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  1. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    1908 Freeman 164a e,bay find , rare in this grade much better than nearly all finds out there
  2. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    A very strange thing happened on ebay this evening . A 1863 Narrow 3 came up for auction at 6 o,clock with a starting price of 5£ . I straight away placed it in my favorites box , but also copied the pictures . I looked in a couple of times during the evening to see if any bids had been place , and none were. Then again I looked in at 10.30 , and to my surprise it took me to an 1861 coin . Now, I know I'm getting on a bit but I'm not that senile just yet. On my favorites it still says 1863, and to prove it the pictures are below.
  3. terrysoldpennies

    I’m new to collecting

    Welcome to the forum Mike. You didn't say exactly what your interest is , but what ever it is , good hunting.
  4. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    1930 missing sea. as far as I know undiscovered and unlisted . One for Richards list ! Maybe .
  5. terrysoldpennies

    1954 penny

    The rarity ratings attributed by Freeman are as accurate as could have been made at that time , but new types discovered since then would have suffered from the mass meltdown in the 1970s , where as the numbers of scarce and rare types known by Freeman and other collectors would have been enhanced , due to searching for and including into their collections , and hording , a good example would be the 1951 penny
  6. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I cant work out if your being serious or not Richard , it has to be a die crack running right through the 6 . Its not April fools day yet 😂 Some of us remember your Uncirculated narrow date 1877 !!!
  7. terrysoldpennies

    Introduction, 2025

    Welcome to the H. Hope your health improves, and long may you continue to collect . Terry
  8. terrysoldpennies

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    There is one you've forgotten Ian , The cross between the Shytzu and the Poodle , A Shytpoo. Friendly but very messy
  9. And may you all have a healthy and prosperous new year . Terry
  10. I acquired this rare 1901 Gouby Aa with the second 1 directly over the gap recently . 😊
  11. terrysoldpennies

    Minor GB Penny Queries - Etched 1860 ?, Lower 90 in 1890

    The letter underneath looks to be the original R which has partly filled, and has then been over punched on the die with another R . The ones with a different letter are all very sought after, or with the same letter rotated and over punched , but not really with the same letter re punched more or less in the same position.
  12. terrysoldpennies

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And with top security postage of £1.65 😂
  13. terrysoldpennies

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Why don't E.bay stop this kind of thing. !! Obviously a fake !! One Penny Coin | eBay Mind you I can't see anybody being mug enough to buy it ?
  14. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    Ah well Pete we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Below is a 1953 Cameo I gave to Richard , and as you can see it has Minute scratches across the field , but none of them cross onto the queens effigy which is clearly frosted . it is the same on the 1898 penny, and it would be impossible to polish the field alone without running over onto the raised surfaces .