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Everything posted by zookeeperz

  1. zookeeperz

    What is white base metal?

    Polite way of saying its a fake lol. especially if you know something was only ever struck in one metal type I.E Silver . But if an auctioneer were to call it such he would have less chance of selling it . Been on the other end of that white metal description for a russian rouble . No mention of base metal. £350 arrived and it was magnetic. Did the auctioneer know this? You bet your life he did and this was from an online auctioneers through salerooms. With an est of £40-£60 . He put the price to tempt bids. refused to refund the money. never again . lol
  2. zookeeperz

    What is white base metal?

    Base metal is simply put, any metal other than a precious or noble metal, as copper, lead, zinc, or tin. usually the base metal white metal for plated items probably copper-nickel. Sometimes the descriptions can vary. but as this case says base metal it infers not silver,white gold or platinum. Some auctions list items as white metal which can be precious metals without hallmarks but they usually counter with that very description but not always
  3. zookeeperz

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I think his attributing skills are spot on as one is F and the other VF i'll leave you guess what the letters really stand for lols
  4. zookeeperz

    My Latest Acquisition

    Not in quite the same grade but a scarcer type for the year 1873 rev C die 117
  5. zookeeperz

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I went down this road a few months back with the scammers and the error 2017 £1 misprinted date 2016. Misprinted 1.5 billion of them lols. But the sellers I reported but only after I politely contacted them and explained the real story and was ignored or slated lol. But they are all still selling. Ebay doesn't care. This is a quote " if you feel a coin is fake call the police to verify this". Like when did the police become coin appraisers . Long and short of it is. Pass the buck to someone else they are only interested in their % from sales matters not what the item is or how it is sourced ,fake or genuine.
  6. I would very much doubt it. like our mints they allocate a certain amount but they sometimes make far less than they expected because of lack of interest. Which is mildly amusing. Fake news made Benjamin Britten Silver Proof A rarity from obscurity. 5000 were allocated but interest was so low only 1000 ended up being struck. Fake news then made a story up as they do about the "RARE" Modern coins and made a song and dance that the BB 50p was almost like gold dust to find Take your pick £500-£5000 for a coin nobody wanted lol
  7. Sorry I didn't think to check the validity of the site or if it was still active. I have seen lots of sets but not for those 2 years. 1982 FM 1983 FM Even the all nations 1984 FM sets . But those specimen sets and proof sets unless you collect them most get split up and sold off as singles. The mintages are so small as well which doesn't help. Even the 1982+83 with 1200 or so sets each you can see them being snapped up like gold dust
  8. zookeeperz


    The ones I find hard to call are the Wreath Crowns. They look exactly the same as normal ones tome. I couldn't with confidence buy one without it being in a slab. Just because it would be a whim purchase and an area I have never entered in to
  9. Not sure if this is what your looking for but this site lists a MS-20 BU-Specimen set 1984 FM. is that the one? Seems a steal at that price Herse the link http://www.coinsinternational.com/foreign/OtherForeignCoins.htm
  10. zookeeperz

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Isn't that the excessively rare Tsunami high tide with halloween pumpkin essay mark?
  11. This will be a thorn in CGS side no doubt https://www.ngccoin.com/news/article/6193/heritage-london-ccg/?utm_source=Mx%20Group&utm_medium=Email%20Blast&utm_campaign=17-NG-2276%20Heritage%20London%20eBlast&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTVRJd00yRmpNV1ZpTTJJNSIsInQiOiJLQVo0S3lvaUh3SFBSNTgydUVaVXRTZzdNN1ljVFVEY2I4YmZLczJsVkh4VjBPZVdwKzFcL1I0UGsxQXFMamJPZVN1UFlwNzdaK254NVVTYmJTNW5QTDZiTUFHYnBoMlhEWFhcL0pudUJtYnRZQVRKNnMwM1NYNXgySVNpV3B6NDJaIn0%3D
  12. Would or could that be the case for the 1920 Penny ? or was that made differently to align the colons to the border teeth?
  13. Is it my eyesight or do the other two examples have the ribbon end cut centrally and yours is cut over to the left end?
  14. Run the free version of malwarebytes if something is lurking on your PC it will locate it. I use the pro version it's a tasty piece of kit.
  15. zookeeperz

    New pound coin

    Jeez its tough to see them lol
  16. zookeeperz

    My Latest Acquisition

    Your not going to believe this I am so very fortunate this is the recessed ear coin. I searched for 1911 penny. I hate ebay they list anything even if the sale says 1911-1936. I thought I was looking at a goubyX 1911 penny lmao. I even overlooked the date concentrating on those blasted border teeth pointing. You can imagine my mind Ms64 goubyx It's a slam dunk. I really have to refrain from impulse purchases without looking properly first. It is not the first time either lol
  17. zookeeperz

    My Latest Acquisition

    My latest . I'll probably get stuffed by customs as well but If this is what I believe it is it will be worth the expense. 1916 Penny Recessed ear Broken border tooth after last T of BRITT
  18. zookeeperz

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Very skillful chap he cleaned them up well you wouldn't know they were dug up lols
  19. Have a butchers at this 1965 Sixpence. Looking in both Davies & Grooms books they identify Obv 3 with I of regina pointing to space and the 2nd A of GRATIA Also pointing to a space. This is different With the A pointing to a border tooth and not a space. New variety?
  20. I need to buy all 6 plus he might of sold that particular coin as its only a front picture for all of the lot but your welcome to here is the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1965-Elizabeth-II-sixpence-coin-of-Great-Britain-/152632658632
  21. Changed my mind it's £1.65 I went to get it but it was part of a multiple sale . I do not want to get lumbered with a shed load of 1965's lol to go with the shed load already
  22. It's too much money for my blood tin of catfood I could get for the 38p . I'll get it just for curiosities sake. If it turns out to be legit i'll mention you in my memoirs lols
  23. zookeeperz

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    one of his many retorts he did say "How am I a scammer I advertised a 2016 £1 coin and that is what the buyer receives" So I said " So what about the part stating misprint error wrong date should be 2017"? "you'll be hearing a knock on the door my friend 3 angry buyers claiming their money back for you misleading them with your advert". "your bubble's gonna burst lmao". Thats when he replied with the comments above. What a tool
  24. zookeeperz

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Even he has 160 sales . I know its small but how on earth can he retain 100% seriously. Pulling stunts like that lols