was probably unauthorised to put his signature on the coins as in that era to mark the coins of the realm or deface them in any way was considered treason. Perhaps they hadn't realised firstly he had signed the coins. As his sig was only for 2 years perhaps in defiance he started to move his sig in a vain attempt to keep his name on the coins longer. As I cannot see why he would put them in 3 different places as human as we are we tend to be creatures of habit . I would of thought 1 signature in 1 place fits all. I also think he played cat and mouse with the RM as on some of the years both the reverse and obverse signatures were omitted only for them to reappear again. Ultimately was probably his parting gesture with the RM. Has he ever appeared on any notes as a well known figure of history??
  9. zookeeperz

    1900 penny 9 over gap

    Better picture
  10. Was reading Davids book last night and didn't get very far lol page 13 " There are reports of a 1900 penny where the 9 in the date ends of a gap between border teeth" . I looked at all the specimens online and after 100's of comparisons all of them have the tail ending at the border tooth So as you do go and look through the small assortments that I have well knock me down with a plastic trident I had one all of my own in the forgotten or not really looked at tube of Pennies. Are these rare and does it have an ID reference? thanks in advance for any info
  11. zookeeperz

    My Latest Acquisition

    yes they are very difficult to locate. Always have either carbon deposits or that solitary verdi spot. Arrived this morning
  12. zookeeperz

    mail tampering

    If you read my post the part where I state "and I would feel the same or even worse if it was a a neighbour " and that meaning they are British doesn't excuse theft and I would act more angrily if it had of been a British person. All this political correctness BS turn the other cheek sorry not part of it. I call it as it is no matter where you come from scum is scum. It's just 1 particular country are scummier than the rest of the world in general. I am sure there are some decent ones. I am yet to meet any and that doesn't make me a racist whatsoever. When you have a community that has a heavy population of them you would understand my view point.
  13. zookeeperz

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1902-British-Edward-VII-Coronation-Silver-Matt-Proof-Crown-Coin-PCGS-PR65/182736767018 Bought 1 coin from this lot. Tarnished junk never again. Nice coin but it's only FDC and only £2000 overpriced. Honestly I cannot see how these so called businesses making a living. not unless Mr Magoo is buying their coins.
  14. zookeeperz

    mail tampering

    Good luck opening package if it ever comes from me. The out of box scenario won't wash. Mini fort knox when ever I send anything. coins are in acid free flips then bubble wrapped them carded , card completely taped then in a mini jiffy bag inside a padded envelope. So there is no way possible for the coin to be seen or damaged unless opened. I started doing that after a BU set of jefferson quarters went missing in italy buyer denied receiving it. Even though I followed paypals and ebay's selling and postage instructions. My mistake was sending it ordinary air mail uninsured but to my defence it was probably in my first month selling anything. was 20 years ago now and £176 was a few bob then which the buyer was refunded . So I was £176 out of pocket + minus a coin set. That's when I decided to ban the world and stopped posting overseas. . I lifted the ban on certain countries although my latest post has gone to Latvia even though I blocked Russia seems i'll have to go and click each and every one of the russian states
  15. zookeeperz

    mail tampering

    And if that wasn't enough to leave a sour taste in the mouth. the slag who denied receiving my mail had a package delivered here about a year ago by mistake. was a Mans watch. Which we took to her house.Never again . **** them . If another 1 comes here i'll flog it and get my compensation. I never would do things like that. That's typical Pols for you . No moral compass everything is theirs by right. Ignorant pigs. I am far from being a racist my family is like the united nations lol but when it comes to certain countries I have no time for them and I would feel the same or even worse if it was a a neighbour . It's just a give in this country if the mail get put next door by mistake it always finds its way to you. In fact the neighbours are normally stressed thinking you are stressed and have lost mail lol. Like I said nothing lost per say £56 £69 inc p&p from states was refunded they day I reported the coin missing from the seller which was excellent service no qualms there But in terms of outlay V £value @ current market value probably another £50-£75 worth of investment down the swanny. but a 0-0 draw isn't so bad