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Everything posted by Nonmortuus

  1. My example, graded CGS 50, gVF, as a comparison:
  2. Nonmortuus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Declined..... 😣
  3. Nonmortuus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I have Rob.... lets see if he accepts my £1 offer.....
  4. I have finally got around to taking some pictures, I will upload a few this weekend if I get chance.
  5. Nonmortuus


    If its Tipton way more likely to be a burning car 😂
  6. Nonmortuus


    Not my picture unfortunately but it was taken by a local last week over looking the woods by my house.
  7. Nonmortuus

    Pennies High grade.

    If it is available at £35 Pete I will take it please. Its a substantial upgrade on the one I have.
  8. Nonmortuus

    Another treasure unearthed

    There was a large hoard of hammered silver and gold discovered last weekend up Newcastle way. There were live streams on facebook with pictures etc.
  9. I don't have anything rare, in fact the ones I have are all pretty common, 1914 A Mark etc but I I love the design and some of them seem to pick up exceptional toning.
  10. Good to see other people like them too! I will post some pictures of mine when I get around to taking them.
  11. I assume the 50 million is the rest of the UK population whether able to vote or not. 2019 estimate is approx 66.85 million , so leaving 49.45 after those who voted leave are accounted for.
  12. Nonmortuus

    1989 Half and Full Sovereigns

    I agree azda. Given the premium difference in slabs between a 69 and a 70 I may just aim for a pre stabbed one.
  13. Nonmortuus


    I would imagine URLs to a hosting site.
  14. Nonmortuus

    Stephen Hawkings 50p

    Yeah, take look on facebook, think there are 3 so far that had white marks on them.
  15. Nonmortuus

    Stephen Hawkings 50p

    There are a few on facebook complain about the gold proofs as they seem to have a residue on them.
  16. Thanks jaggy. I will try to get some pictures over the next few days.
  17. Thanks Rob, if is isn't a 8 over 7 its still a very nice example. If i remember I will bring it Sunday.
  18. Reviving an old thread..... As the title, is the overdate obvious under magnification? I just picked up another 1758 described as a 1758/7 but would welcome any tips on spotting the overdate or should it be blatantly obvious?
  19. Nonmortuus

    beautiful crown

    First thing I clocked... I still need one for my type example.
  20. Collecting mine from the Midland on Sunday 😀
  21. First time I have bid on LCA lots but I won one of two I was after. Another type box ticked.
  22. Nonmortuus

    1989 Half and Full Sovereigns

    That is the major reason I want one or both. I think they are rather nice to look at regardless of the price fluctuations and I feel it would be a nice addition 😀
  23. Nonmortuus

    1989 Half and Full Sovereigns

    I haven't really been tracking the price if I am honest but I am looking for an example of each to sit in my collection for a good 20 to 30 years providing I don't get hit by a bus! It does seem the graded ones carry a stupid premium though.
  24. I'm surprised it came back as cleaned @azda
  25. Nonmortuus

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BAG-OF-OLD-COINS-weight-13-9-kg/323677392174?hash=item4b5cad0d2e:g:-dMAAOSw8w1X3sTI:rk:5:pf:1&frcectupt=true Anyone fancy a punt???