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Everything posted by bhx7

  1. Maybe tin Rob, I was more insinuating colour. But haven't tested it.
  2. Rather than re hash another thread thought I would resurrect this one. I have just bought a second model penny this time with brass inlay. However the axis is off by 180. Is this normal? The silver one I have posted directly above is normal. Here is a pic. Thanks all Brian
  3. Hi All Was looking through my coins today and noticed a dot on the obverse of my 1853 penny. It isn't the best specimen but its mine and I like it It is between the I and A of GRATIA - GRATI.A Is this a known error/die defect? Thanks Brian
  4. Just noting that many, if not all Dot coin examples also show signs of retooled letters. So this would add more credence to Robs stance in that debris from the old lettering would be present and could affix itself to the die. Still curious that it seems to be seen on copper and bronze coinage but so far no one seems to have come up with other denominations with these defects.
  5. Has anyone else got a 1855 penny with the same fault as Bobs? Would be interested to see.
  6. There are a few of the "Dots" that do not appear in the legends. Here is a 1855 Penny, with a "dot" on Victoria's forehead! Hi Bob, I saw thus on your page and was the reason I said nearly all Dots were found on or near the Legend. That's a canny wart she has there ?. Fantastic coin as well. Brian
  7. Rob you maybe right but Ian does raise a good point. Nearly all these "DOTS" seem to be located on or near to the Legend in places which do not spoil the overall look of the coin and therefor can be easily over looked by most people. Also so far I can't seem to find anything about silver coins having this defect/die flaws. It seems very strange that this would be the case, silver also being a reasonably soft metal! I am quite happy to be proved wrong about the silver part as I have just been researching on the PC and waiting for one of the silver collectors to say one way or the other. My Nana was always good at reading the tea leaves
  8. Happy Birthday Matt. Hope you have a fantastic day and evening!
  9. bhx7

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  10. I am finding this a really interesting discussion and hope one of the silver collectors will be able to say if dots do appear on silver coinage too. I have not heard about any but as a novice on silver will wait to see. Thanks Guys.
  11. Finally the date showing the protrusion coming from under the top of the left hand side of the 5. Again not as clear as Alfnails but definately there
  12. This shows the protrusion from the bottom of the I of VICTORIA. My coin is a bit more worn than Alfnail's but it is definately there.
  13. Thats an intriguing idea Ian. Would be interested to see others thoughts on that one. I know they place holes in Metal work to reduce stress and cracking, maybe that could be why some of these dots are so perfect! Anyway here is a close up of some of the parts of my coin to illustrate Alfnail's enquiries above. I will put them in different posts as i find I can't get the quality otherwise.
  14. I have some better close up images. Will post them later when I get home. As you state there is no sign of further degrading from the dot. Brian
  15. I did notice that the Reverse is different to yours, mine having the far colon after DEF :
  16. Hi Alfnail It seems there are definate similarities. The I of Victoria does have the exact same small protrusion as does the 5. I have done another photo which hopefully is a much better quality. As with most coin photography is a new animal for me to master. Regards Brian
  17. This is a much better image and I think shows as expected, probably post mint!
  18. Those images are really bad. hopefully this should be a bit better!
  19. You maybe right but here is a couple of close up images.
  20. Definately a knock or error of some kind. Not sure if it is during minting or post mint. Will take a close up if I can get the light right.
  21. Hi Everyone I am not really a silver buyer but saw this and just liked the look of it. Think I did OK but would be interested in the grade. Definately looks better in hand. Thanks all in advance! Brian
  22. Hi Chingford, thanks for that. So this is probably an early example of this fault. Have you a picture of a later variety. Thanks
  23. I can edit as long as its less than 1 min!!!!! Just tried it after that it takes me to the edit page then states I dont have permission. Anyway back to the coin
  24. It has happened nearly everytime I have tried to edit one of my posts Rob, since I first joined the page. Most the time its fine as I don't have to edit, but if I have made an error or stupid mistake its just nice to be able to edit!
  25. Sorry for the photo's they were done on my knee with my phone as the camera was out of charge. ( tried again to edit my post put can't!!!!!!!)