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Everything posted by bhx7

  1. Hi Guys What is your feelings on this. Is it an Open 3 or a post mint error to the top of the 3? I notice the bottom of the 3 looks standard to me. Looking forward to your thoughts
  2. Will try it out in this post.
  3. Hi Matt, No all I can do at the moment is "Quote" myself after I have left the initial post and moved onto another part of the forum, coming back to the post no Edit feature comes up. Cheers Brian
  4. I am fairly confident it is NOT an Open 3 just it is listed as one and there is definately something going on with the top of the 3. ********* Sorry I had to use the reply to add this. Have tried to update the above post but for some reason I can't edit my post************
  5. bhx7

    2009 Blue Peter Olympic 50p

    This is the only coin I need to finish off my Olympic 50p set. I was lucky enough to get the whole set mint on card for very cheap. Just want the 2009 edition for my completionist need.....
  6. Its just on the obverse. I have stuied it and think it is a post mint error. Although it looks like it is a flap of metal from the ear out toward the cheek the imprint around definately looks impressed/stamped. Anyway have been going through those pennies I got the other day and found another interesting piece. Everyone knows how much I like DOTS on coins but found this one very interesting. 190.0 date
  7. Whats your feeling on this. Mint error or post mint. Will try and get a few extra close-ups in a bit.
  8. bhx7

    Olympic Coin Expert Wanted!

    I have a full folder with all my coins Holograms starting with L except for the completer medallion and folder which starts LA. My medallion is silver if that helps at all with the stadium on.
  9. Sod CGS....that is a stunner and would grace any collection.
  10. That is an absolutely beautiful coin. Very jealous
  11. Mine are identical David. The C* is so much more defined and stepped where the standard C definately merges more in with the Exergue. So it is not just the movement of the last 4 but also the recutting of the waves and also a new cut exergue. Definately gives a need to reassign a new reverse, giving reverse C for F227 & F229 (1940DE & 1944) then a new reverse D for F229(*) to F242 (1944*-1951). Thanks David. Love learning new things and getting a chance to re-evaluate my collection.
  12. Looking back at mine now after seeing Matts and Ian's close ups I feel a lot happier as I was starting to have a few doubts about mine. Now I can look at them and know I have both the SE & DE and both are good examples of the 2 types. Its amazing how easily a small doubt can creep in. Normally I am very confident on my coins and identification but this was just one of those times!!!!
  13. There are loads of 100% Pure acetone on the market, used for nail care, etc.... Home Bargains, Poundland and a number of other cheap outlet shops have them. I buy 300 ml bottle for £1 or if Poundland don't have it in then my local Home Bargains shop has it for 89p for 150ml. Just make sure it states "Pure Acetone" or 100% Acetone. Also its best to purchase good quality cotton buds as the cheaper varieties can be harsh. Pointless going to all the trouble to remove dirt and grime if you scratch the coin!!!!!!! Slowly and Gentle is the name of the game when using acetone.
  14. Just rechecked my 1944 C* against my standard 1944 C and I definately think you have a point David. The waves from C* are cut differently than previous issues and stay that way to the end of the series. The waves are considerably more defined and the cuts within the wave are longer and more prenounced.
  15. Both E's are to a gap, just the lighting. The waves I do agree with. Just doubts creeping in..... The right hand coin close-up just for comparison and complete the comparisons...
  16. Here is a close up of the first coin that I was sold as a SE
  17. I am having the same doubts at the moment Ian. Thats why I just posted mine above.....
  18. So Terry, what is your feelings about these 2?????
  19. Just having a discussion about that very subject Bob......Would be interested to see some high quality images as well.
  20. bhx7

    Lining for coin cases

    Hi All Just got a couple of lovely large hinged boxes which I have decided to convert into coin cases. The coins will be in Quadrums but still want to make sure the material I use is coin safe. What material is best for lining. Are there any adhesives that I should avoid. Also do I need to treat the wood. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Brian
  21. Very well researched with lots of good detail. I am a massive fan of this date range as it also includes lots of other great traits. Mint toning variations are fantastic giving so many varied and interesting tones.
  22. bhx7

    Lining for coin cases

    Second hand shop for £5.99. Dust and grime all over it so hadn't even been cleaned......
  23. bhx7

    Lining for coin cases

    Found my next project base. A bit more to do and a lot more traditional..... The Quadrum is to give an idea of scale.