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hazelman last won the day on December 28 2019

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About hazelman

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  • Birthday May 10

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    British Bronze penny 1860 to 1960

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  1. hazelman

    1908 Pennies F166, all AU or thereabouts

    OK OK misunderstanding
  2. hazelman

    1908 Pennies F166, all AU or thereabouts

    Id like one but I have no objection if PWA wants all as he has been good to me in the past.
  3. hazelman

    1908 Pennies F166, all AU or thereabouts

    Morning I’m interested in purchasing at least 1
  4. hazelman

    Iphone coin photography

    If anyone ever purchased a Modahaus steady stand and wishes to sell it im interested. i think the company may have gone bust. I cant find any available on Amazon ebay etc.
  5. hazelman

    Iphone coin photography

    I am interested to know if anyone has had success at great coin photography using an Iphone. I believe its possible and i'm looking to create a setup that works,that is easily copied by others and is not cost prohibitive. I am asking as this may already have been accomplished by someone on the site, in which case i will evaluate their system and if possible make improvements. My setup will consist of a copystand, appropriate lighting (could be ring lighting or led lights) a suitable platform to place the coin and of course an iphone. Looking forward to your responses.
  6. hazelman

    Photographing Coins

    Any advise on the best copystand?
  7. Looks like I missed the boat all sold out
  8. hazelman

    1860 penny D or E or DE?

    I agree Paddy. If Richard only knew how much assistance to us minnows he provides. I use Gouby and RICHARD the lion heart.
  9. Will anyone who finds any with the correct hole spacings please inform us all. Ive also tried and failed.
  10. hazelman


    Thanks I’m just tired should be home tomorrow
  11. hazelman


    Rob is the one I want part of this sale?
  12. hazelman

    1860 penny D or E or DE?

    As a Minnow and never having seen a freeman reference book i stand corrected. When i see freeman 3 I had never stopped to think that could be a reference to an Obverse. So today i learnt that Freeman 3 is the obverse on the F13 coin.I should have realised my error as Richard mentioned the reference for the Gouby obverse first. I need to acquire a reference from Gouby Obv/Rev to Freeman Obv/Rev.
  13. hazelman

    1860 penny D or E or DE?

    Referenced by Gouby as BP1860L Obv E Rev D. (My example has the floating ship, which confused me as the only mention of the floating ship by Gouby is on Rev E.)
  14. hazelman

    1860 penny D or E or DE?

    Secret Santa - i stand to be corrected but i think you meant to say Freeman 13.