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Everything posted by Nonmortuus

  1. From what Declan posted it looks like it yes to my eyes.
  2. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Its the lighting. It's 13.99g so there abouts on weight with the wear. Under a flash it's clearly silver.
  3. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    I feel like I got this for a decent price. There is an obvious edge knock on the obverse at 3 o'clock and there is a nick on the ear lobe but I feel it is at least a aef if not ef coin based on the rotographic grading guide.
  4. Nonmortuus

    LCA september

    Thanks Paulus. I am having to reply on my phone as the work content filter doesn't like the fact I used the word proxy above so the site won't load now!
  5. Nonmortuus

    LCA september

    Mmm OK I will probably give it a miss then. I will trawl through the half crowns tonight and see if anything is within my price range.
  6. Nonmortuus

    LCA september

    Could I have peoples opinions on lot 2354 please? The estimate is within my price range so I planned to bid by proxy but wanted to gauge opinion here first.
  7. I am new to this as well HeavyT but the advice have had on this forum has generally been great and a vast majority of the people here have been helpful and friendly. As stated above by Rob get a book on grading, it helps massively. You get to learn the most likely wear points on different coins. Also as mentioned already buy some cheaper more available coins to get a feel for how wear effects them and you will start to see the differences between a VF and an EF coin. I am, no doubt, still making mistakes but as long as they are not costing me the earth I do not mind. If you can go to one of the coin fairs, even if you do not plan to buy, as you get to see a huge amount of coins and if gives you a chance to practice your grading. You never know you may find something within budget that you want to buy. Ultimately I am starting to save for a few more significant purchases at the highest grade I can stretch to (at least EF) but if I get chance I will run those past this forum before I go ahead with the purchase.
  8. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Yeah I will be going to take a look, also may take a stab at a few things at the London coins auction.
  9. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Thanks Paulus, the 1915 I have is the second lot of pictures. I spoke to the dealer about it and he sent me the better of the two having seen better pictures of both. I have my heart set on an 1820 Half Crown so I am now saving my pennies to be able to get a high grade one.
  10. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Thanks copper, I am resisting the urge to buy anything now to build my pot up and hopefully get something that will be very nice. Looking closely at the pics I have taken on the Halfcrown against the pics of the coin I thought I was purchasing (the 1st pics above of the halfcrown) I think the seller may have sent me the wrong coin. He had two 1915 crowns available one listed as A/Bu and the other A/unc and I am convinced the one supplied is not the one I requested. I will speak with the dealer and see what the score is.
  11. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Some better pics that show more of the wear on the 1915 Half Crown and my 1936 Florin to follow
  12. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    I also have this, its a high mintage year but the condition seems ok. These are not great pictures but I will try to sort some better ones once I get chance.
  13. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Can I have some advice on my 1900 Half crown please? The Lions in the lower quarter have no faces at all but there seems to be very little wear around them or on the bodies. Is this just natural wear? Down to the die being clogged? Any other reason?
  14. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    If only! I wouldn't go as far as saying he is a collector but he came to take a look with me one Sunday and decided to buy something.
  15. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    I know he has not cleaned it. Im pretty sure he got it from the Midland coin fair as a VF, think he paid about £250 for it.
  16. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    So this one isn't mine, its my father in laws:
  17. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Thanks for all the feedback. I have told the seller I will pass on it. I know I keep saying thanks but all of this input is really helping me and I appreciate it.
  18. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    I use Rotographic in the main as its on my phone but you know the score... buyers want Rotographic prices and sellers use Spink...
  19. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Are they both not shillings though Peter? The one I was offered was a sixpence.
  20. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Thanks Peter.... I am having to fight the urge to buy (the nicest I can afford at the time) stuff just to build a collection. I really do need to focus on on something but every time I think 'yes thats what I want to focus on' something else grabs my attention. I am sure I will calm down eventually... wont I?!?
  21. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Cheers Paulus, I said I was going to check with you guys before I decided what to do.
  22. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    Hi Paulus, it's a sixpence with a mintage of 7,725,475. I think the 1917 shilling was 22,202,608. Does that impact on your opinion at all?
  23. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    I picked it up for £42 delivered which doesnt seem too bad against the SPINK pricing for EF.... I have also been offered the following: I know that 1917 is a lower mintage than other dates around it. I can see the rim knock at 5pm on the Obverse, that aside it looks a clean coin to me. Can I have others opinions please? I think Spink have this at £160 unc and Rotographic at £75. What do you feel would be a fair price? The dealer has asked for £80. Thanks Non
  24. Nonmortuus

    Nons "What crap has he bought this time?" Thread.....

    I just had a 1844 Half penny land on my desk, I believe it is EF or at the worst gVF. These are the sellers pics not mine.