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crow1 last won the day on September 18 2016

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About crow1

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  1. crow1

    What coin is this?

    These are cool, when you visited the Viking centre in York you had the option of purchasing these for a few pounds, they are collectible as an interesting reproduction. They are a hi-bred of a Viking coin and a Anglo-saxon coin, I purchased one of these during a visit to the Viking centre about twenty years ago, keep it or place it on ebay if you wish to sell, but in my humble opinion it is a token repro.
  2. crow1

    What coin is this?

    Craig, looks like a Jorvik Penny repro, the Viking centre used to sell these reproduction tokens in the visitors centre.
  3. crow1

    My Latest Acquisition

    Really nice 99 penny up in smoke !
  4. crow1

    My Latest Acquisition

    Nice coins guys The 1887 crown - up in smoke - this has been harshly cleaned I'm afraid.
  5. This is an 1825 Farthing - Type 2 - incuse midribs, peck listed as very scarce. Does anyone know much about this variety
  6. No Nick I hadn't. This one is slabbed and graded at ms65. Makes an ugly coin slightly more attractive to the eye.
  7. crow1

    Photographing Coins

    Great article. I have started to use a natural light bulb with much improved results.
  8. crow1

    Proof Sixpence

    Has to be done my friend, I tend to buy two or three then keep the best and sell of the others. I just picked up a PF65CAM 1937 crown at the Heritage auctions over in the USA. I bought it to compare with the raw one and keep the better of the two. I bid on about twenty coins and some of the prices were rather high ! I missed a couple of nice proof uk pennies I really liked, they were bid up to between 2-3k dollars unfortunately with a bad exchange rate at present plus fees they were above what I had wanted to pay. Also some purchases from the US attract import tax, I am questioning this with the revenue at the moment hoping they will clarify the law regarding different coins.
  9. crow1

    For the sixpence luvversss

    happy days, she is a keeper
  10. crow1

    For the sixpence luvversss

    Evening Paulus, she is a clean example, I can not see signs of cleaning, so I think she is a good clean example.
  11. crow1

    Proof Sixpence

    I just looked again with loupe and it appears to be different toning not wear, I picked this one up for next to nothing as the old slab was very scratched and worn and different show her real eye appeal. Very happy when I freed her from her tomb.
  12. Recent Sixpence purchase, decent proof example.