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Everything posted by jacinbox

  1. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    My goodness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Now that's not a collection. That is a reference in itself.
  2. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    Really? Ummm I assumed it was a obv 1* rev B making it a Freeman 8B. Would you have any pics my Freeman book jumps from F762 to 768 directly. There is no F763. Thanks for your input. Also any info on rarity etc about the coin would be much appreciated.
  3. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    Not the same as the Workman example http://www.colincooke.com/coin_images/workman2/2-002a.jpg Anyone know the population report for F8B. Dies B+b. Satin 3. Gouby BB. Freeman R18 I suppose The Workman example was meant to sell for between £1000 - £1200
  4. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    2 massive penny sales one on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/SCARCE-Queen-Victoria-1860-PENNY-Coin-GVF-VF-Freeman-6-Peck-1617-Spink-3954-/361382718776?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=4oysI3UAaCnNTTueZrezC%252Fz9wjE%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc and the other the 1926 Heritage penny.
  5. jacinbox

    2014 10p

    Welcome to the forum and good luck with the hobby
  6. jacinbox

    2014 10p

    You might get around £40 quid for it.
  7. jacinbox

    2014 10p

    Beautiful coin. Are you looking to sell?
  8. jacinbox

    More Pennies

  9. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    Missed 2 great coins then in the last month alone
  10. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    wooo what a coin!!!!!!!!!!
  11. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    Do you know the number?
  12. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    I remember Scott posting this pic before and mentioning he got it for under a fiver. Well done Scott. Good find.
  13. It's not a known major variant but a minor one. Yet it is a variant and as someone that collects variants I would be interested in acquiring the specimen if you are considering selling it. If you don't want to sell then I would still say you are looking at a 100x premium on the coin. The 1919 London mint coin in the current state would have got you 20p so 100 times that or £20 - £40 you could get for it in my opinion. Happy collecting and congrats on owning the coin.
  14. There are specimens that I are known to have a small raised dot where the 'H' of the Heaton mint would have been. Some argue that these specimens were struck by the London mint to check how the aesthetics of the coin would change if a character were introduced. However others argue that this was due a clogged die. One has to consider that the circumference of this dot is almost perfect and it is of an uniform size on most coins meaning there is a good chance that this was a deliberate addition. Have to wait for someone like Gary or Bernie to respond so that we can hear their views.
  15. I am convinced it's a deliberate dot. Better pics showing the full reverse would be useful though.
  16. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    All's Well, Ends Well
  17. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    There we are. Two gents doing the right thing. Over to you Pete show us the man we think you are mate. Prax would be happy to see this tread becoming such a great source of penny knowledge. It's one I troll regularly on the forum
  18. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    Pete, Vicky and Dave. Please shake hands first. All 3 of you are good contributors. Can we for a moment forget yesterday happened. We all know how stupid grading companies are and how many integrity problems have been reported about CGS. That is not to say that Pete's coins are not good. After seeing the pics of the coins I am sure Vicky would have said some nice things about the coins
  19. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    Coin is genuine but it has been cleaned. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=15ojd5j&s=8#.VczW5PnfCww
  20. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    I thought it would be days before someone gave the right answer. It is not a c over G or anything like that. It is a clear VIG so possibly pretty rare indeed.
  21. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    Have you come across this before?
  22. jacinbox

    More Pennies

    Something is very unusual about this coin. Can you spot it? http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=29ynl8n&s=8#.VcyDdfnfCww
  23. http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?searchlot=2623&searchtype=2&page=Catalogue